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Everything posted by gornycreative

  1. Had an unusual experience trying to get TextformatterTypographer to install. Looks like it is just essentially a wrapper around a composer library install but for some reason the InstallModule process choked on it with v 3.0.220 If this is a plugin problem I can address it there. The plugin needed to declare the getModuleInfo() function as a static function. Once I added the static attribute the installation went as normal. public static function getModuleInfo() { return json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/TextformatterTypographer.info.json'), true); } I've added the fix request in the plugin thread. I'll leave this here in case there are other older modules that have similar issues.
  2. Yes that's the feature. If you have a large music collection it could take some time to process all of it, and the sonic adventure features do not work until the scanning process is not active - but once you have turned it on it adds material as you go. For around 1200 albums it took my media machine about 4 days to process. I haven't used the ChatGPT connected feature Sonic Sage, but i've heard some folks like it. Track Radio is also a great understated feature. I don't use spotify and I haven't tried connecting Youtube Music. I do know Tidal is not supported - I think it needs to access your files because it doesn't phone home - it literally uses whatever audio files are on your plex server, meaning really obscure stuff you have will get included in the analysis and mixes that may not be available through normal channels.
  3. Also, if you are interested in great international mixes and DJs, this channel has some great guests with intriguing taste:
  4. I have to say that in general, having PlexPass and using their sonic analysis has been the biggest boon to my background programming music setup - the sonic adventure and automated DJ features are phenomenal. When all that matters is consistency of tone and mood, the sonic analysis that the Plex server does on my collection makes it so I don't even have to think about what I want to listen to next - the mood just flows regardless of who it picks. The cool thing is it often pulls a bunch of b-sides or obscure artists songs that I never would think of linking together in a playlist, but the songs mesh like magic.
  5. This seems to through namespace related errors in the latest dev version (3.0.219) Perhaps something related to the modules rework?
  6. Yes, the input value with or without alpha is important in different contexts, but when I am trying to read the value from the fieldtype I can't directly pass the value to the wikimedia LESS parser as it isn't caught up to the JS version and so if I send a raw 32bit integer to get included in the admin.less process it throws and error as an unacceptable format. The strPos( $color, 3) solution works fine - I add a # and the LESS parser is happy. I didn't know if any of the output formatting methods from the fieldtype were exposed on the admin side. Not a big deal either way. For my purposes I've got it working.
  7. Yes I copied from elsewhere in this thread but realized after I posted that it wasn't an actual solution. I was under the impression the field always stored values in the db as a 32-bit hex regardless of the output method?
  8. I'm using this as a module configuration inputfield in this case, not as a site facing Fieldtype. An admin theming module. So the LESS is being applied on the admin side.
  9. Hi, I'm using this in a module config and want to call the value up and pass it through to LESS within the module, but the default format doesn't comply with LESS formatting so - since I don't need alpha for my application is the best method to do as suggested above: $color_out = '#' . ltrim( $color_in, '#ff' ); Or is there a more elegant way to handle this? EDIT Okay obviously not that exactly but pulling the rightmost 6 chars and prefixing a #.
  10. A humorous stackexchange question page that has collected many answers over the years on stacking ternary operators is here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5235632/stacking-multiple-ternary-operators-in-php I agree this may be a good candidate for switch, but it's funny to see how many ways this cat got skinned over the years.
  11. I have been digging into the oembed fields/essence and this as well. First exposure to this feature and so cool to see where it is used. If you run Plex, for example, and you use youtube-dl to grab audio from a music video, the comment on the exported audio file includes the youtube URL and when you load the music file into Plex, Plex pulls the oembed data and shows you the video description for the song! I don't know if this is still being worked on, but I like this implementation for youtube so I will fork and add lite-vimeo-embed support if necessary.
  12. Just curious if this module is still active/stable? It doesn't appear in the modules directory - I only found it through searching the forum. Thanks, J
  13. I will be using this hopefully going forward instead of the typical import/export process for my baseline profile, which takes into account workflows that are more familiar to desktop publishers and allows for traditional task delegation - photo, content, layout, section editors, etc. If there is interest in this, I will provide at least the basic core structure and page classes - might be a good advanced example of how things can be done for publishing projects. I don't have an exact ETA, I'm still working on AdminStyleChroma which is my admin theme color manager and I'm also working on a Color Thief image field implementation - both of which will have official threads and releases and when they are ready.
  14. I think his fork is still being run through - the last issue he was addressing was nested repeater matrices and including the RTE fields in repeaters - which I believe was resolved. I haven't run into any issues with his fork in my testing.
