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Everything posted by totoff

  1. in this case, the only possible answer - as far as i my knowledge reaches - is, that /wepapp isn't the document root for your subdomain - as mademyday mentioned. however, the most service providers allow to point a subdomain to a specific directory on your server. or in other words to make this directory/folder the default folder ("document root") for this subdomain. note that webapp.mydomain.com is a subdomain, while mydomain.com/webapp is not. your provider should have given you some kind of service portal, where you can order subdomains and fulfill other tasks. make sure, that your new subdomain is set to /wepapp as default folder in this portal.
  2. do you have an index.php or index.html file in /webapp? in other words, is your stand-alone-webapp already located in /webapp?
  3. hi dragan, it depends on how you would like to tag your galleries. have you checked ryan's blog profile? it features a simple tagging system for posts with respective filtering and search functions in the template. if i'm not completely wrong, this might give you a clue.
  4. hi all, online since today, a new site for a big doctor's practice specialized in prenatal diagnosis: praenatalmedizin-koeln.de the site replaces an old outdated site and i put special effort to maintain the very good serp ranking of the old site. that's why there is an exhaustive faq page, an additional glossary page, and the tagline on top of each page. the calendar of recommended examinations (see bottom of page /untersuchungen) was done with the page field type. the editor may allocate any page from the /untersuchungen section to the calendar with the help of page field type. once allocated, the page qualifies for the calendar if there is an entry in the respective field SSW (saying for which week the examination is recommended). if this field is filled, the information is automatically added to the calendar and sorted. if no "ssw" is given, the page doesn't show up in the table. your comments are welcome. please let me know if you find any bugs. modules: redirects, email obfuscator, after save actions
  5. hmmm, beat me, but i'm not too unhappy with pw not becoming much to much popular ... wp is popular, because it's a jap-cms (just-another-plugin-cms). wouldn't like to see pw go this route ... but, however, presumably popularity helps ryan to make a living from his amazing work. and that's desirable by itself.
  6. sadly nothing, as i start every new project from scratch. stupid i am.
  7. hi all, just realized that links created with tinymce doesn't have a title attribute. any known workaround how to get it? thanks
  8. nice ride phillip. no problems here with the weather widget. the only thing i personally dislike are the read headlines together with the violet topstripe. but anyway, that's a matter of personal taste.
  9. totoff


    ahem, please don't blame me for a stupid question, but which one of the directories in the zip are really relevant and must be transferred to the server? /min_extras/ contains a warning, not to use it on a production site ...
  10. thank you guys for your friendly comments. appreciate your feedback. if you find any bugs please let me know. @alanfluff i fully understand. susy was one of my long time favorites. but when it came to decision making as far as i remember i sorted it out because it doesn't support ie7 (right?). that's a deal breaker for me, as i work much for the healthcare sector and the doctors still love to surf around with ie6 and ie7 ;-) does anybody of you know how i can get the profile listed in the module section?
  11. Hi all, I've just released the site profile i mentioned first some days ago here. More info in this thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3832-release-unsemantic-site-profile/ I completely agree. My approach is to use just a simple grid system (in the moment Unsemantic) and no pre-defined element styling whatsoever. If I need let's say styling for a form i pick it from elsewhere (for example Kube or Skeleton) and incorporate it into my css. Thus, I'm having control about nearly everything and just need to familiarize myself with the anatomy of the grid.
  12. Hi all, I've just pushed a new fully responsive site profile to Github: Unsemantic Site Profile for Processwire 2.3 After having tried seven zillion responsive grid systems, boilerplates, frameworks etc. I finally opted for Unsemantic Grid System. Mainly because it supports IE7, is lightweight and includes Compass/SASS. I've designed the profile as a starting point for development according to my needs. This includes almost no styling, an easy-to-use solution for placeholder images and three teaser boxes on the front page. In addition, I converted the .sass files that come with Unsemantic to .scss because I like the syntax better. Glad if you give it a try and find it an improvement for your workflow. You can see a preview here. Download from Github: https://github.com/christophlieck/UnsemanticSiteProfile
  13. for your debugging convenience, attached is a screenshot. latest chrome on windows. if you do they can't do nothing ;-) - but sure, you know that.
  14. looks like a convincing offer: i'll get everything out of one hand, from business consultancy to tax service and tree surgery. one-stop-shopping at it's best. if i only would understand the difference between webdesign and internet home pages. anyway, i'll start with a non-designed homepage and add webdesign later ...
  15. hi benbyf, nice "metro" site, only two minor comments though: - the top-level menu is a single line for the first five items and a double line for the sixth (the virgin way). imho a single line for all items would look better - an additional line break between the questions on /about/ would increase readability of the page imho anyway, good work!
  16. Kube is indeed nice, but doesn't support IE7 either. Also less is not my favourite preprocessor. A nice overview is this site: http://usablica.github.io/front-end-frameworks/compare.html
  17. #content { display:block; background:url(../img/boek2.jpg); min-width: 1536px; min-height: 864px; top: 10%; left: 10%; right: 25%; text-align: left; position: fixed; } background style definition in line 106 of main.css (see above) defines the background image of your book. the site background is defined twice: in line 13 of main.css and line 72 of normalize.css does this answer your question? if you are unfamiliar with html and css basics it might be helpful to go through a tutorial before you continue with your site. the w3 shools are a good starting point.
  18. Thanks kongondo. In the moment it's only meant as a basic starting point for frontend development. I have no plans for an admin theme.
  19. This is why I'm currently working on a Processwire site profile based on unsemantic grid system. It claims itself the successor to the 960 grid system and promises backwards compatibility down to IE 7. My site profile still needs a little polishing but I'll than make it public on Github. Hope to have it ready by the end of this week. You can see a preview here.
  20. it's indeed pretty easy. just choose "tools > new snippet" from the menu bar and you'll be presented a convenient template. fill. save. done. just don't forget the backslash before every variable as it won't work without it. {\$page->body}
  21. hi videokid, maybe this topic can help you on your categories question: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3553-handling-categories-on-a-product-catalogue/
  22. Here, as a starting point: https://github.com/christophlieck/PW-Snippets.git I have Intype on my watchlist as I feel unhappy with the development speed of ST 2/3 and pricing policy. Does anyone has given it a try already and can share his/her experience?
  23. considered to switch to macbook pro last month as i needed a new laptop. but the closed apple ecosystem, the high price, and that there is nearly no chance to repair or upgrade a retina macbook (glued together everything) were deal breakers for me. that's why i'm still on windows - unusual for a person in the creative and media business ...
  24. hi teppo, thank you very much for your reply. i think i got it but just to make sure i would like to confirm what i understand: given we have three pages and flip from page a to b to c the referrer_id is first set on page a and holds the page id of a: ($session->referrer_id = $page->id) than it can be called on page b because it's stored in the user session. on page b the value is reset to the id of page b thus it can be called on page c and so on. is that right so far? thanks for helping a coding newbie!
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