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Everything posted by gornycreative

  1. I can mitigate it via the API/migrate() so I guess it isn't an issue. I did find that RockMigrations doesn't take existing page titles into account when updating data so I will make an issue in RM for that.
  2. The common denominator seems to be that the modules in question include both a populated 'permission' and a 'permissions' key/value in the module $info array. This includes a few older modules of Ryan's (ProcessFileEditor) - on the actual permissions menu/page list they are struck through/unpublished. 2049 Status code in the DB.
  3. Hi all, I don't know if this is an issue with RockMigrations or the modules->install() function or if something else is going on - perhaps there is just old module config stuff getting in the way. I have been using RockMigrations to install modules and several (for example, Dashboard and PageProtector) will add the permissions to the permissions area but they are getting added as unpublished. I think I ran into this with custom Admin Actions too? It doesn't happen with every module. From what I can see there isn't anything RockMigrations is doing that should interfere - it seems to just call modules->install('module'). It isn't possible to add unpublished permissions to a role which interferes with other migration scripts. I'm just wondering if permissions pages can have their status set like regular pages or is there something else weird going on? Anyone else run into this?
  4. For some reasons I'm getting a $page = null in the AutoPrepend.php file. $wire is populated but $page is not. This is with PW v 3.0.233 and RFE v 3.8.2. I do have autoload-layout disabled. Is $page available before the template file is rendered?
  5. Lately I've been really enjoying this channel, and this playlist has been very productive for a cool coding holiday: It has a similar vibe in ways to no-man/bass communion and nosound out of Italy.
  6. I did not realize this was an issue. I was able to import a combo field using the declared field parameters. My code for this particular field looks like the following as a field in the ['fields'] array of the migrate() method call: 'publication_details' => [ 'label' => 'Publication Details', 'flags' => 0, 'type' => 'FieldtypeCombo', 'i1_label' => 'Volume', 'i1_name' => 'volume', 'i1_type' => 'Text', 'i2_label' => 'Issue', 'i2_name' => 'issue', 'i2_type' => 'Text', 'i3_label' => 'Year', 'i3_name' => 'year', 'i3_type' => 'Integer', 'i4_label' => 'Period', 'i4_name' => 'period', 'i4_type' => 'Select', 'qty' => 4, 'hideWrap' => 0, 'useColNames' => 0, 'modSchema' => 0, 'useDataCol' => 0, 'i1_ok' => 1, 'i1_collapsed' => 0, 'i1_minlength' => 0, 'i1_maxlength' => 3, 'i1_showCount' => 0, 'i1_size' => 3, 'i1_stripTags' => 1, 'i1_columnWidth' => 25, 'i2_ok' => 1, 'i2_collapsed' => 0, 'i2_minlength' => 0, 'i2_maxlength' => 3, 'i2_showCount' => 0, 'i2_size' => 3, 'i2_stripTags' => 1, 'i2_columnWidth' => 25, 'i3_ok' => 1, 'i3_collapsed' => 0, 'i3_inputType' => 'number', 'i3_size' => 4, 'i3_min' => 1600, 'i3_columnWidth' => 25, 'i4_options' => '= Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Quarter Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4', 'i4_ok' => 1, 'i4_collapsed' => 0, 'i4_columnWidth' => 25, 'order' => '1,2,3,4', 'notes' => 'Include original publication details here.', 'columnWidth' => 100, ], ], Do note that for the options in order to preserve the options formatting the tabs are specifically positioned.
  7. Yeah that makes sense. I was more curious if you simply installed Yootheme Pro to a directory and referred to different style chunks (like if it is templated out in partials or whatnot). I haven't trialed it or anything to see what the file layout is like. In the past the tm-classes they add were sometimes useful helpers that added to the core uk-classes - although they have gotten better about bringing the 'helpful extras' into uikit core. WP has its moments, but I find that a lot of the extra power user think they need ends up biting them in the end because of the extra work it creates for them and PW has better ways of narrowing user focus to the essentials they need to do. So you add all these plugins that folks want and now suddenly they are frustrated with the weight of the sword they weild.
  8. Ah I think I may have to spring for this course - Chris Coyier reposted a link to this guy's css grid and flexbox overviews and they are just so good. https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/interactive-guide-to-grid/ https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/interactive-guide-to-flexbox/ all part of https://css-for-js.dev/ Even though I've used them for awhile I can't say I've had as good an understanding as these overviews present.
  9. One of the things that has had UIKit 3 folks jump ship to tailwinds or another system is the lack of CSS Grid support. Having looked into it a lot I started working on something to addon but discovered it has already been done by the Beaver Builder people and their addons pals. Beaver Builder is a page construction kit for WP. https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/ Kindof nice, actually. @Macrura it's another WP builder that seems to use blocks in a similar manner to Yootheme Pro and is UIkit friendly. But within the ecosystem of this setup and its open source friends are two interesting repos for general use. https://github.com/master3-blank-template/UIkit-Ex this repo refactors the uk-width component to allow up to 30 divisions of granularity. AND it adds uk-push and uk-pull back in! https://github.com/badabingbreda/uikit-css-grid this repo adds a whole new set of classes for cssgrid support! It is in SCSS but I will likely port it over to LESS if possible. You just need to remove any uk-padding from divs in the columns as they use gap instead. The CSS grid template/areas section takes a little bit of playing with to understand, but it allows for some breakpoint driven grid layouts that are simply not possible with vanilla UIkit 3. Especially if you opt for a 12 column CSS Grid layout. I've only started playing around with them this evening but so far, so good.
