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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Maybe better ugly than "married" to older version of fancybox now that the later versions need paid-for-licences for commercial projects
  2. Another take here: Maybe a tad harsh...I like the Microsokia joke though..
  3. I also tested this a bit...as reported.... this line is the one causing the nullPage error $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'updateTheUser'); Without that, the page deletes fine but not the user. Btw, apparently, you can't trash a user; only delete them...I don't know if this is still the case though... Edit: Of course, in the post above, Soma was talking about trashing the page and not the user... Changing the code like this deletes the user but not the page and throws the error "This page may not be deleted" ... $this->pages->addHookBefore('trash', $this, 'deleteTheUser');
  4. Thanks Diogo. I remember at first getting confused by continue. In my mind it meant carry on with what you were doing until I read up on it in the "PW" manual (php.net) - "leave what you were doing and move on to the next iteration" sort of thing
  5. Sorry to digress, but I just want to thank and agree with Soma here. He mentioned this on some post I read and it has really helped me with my coding. foreach used to be my best friend but now, exit; is my best friend closely followed by var_dump and it's cousin print_r. Add these to the knowledge that PHP and PW provide very useful messages when an error occurs, so far, these are all the debugging tools I need . So, thank you Soma!
  6. I have installed NB and Eclipse b4 but am always overwhelmed by their looks (and I really dislike all those yellow warnings when coding PHP!; can they be turned off until when needed?). I have been using NP++ but feel I need something more robust, esp for PHP (class/methods detection, etc.) Never used ST or WeBuilder b4. Now, I have just downloaded their eval versions to, eh, check them out. Just done a quick test of WB. Stripped it down to no toolbars. This is how it looks like. From my quick test, it seems you can still reach all the functions that were provided by the buttons via the menu and shortcuts for some..Haven't finished testing.... Next, ST!
  7. Yes, that's what most of us do . Reading your post I just assumed you knew and that this was for a different use case (good catch Adrian). Helpful resources about Page Fieldtypes are here: http://processwire.com/videos/page-fieldtype/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ I still like your method for some stuff I'm working on
  8. Good point. You'll find this stressed by many lead developers here including Ryan. Never shy away from using what you believe is the right tool for you and/or for a particular project . Looking forward to reading about your experience with PW once you've put it through its paces
  9. Hot off the oven, a bookmarking application built with PW framework http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4175-bookmarking/?p=43258 And an intranet office suite: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2920-web-application-intranet-office-suite/
  10. Dude, this is amazing! Good job! The interface is great! You logged in and I was expecting to see a tree, then boom! I see a totally diff app. . I like what you have done with this and taking the time to demonstrate it. It's nice to see how others have leveraged PW as a framework to build applications. We've been having this discussion whether PW is really a framework...well, there's your answer! I'd be interested to have this released, not so much that I'll use it (am not a heavy bookmarker - never used Digg and the like [gasp!!] ), but as a learning platform, inspiration and showcase of what PW can do. Of course, the decision is yours. Irrespective of whether it is released or not, am really impressed. Well-done! Cheers/k
  11. Thanks for the link Craig. Am torn between SourceTree and GitEye. Guess I'll just have to try them both
  12. Look what Google found http://bahalul.net/xampp-mysql-server-remote-access/ http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=47438 http://xlinesoft.com/blog/2012/04/17/video-connection-to-remote-mysql-xampp-installation-ftp-upload/ .htaccess Did you confirm that its rules are not conflicting with your server requirements? Are you able to access PW admin btw? (on GoDaddy). I ask because you say the "site" won't load. Any errors in PW logs (/site/assets/logs/errors.txt?
  13. Hi i3i2uno, Welcome to PW and to the forums MySQL could indeed be the issue regarding the 500 error. As per the requirements, PW needs MySQL 5.0.15 or greater (later versions of 4.x may also work). It could be other stuff as well, .htaccess. Did that transfer correctly? is it named correctly? Maybe the rules there are conflicting with GoDaddy server? Missing files? As for connecting to a remote db, never tried that so can't comment Edit: Some GoDaddy issues here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1962-cant-reach-admin-page/ http://davidwalsh.name/mod_rewrite-htaccess-godaddy Possibly related/or for info http://processwire.com/talk/topic/82-install-pw-to-subdir/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3258-moving-website-from-local-server-to-a-sub-domain/
  14. Yeah, the guy was at MS, then went to Nokia, now will be back at MS as VP something...(trojan horse?) An interesting issue briefly mentioned in the above links: Is Tech king or is Software king? Reminds me of the MS-IBM wars...then, same as now, software was(is)(?) king
  15. MS is buying Nokia, what's left of the fallen giant... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23940171 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23947212
  16. Aah, I see. don't know about the pros and cons of doing it that way...but am sure someone else will comment. And no, your question did not sound stupid
  17. Hi Knarf, Welcome to the forums. Unless you modify it, I don't think that's possible. Selectors get and find things in the db. Without a db, there's nothing to find/get . Are you storing your data in a file then? http://processwire.com/about/requirements/
  18. Anybody used both Sublime Text and WeBuilder? I think I'd purchase WeBuilder over ST...(ignorant remark ).
  19. Matthew, as usual, you provide a deep and eloquent response. Very helpful, thanks!
  20. A description would be nice...what's included? Edit: Hmmm...Google says this is also on PB (plus other file sharing sites)...the description on PB (and elsewhere) talks about premium scripts....see where I am going with this? Can you please confirm? Thanks. If you are unsure, I'd suggest deleting the links until you are sure ...just a suggestion
  21. Thanks for the tip Valery. You've given me ideas about something I'm working on Btw, I believe PW stores some of its data this way? E.g. data column in the modules table? I could be wrong.. I'd like to hear more thoughts about serialize actually...anyone?
  22. I like these two ideas Maybe I am under-thinking this but I but don't think these two ideas would be "very difficult" to implement? The main magic as I see it, happens in the default.php and topnav.inc (permissions check). See my proof of concept from a while back here..http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3754-proof-of-concept-processwire-admin-theme-switcher/ I would want the possibility to install multiple themes and choose which one to display. That's what I show in that post...If Admin themes were stored under "settings", changing themes would be a breeze.....Not sure how the upcoming theme switcher will look like though
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