  15. Cool, yes adding the empty parameter was ?
  16. Small thing, I was getting an error without any custom options defined. As is, the line where you set up the arguments: public function ___addFootnotes($str, $options = [], $field = "") { This results in an error if you do not pass an additional options array - e.g. just a $str and $field. An error on line 83 array_merge results - second argument is not an array. I didn't pull the repo via git so I can't do a PR handily, but reversing the parameter order resolves it. public function ___addFootnotes($str, $field = "", $options = []) {
  17. Yes I just noticed it also - the columns are correct and Tracy picks up the entries, but when I click a log page name I get the error message. Can confirm all files exist. PW 3.0.214 PHP 8.1
  18. Can I throw another log onto this fire? Today I installed a local instance of oobabooga and vicuna. It looks like text-generation-webui has an API mode that can be set to listen for JSON prompt requests! It would be great to either fork PromptGPT or develop an option to select alternative API endpoints, etc. I used this tutorial to guide the install - with the exception I also needed to install NVIDIA CUDA toolkit to get access to CUDA cores from pytorch.
  19. This is what I remember you saying in the 'adding RM to existing products' video but I know as this is a work in progress things could have changed. I'm in the middle of applying gebeer's Repeater Matrix migration methods to something I am working on but when I am done I will take a look at the dev branch and try some things.
  20. This did work. Does it make sense to add a boolean flag here to allow for the previous roles to be retained unless it is set? I'm looking at the setTemplateAccess and thinking why not add a similar boolean here? Just food for thought.
  21. Hi @bernhard I'm trying to include custom roles, permissions and access via the migrate() method array setup. Looking at the source this *seems* like it should work, but for some reason I get an error: Method RockMigrations::setRolePermissions does not exist or is not callable in this context $rm->migrate([ "roles" => [ 'copy_editor' => [ 'permissions' => [ 'page-view', 'page-edit', 'page-delete', 'page-edit-front', 'page-edit-recent', 'page-move', 'page-sort', 'comments-manager', 'profile-edit', ], 'access' => [ 'home' => [ 'view', ], ], ], 'layout_editor' => [ 'permissions' => [ 'page-view', 'page-edit', 'page-delete', 'page-edit-recent', 'page-move', 'page-sort', 'page-template', 'logs-view', 'profile-edit', ], 'access' => [ 'home' => [ 'view', 'edit', ], ], ], ], ]); // I include fields and templates and other things later - I will likely move roles AFTER templates once this is working. Is there something I am missing here?
  22. I was trying to automate using $rm->installModule("LanguageSupport"); But I found that when I ran the migrate script some processes installed while others did not and got errors tied to not being able to rename page #0, etc. I tried playing around with manually prempting process installs but then I'd get errors around templates or fields already existing. I can manually install LanguageSupport and of course go through all the follow-ups that I need. I just am wondering if there is an order/trick to getting it to work.
  23. Hey @kongondo I just realized you were redoing this - wow! If I could suggest two places to look for inspiration from the UI side. WP is nigh unusable out of the box for a number of clients in terms of both media and filtering and the two favorite plugins I deploy to handle these have always been Admin Columns Pro on the filtering side and WP Media Folder on the media management side: https://www.admincolumns.com/what-is-admin-columns/ Admin Columns Pro is just pure magic for clients. Being able to edit-in-place on the post/page list, add images from the grid, batch commands from the grid - this plugin alone does so much for wordpress it's a no-brainer first install. But the filtering columns at the top of the list that conform to custom posts and pages (like if you are using ACF or Pods) is really intuitive and awesome AJAX. Like I said, clients love how much it streamlines their work. I personally have gotten used to listers, but the experience of listers on Processwire is a lot more like NSP Code's advanced ordering WP plugin where you are able to filter and sort hierarchical lists and then create set list pages for them: https://www.nsp-code.com/premium-plugins/ This sort of thing is fine for developers to put together special lists - and I actually use lister pro to provide clients with worklists that detect content that is incomplete (missing author, card image, unpublished, too short, etc.) but as other have mentioned, the lister interface for some reason is hard to grasp. I always had the same problem trying to train people on using Advanced Post Types Order. https://www.joomunited.com/wordpress-products/wp-media-folder I tried a bunch of media managers for wordpress and this is the one that folks seemed to like the best, and I like that it produces its own metalayer without disturbing the file system away - so if for some reason they uninstall it everything revert to the big perpetual stew that is WP media. Not saying that you need to duplicate anything here, but I saw others posting about things that clients have liked from a UX perspective and so here ya go!
  24. YES this struck me too - how much goes into directing and feeding the training. If you watch Corridor Digital on youtube they've gone through this exploration for image training to insert their own images into stable diffusion and although I think the process is more streamlined, you get a sense of just how much work goes into preparing your training data - not for the faint of heart.
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