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Everything posted by JeevanisM

  1. @elabx sorry if I confused you. so I have followed your suggestion.. I caught the Payment status and put the user paid status 1 for success payment. that part is done. now, in the login/register module, I have added an extra field which is a phone number for the user to register. Well, I have done this in a way that 1. first I installed a module for phone type 2. added a new field and selected the module phone type 3. added this field to the User template 4. added this phone field to the Login/Register configure option in order to show the Phone Number entry in Registration Form Now, once the registration is done, I tried to output $user->phone, just as $user->email but $user->phone shows null while $user->email shows correct user email. So is there anything wrong I have done ?
  2. Hello, I have created a standard field type as userphone , then I added this field to the User template. I created a phone field type using Phone Field module. I added this field to the User template also. Now I used the below to create a test user $u = new User(); $u->of(false); $u->name = "saarun"; $u->email = "saarunthomas@example.com"; $u->pass = "123456"; $u->Phone = 9446196667; $u->userphone = 9446196667; $u->headline = "hello there"; $u->paid=1; $u->addRole("registered"); $u->save(); $u->of(true); and I tried to out put as below $item = $users->get("saarun"); echo $item->email; echo $item->Phone; echo $item->paid; echo $item->headline; echo $item->userphone; and I got the output a below. Neither the userphone value nor the Phone value are output ... what am I doing here wrong ? pls help
  3. One more doubt I have. I have added a custom field as Phone Number to the login/Register Module. Now once the registration is done, I am not able to output the $user->phone; this display a null value. What would be the problem ?
  4. Hello all, I just started use this amazing module Login/Register I want to know whether its possible to disable the Email validation sending link to the registered user. For atleast test purpose ? because I develop on LocalHost with no internet, and these email things wont work in localhost, but I need to continue with development test cases. So is there any option to turn off this email validation ? thank you
  5. @Pixrael and @dragan thank you so much for the suggestions. @elabx yes I am gonna play with those ?
  6. Wow. that will work.. thanks for that. I will return to you in case if I meet any issues. You really helped me __/\__
  7. @elabx my situation is slightly different. My work flow is as below 1. the registration page ( user case - Guest & unpaid ) 2. user register now and success ( user case - registered & unpaid) 3. registered user can click the payment button ( for this I use PayTM , so the user will be taken to the payment page and after success I can put a custom Return URL ) 4. in case of successful payment, I need to flag this registered user as the paid user. This part, how can I do in this ProcessWire way ? Is there any API to tinker the database to add such a custom flag ? 5. registered user clicks the payment button and proceed but failed the payment somehow, then the user remains as the unpaid one
  8. @Sephiroth you have written a good article here : https://okeowoaderemi.com/articles/posts/wordpress-to-processwire-a-guide-for-developers/ I agree you on most points over there.. can you please share the article you have written over this ?
  9. I talked to my client and he agreed to approach the very flow you have said. Now, can you explain me further on this part how to make that flag thing ? I have already installed the LoginRegister module
  10. @eelkenet thank you so much for those insights. I have to consider those options too .
  11. Hello friends, this is a simple problem, hope I will get an answer soon. I need to create a registration page for a website. The intention is to make sure only paid user can get into the members area. Well, I have done the user registration page, but how do I integrate the payment process into the registration form ? I mean only after successful payment, the registration should be completed. Then the username and password will be emailed to the users email. How to achieve this in Processwire ? thank you
  12. you may refer this : https://processwire.com/docs/start/variables/config/#httphosts
  13. you are a savior. I was running behind this error for last 1 hour. so is there any way to clear this cache automatic periodically ?
  14. Manjaro is rocking cool !
  15. Hello, I come from a CodeIgniter backgroud, and as you all know, in codeigniter, we can locate the controller file name from the URL address bar ( unless there are some heavy customization on the URL routing ), and once we get the controller file, we can read the source code and go to corresponding View & Model files for that particular Controller file. But is there any way to trace source like this, in Processwire ? It never occurred to me for the need of this situation until I had to re-use and existing Processwire Project ( its a blog project). So I had to go to the source files to make some edits and changes. It was easy to recognize php file for the Home Page, but for inner pages, I had to make some guesses and observations to find exact sourcefiles. So, I would like to know if there is any ProcessWire way to achieve this. thank you
  16. thank you for the tip but these alone didi not work for me. I have added text-align:center property and it worked. For the CKEditor center image element, the css file is content.css to be edited
  17. Hello @BitPoet I have a simple web magazine / News magazine project in hand, I have done the design work and was doing some PW basic setup. It seems to me your blog would fit with my requirement, I shall try, extend it and will give you the feedback soon. thank you
  18. another website : http://jeevanism.com/
  19. added support on one of my website : http://pkrosifoundation.org
  20. This is really amazing work you have done. Congrats and keep it up
  21. I have something to discuss for an upcoming e-commerce project. Client has only mentioned about it nothing solid so far. Initially my thoughts went straight to use OpenCart since its already a well-built block for E-Commerce but I am well versed in Processwire than Opencart. So just searching for the options in PW for an e-commerce website. I shall send you an email to : geeks@snipcart.com
  22. Hello @maxlab I have an incoming project for an Online Store for Apparel ( E-commerce for clothings ). Only the preliminary discussion is going on with client as of now but I want to know whether its possible to create an online Apparel store with Processwire and Snipcart. Please consider the fact that I am from India, so let me know if there is any issue with Indian currency for payment. thankx
  23. Excellent caste study, best wishes @cstevensjr. Now I am planning my next Online Store project in procewsswire if possible. I am just running all ower PW forums for possible understanding
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