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Martijn Geerts

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Everything posted by Martijn Geerts

  1. I've explained your selector below: // Get a page with ID 1035, // Sort that page with ID 1035 (You can't sort 1 page) // include page 1035 even when it is hidden (Get will always get the page, regardless if it is hidden) // Get the children of the page with ID 1035. (Will only get the visible pages) $stellen = $pages->get("1035", "sort=sort", "include=hidden")->children; I do think you want something like this: // Find pages with the 1035 parent // Sort it // Include the hidden children $stellen = $pages->find("parent.id=1035, sort=sort, include=hidden");
  2. The solution would be Javascript rather then ProcessWire. From the ProcessWire side you have to tell the javascript when to stop. I don't know Isotope, but if I were you I would follow the recommendations of Macrura.
  3. I'm not keen to do to much for this module, simply because I do not use it my self anymore. Haven't even been in a situation where I wanted to have an image in a text field. I f someone wants to take the lead on this module don't hesitate to ask to take it over from me. About your question: When you set the max image width for uploaded images in the image settings it'll take this max width.
  4. You could ask Ryan to update Font-awesome (on GitHub).
  5. Welcome to ProcessWire efiguerola, Don't update it but use your own copy. This way you do not rely on the core and if PW switches to another icon library your front-end will still work.
  6. Without seeing the code for the homepage we can't pinpoint where you made the mistake of trying to use something as an object.
  7. Thanks Wanze will come in handy one day!
  8. I think most of your issues are gone when you understand a little more about processwire. I would suggest to install a 'play install' where you can mess around and are allowed to break anything without issues. Especially take a look at permissions and roles and all template settings. 1. New pages. solution: Set your family settings right in the admin. 2. Overview. Again family settings & give examples and explanation at field level. 3. Clutter in the tree structure. Put settings in /processwire/settings/ folder (Don't forget te set access for settings folder) 4. User error risks. Setup proper permissions and it's solved. 1. Buttons. Already there (parental relation in template settings) PS: How do I create "apps" nav items a left menu (example)? Create a page under /processwire/
  9. Pete has a nice option, here's an other: You could make a dedicated template for the header and the footer and include those. You could template cache or pro cache it! include('http://www.processwire-install.com/header/'); include('http://www.processwire-install.com/footer/');
  10. 1 suggestion: For every view store a page in a folder page called stats (or whatever). The page to store has a pagefield (single) to store the viewed page based on the ID posted with Javascript. For the date you could used a dedicated field or just use the title/name of the page.
  11. Do a post with javascript with the ID of the page to a not cached page. On the not cached page get the incremental number of the visited Page (an integer field) and save that plus 1 back to the Page that is viewed.
  12. Would like to mention that fieldtypeJson is build before the awesome profields and all data is in one blob of json. I wouldn't trust the json field for important data because javascript is the middle man here and potential data los can happen.
  13. Haven't used Hanna code for a long time but I think the cache is only used as cache. Actual code is stored in database I think.
  14. Or download and install fieldtypeSelectFile. You can asign an other template file for that page to render. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-select-file/
  15. (Spam Alert) I use http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-select-file/ alot. There is a setting Change Page Template, just before the Page::loaded event the selected file is set as template file for the page. Combine that with a custom selector and you have a very versatile setup.
  16. Hi Ralph // remove these lines: $view = $form->find("id=ProcessPageEditView")->first(); $form->remove($view); $form->append($wrapper)->append($view); // Replace it with: $form->prepend($wrapper); Then the it should work again. (Note that the family Tab is now the last tab, after view, sorry about that)
  17. There are changes made in the PW core regarding Tabs & Fieldset. I've no time now, but I gonna see what I can do for you this week after work.
  18. Welcome franciccio, Quick and dirty: A template is a wrapper for fields. When you create a Page you must assign a template to it. So a template is a page 'factory' that makes all fields available to the page. When you want to show the page in the browser the template needs a template file. So the template file is optional but needed when you want to produce output. And yes you're right, when you need the page to be visible you need to create a template file in the /site/templates/ folder and name it the same as the template plus the php extension.
  19. Thanks Tom for all the work... Reno theme looks great!
  20. So far I understand only the admin template has a field called process and in most circumstances a process assigned to it. I'm not aware of a process that runs on multiple templates.
  21. Could be a malformed template file. Try to delete the templates and create new valid ones. (Copy code from old to new)
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