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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. @Diogo, Thanks for the clarification. @As has been pointed out earlier, there will be varied opinions about this (reminds me of when MODX revo was deciding on a default theme ). I think I like the idea about an admin construction kit (although, now that I think about it, I fail to see how much different that would be from the present system since Ryan has pretty much followed a consistent method [e.g. jquery ui css classes] to build the default theme) that can be adapted to suit different needs. So, if we had these building blocks well-documented (i.e. what css classes affect what, where they come from, what the different PHP blocks do, etc) that will be your admin construction kit right there. But wait a minute, we already have this documented here by Ryan. Maybe improve on that? I don't know. Until I'm convinced otherwise (or catch enough sleep, whichever comes sooner ), I would continue supporting the minimal, no fuss default theme we have to be the default but make sure stuff like icons, etc. can be plugged in easily by those who wish to. Most of the changes we are discussing here are, after all, stylistic (CSS). Maybe the default theme needs a few tweaks.. A while back I was toying with the idea of creating a skeleton admin theme, a sort of admin starter kit. A simple black and white stripped down theme with heavily commented CSS , maybe with a few CSS options to move some stuff around, e.g. tree on left, tree on right etc but with the jQuery working as normal. As with many other ideas in my head...this remains just that...an idea
  2. @Diogo, Maybe you'd like to clarify what you mean by "none of them worked well". I am not disputing your position, just pre-empting the inevitable question from others.."what did not work well?" {although Ryan maybe alluded to some of these above}. It will also keep this discussion going.
  3. Works fine here... echo $page->title; // meine seite echo ucwords($page->title); // Meine Seite echo ucwords(strtoupper($page->title)); // MEINE SEITE echo strtoupper($page->title); // MEINE SEITE (btw) Edit: Corrected nonsensical code
  4. FYI, Regarding sliding panels, sometime back I was working on an admin them with a top down slider/panel but never got to finish it...Here's the ugly screens....nowhere near Philipp's beautiful work
  5. Uh, you forgot to type what the actual error says..
  6. MODX also has always visible. I would prefer an option to always have it open or collapsible (not-open) - hidden like an accordion...I like the real estate offered by PW but sometimes miss the possibility to quickly get to a page on the tree
  7. Btw, I think this thread is in the wrong forum? It should be in http://processwire.com/talk/forum/12-themes-and-profiles/ , no? At "worst" it should be in http://processwire.com/talk/forum/25-dev-talk/ but definitely not here (pub), me thinks I think there was a thread discussing this? Anyway, if one doesn't exist, feel free to start one by all means
  8. Wow Philipp! Looking nice! Keenly watching this , thanks!
  9. You learn something new everyday...thanks Antti and Peter
  10. Peter, I think what Diogo meant to say is that this: $skip_trash = "has_parent!=$config->trashPageID"; could probably be (more efficiently?) replaced by this: $skip_trash = "has_parent!=7"; Unless Ryan has one crazy morning, the ID of trash will always be 7 <aside>Peter, any reason why you don't take advantage of the forum's inbuilt code highlighter? </aside>
  11. I'm not sure, but I don't think you can only delete repeaters using remove() then saving? I could be wrong...
  12. Bill, never mind...adrian beat me to it
  13. Would this be of help? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3619-updating-repeaters-via-api-without-removeall/
  14. Yes, there's that as well... @Ryan...plans to upgrade jQuery to 1.9+?
  15. Hi dhruba, Please try not to double post, thanks.
  16. Ryan, Actually, you still have a couple of "live()" in various places in dev version: /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/InputfieldFile.js - 3 occurrences (lines: 10, 25, 78,) /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldImage/InputfieldImage.js - 2 occurrences (lines: 3, 7) /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageAutocomplete/InputfieldPageAutocomplete.js - 3 occurrences (lines: 122, 126, 194) /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPageListSelect/InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple.js - 3 occurrences (lines: 27, 30, 78)
  17. <aside>ProcessWire 3.0!!. Yeah! Has a nice ring to it..</aside>
  18. Bill, Just to clarify what Adrian is saying...If you have a multiple image field (i.e. set to a number <1>), that image field will return an array (0 = unlimited, btw). Hence, you would need to loop through the array using a foreach if you want the multiple images, or can select a particular image in the array, using either "first", which grabs the first image, or eq($n) which is retrieval using an index...where $n is the index
  19. You are right. There are no international standards. I would go for formats that can be parsed by smartphones (iphone ex.), Skype (click to call), etc. as defaults and have the override/custom format as an option. Good job Adrian! FYI http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/iso-country-codes/ http://countrycode.org/ http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/countrycodes.htm
  20. Hi Bill, Welcome to PW. Everything (almost) you need is here in the docs http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/ and in the cheat sheet http://cheatsheet.processwire.com Others are: $image->name; should also work..etc...
  21. Peter, What Antti means is that you can create a Module that Autoloads (i.e. loaded automatically with PW). There is no "the" module called Autoload ...If you already know this, my apologies http://processwire.com/api/modules/ http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Module_Creation
  22. Nice!!! Thx! btw..did you forget to bump dev version to 2.3.4? Still reads 2.3.3. in my install
  23. From that message, it seems MySQL is not happy. Google throws up all sorts of reasons/solutions for that MySQL message: 1. Spaces in filenames 2. Attempt to insert a duplicate value in a column set to be unique 3. Emptying cache.. etc..
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