  10. Go on... I was looking into doing something like this myself, having used UIKit2 and Master 2 a TON in my wordpress days. Essentially my PW block builder is similar to what they do in terms of output, but I haven't considered the option of actually bringing elements from the Yootheme pro over into - say - a latte template tree. Is that what you ended up doing, or do you run templates at all?
  11. Altering the timeout from 4.5 to 30 temporarily allowed the results to load. Not sure why that should take longer than 4.5 seconds to pull, but it's a simple enough fix I guess.
  12. Hate to bring it up again, but for some reason I am getting really spotty results from this. Looking at the code I get spotty results - sometimes it loads but most of the time I get no module data - just processwire dev and core. Anyone else having issues with connecting? Running this: $mod = $this->modules->get('ProcessWireUpgradeCheck'); db($mod->getModuleVersions(false, true)); in the tracy console gives me null for the getModuleVersions function. When I try the $url that it generates manually, I get a result no problem. I have session DB enabled. Perhaps a timeout someplace?
  13. Hi @kongondo, I was looking at the progress you have made on this product... I have an idea that I was looking to implement on the backend but realized dynamic selects might already cover it. I saw way up in the thread that Repeater and RepeaterMatrix were supported, but I am assuming this means you can include Dynamic Select fields in Repeater items, not that repeaters are able to be polled in the dynamic field definition processes? So for example, I have a page with template gallery and It's called gallery. It's got a repeater/repeater matrix called shows. It has a repeater item for each show. Could I generate a dynamic select that runs like: Roma Gallery -> Shows -> #1 - Pottery in Venice (following the default display list format for the repeater) Page -> Repeater Field -> Repeater(Matrix) Rows Or even recursively polling repeaters? Lol. Maybe not too crazy. This is sort of hypothetical - I have another way to handling the issue if I must, but is this something you'd consider or have already considered as a feature? Thanks!
  14. Congratulations! I think this will definitely fill a niche for certain site builders. I entirely agree with your reasoning for building it. I myself have rotated folks back to more of a Pagelines page creation philosophy. They made some pretty weird business choices that hopefully we all can avoid. When I was still building more WP sites folks did appreciate Pagelines block a LOT - way less frustrating that having to twist a bunch of knobs and dials on every page and pray things looked the same across the site.
  15. Despite being a working draft feature, support is at around 88% so it isn't full but looking at the browser compatibility and the browser support I already need I figured it was okay for my purposes. https://caniuse.com/css-container-query-units For those who aren't yet comfortable, it's probably still worth earmarking.
  16. Hello friends, I was playing around with the clamp techniques used to provide progressive font sizing, and it has replaced flowtype.js in most projects. But one of the things that I really missed was the ability to scale based on container width - rather than full viewpoint width. I was also interested in trying to replace fittext.js and learned a very useful technique with reasonable browser support: https://codepen.io/solonmg/pen/ZEwGEay instead of using vw units, you can apply: container-type: size; container-type: inline-size; And then by dividing the character count of a line by 100 and applying the outcome to use cqw units instead of vw units, you get the same scaling type features. If you are trying to get that optimal character/word line length in a given column, this will certainly help! The same clamping limits that already exist based on viewport widths work for containers. I don't know if it makes sense to have separate clamping settings for display text (like headings) and body text, but this is just something I have been playing around with.
  17. So is this something you might use to, say, incorporate form validation libraries on the front-end that are client-side, or perhaps run other scripted enhancements? HTMX attributes?
  18. Never mind. I added a theme setting variable to set custom alpha % for overlays and forgot to test for empty.
  19. I've been having issues getting LESS to compile the latest UIKit, I haven't run into this problem before. I'm getting and error about the fade() function needing a percentage index for the second parameter in the overlay.less files, but both the core and my modded files have it formatted as a percentage. There doesn't be much of a change here from 3.15.x - did the LESS parser version change? I just updated to PW 3.0.230.
  20. That would explain why it takes another module list refresh for everything to show up for some new projects on my end. I never considered it a big deal since I always do the refresh, but I have noticed not everything 'takes' right away. Does it make a difference for you if you define an config array?
  21. I find that for a number of different scenarios, when I set column widths on fields and their display is conditional they don't always respect the column widths that I set. So for example if I have a field set to 30% column width that has three options that are hidden until an option is selected, each set to 70%, sometimes the 70% width field shows up next to the 30%, but sometimes it shows up beneath as a full width. For example: These are both 70% column width in this context. I don't run into it a lot, but enough and in an inconsistent manner. Has anyone else run into this and found either a reason for the columnwidth to not be respected or a way to 'force' it? This generally doesn't happen when showIf is not involved.
  22. I use functions from it all the time to provide pop-up access to matrix fields from the front-end.
  23. v1.0.3 has been released. There are a few vex related color changes and I updated the TinyMCE styles to reflect the crazy inline style nonsense they decided to add to flyout groups. Woo. More to come on both fronts. Errors/warnings too.
  24. xss_sanitization option as of v 6.4 can be turned off via configuration: This turns off DOMPurify. https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/security/#turning-dompurify-off A not so nuclear option might be to define a very limited content filtering option by setting very liberal/empty invalid styles: https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/content-filtering/#invalid_styles Finally, you can extend_valid_elements if you want to additively include lots of formats you don't want to get stripped out. This preserves the rules set for valid_elements (including the default rules) and throws a layer on top of that.
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