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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. It's "funny" you chose the prefix "site_" because I always use it to prefix my identifiers in my "custom code" to indicate that it is my piece of code and not part of the core nor any other modules. Maybe I should switch to a less used word, such us "plat" or whateverv people would "never" use.
  2. I created a request issue of this: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/78
  3. +1 Example of replacing just the "content / innerHTML": <header id=my-header class=pw-replace-innerHTML> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p> </header> As and added bonus, this way any additional attributes the original ("to be replaced") <header id=my-header... has would be kept, so there is no need to repeat attributes all over the codebase which is hard to track and modify later on.
  4. Hi, did you search the forum? This is a question the comes up quite often: https://www.google.hu/search?q="it+appears+to+be+forged"+site%3Aprocesswire.com%2Ftalk&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
  5. Maybe there is some confusion here. There is a topic discussing it:
  6. szabesz

    Passenger Drones

    Er, well - maybe, but only the stable branch
  7. szabesz

    Passenger Drones

    If it does not take off then why not? However if it does, I do not even want to be nearby... I do NOT trust software as I've already seen some in operation
  8. Thank you! I've been missing it
  9. This should be the keyword here. Also meaning a related API dedicated to support custom configuration options as well. No one likes to reinvent the wheel I guess, so some sort of "sub-theming" or better yet transportable settings and customizations would be nice to have instead of two or more completely separate admin themes.
  10. How many admin themes are we going to have? This is not clear to me. We can expect UIkit 3, that's great However – just as I stated above – I'm a bit concerned about seeing people working on different admin themes instead of joining forces... I might be misunderstanding something here, I dunno.
  11. May I ask why? The readme says: "Obtain a fresh copy of ProcessWire 3.0.51 or newer"
  12. Sure! But the "main feature" of AOS is that is has on/off settings for each feature it implements. Anyway, I find it hard to see that having "three or four" admin themes around is better than a single but configurable one. You suggest modules to modify the admin theme by module developers, but which one when there are more than one? @tpr had to put some extra work into his module just to support the current two. Will he has time to support even more? Or anyone else, for that matter? Why not dedicate our time to only one, but a configurable admin theme, rather than spitting out "a lot", trying to customize them via modules later on? I might be wrong here, but this is how I see it at the moment.
  13. Ryan says in his new blog post: "For instance, if you like a 2-column layout (like Reno) rather than 1-column layout (like Default) then that's a simple matter with the built in grid system. Nothing is set in stone, and our focus is on establishing the system to provide the path and flexibility for it all." also: "So what I've been doing here is coming up with a basic admin theme profile that the skilled designers in our community can then run with. My hope is this will be a collaboration where we'll come up with the best admin themes anyone has ever seen for any CMS. As a community, we'll want to select one or two that we can also bundle with the core in ProcessWire 3.1 as well." Well, +1 for a sidebar, but even better to have a setting that moves the menu from the top navbar to the sidebar and vice versa
  14. That is why I wrote the above. