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Everything posted by JeevanisM

  1. Some client dont let to keep the credits, some do but however, you can see the source code - Meta author - Jeevanism@processwire http://bhimonlineclassroom.in/ http://onnippu.com/ http://www.kasitabusiness.com/ http://pkrosifoundation.org/
  2. can I follow the OP steps in 2020 ? or any thing altered now ?
  3. is this correct folder ? my folder screenshot below
  4. this is what I see when I click the inputfieldcommentsAdmin
  5. well thats my issue. I am not seeing such message notifications once I refresh module page in admin ? I double checked if I copied files, yes but not showing any message info ?
  6. I am not sure about steroids.. but when I was using Concrete 5 CMS< they have this overriding method of modules, just copy the modules from the core DIR to the theme DIR, then it will honor the priority ... Does PW have some thing like that ? today its just css, what if I want to make changes in php files in module ?
  7. yes I want to make changes in the site/modules files but my problems is the change I made in the css file in site/module is not in effect, still the css is loading from the core location..
  8. and No, I dont want to ov I dont want to edit the core module but I want to override the style used in the core module. In bootstrap we can override the default styles by writing our own params with same css class name used in BS and BS honor it if we call the custom css after the BS load. Same as that, I want to override the style used in the comments module but I dont want to edit the core files.. Hence I copied the module to site/modules directory as mentioned here But when I change the css file in the site/module - the css is again loading from the core module location. Any idea why this happens ? I will update to the latest dev branch and will try again
  9. ok, I will try the latest dev.. I am using the Master branch now
  10. Hello All, I need to make some style editing in the core module - FieldtypeComments But I dont want to edit in the Core itself, since it may got overwritten for the next update or so. so I searched form and found this option : But in my Admin, I dont see any notification as per the 4th step above. The debug option is true and I am using ProcessWire 3.0.148 © 2020 Any idea why its not happening ?
  11. @psy have you taken the video down from the youtube ? not able to view it now
  12. Yes, I got confused whether to choose Android SDK Dev or Flutter ? which one is a better investment ?
  13. Hey All, This may sound dumb but just wanted to ask this question. I have this website running ( http://bhimonlineclassroom.in/demo1/ ) This is a simple website to show the educational videos in a categorical way. Now there is a situation, that the students who are geographically disabled on Internet access, to use this application. Since this is a website, they cannot browse it. I know the next option is to create an android mobile app which can access video files locally without internet. But I want to ask whether there is any kind of possibility we can use with web technologies, to access / display local files( in this case videos) stored in an android phone ? I have google a lot and read about the Progressive Web Apps and all, but I am not able to figure it out yet. any ideas ? thanks in advance.
  14. Same effect here.... I confirmed that the css / js files are working fine. still the star section is NOT showing...
  15. I added the email to this field, but still the error persists ....
  16. Confirmed, this fixed the issue.. thanx for the lifeboat ?
  17. Once the logout happens, the pahge redirects to http://localhost/pw/admin/ ( to the admin url ) . How do I change this > I want to redirect the page to some other custom page.
  18. I am somehow made bypass for this purpose protected function createConfirmationCode() { $pw = new Password(); //$code = $pw->randomBase64String(40);// to by pass the email validation send step $code = 426; $this->wire('session')->setFor($this, 'confirm_code', $code); return $code; } just added a fixed static value as code, instead sending this to email protected function ___processConfirmation() { $input = $this->wire('input'); $session = $this->wire('session'); $users = $this->wire('users'); /// $code = $input->get('register_confirm');/// to bypass the send confirmation code to email step $code = 414; // a static number to verify I know this is ugly and defeat the security purpose but for the purview of the project, this is ok.
  19. yes, sorry for being very vague about the reply. I solved this issue as below mentioned method
  20. Hi, I have fixed with a small piece fo code as below : $url = "$videourl"; $shortUrlRegex = '/youtu.be\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\??/i'; $longUrlRegex = '/youtube.com\/((?:embed)|(?:watch))((?:\?v\=)|(?:\/))(\w+)/i'; if (preg_match($longUrlRegex, $url, $matches)) { $youtube_id = $matches[count($matches) - 1]; } if (preg_match($shortUrlRegex, $url, $matches)) { $youtube_id = $matches[count($matches) - 1]; } $fullEmbedUrl = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $youtube_id ; and its working now ! the thread is closed !
  21. yes I got it now, my bad. This is not a PHP issue, working on a function to conver the normal youtube URL to emebded URL.. thanks for the reply
  22. Hello, I am a simple code to display an emebedded youtube video in a page. the code is below <div class="card-body"> <h3 class="card-title"> <?php echo $vidoename;?> </h3> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="<?php echo $videourl;?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <p class="card-text"> <?php echo $videosummary;?> </p> <p class="card-text">Uploaded Date: <?php echo $videolastupdated;?> </p> <p class="card-text">Teacher Name: <?php echo $videocreatedby;?> </p> </div> </div> Now, when I run the page I get this error Blocked by X-Frame-Options Policy in firefox . Any idea how to solve this. <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="<?php echo $videourl;?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> is this simply wrong way of the feeding a youtube URL dynamically ?
  23. I figured this out.. thank you for the responses.
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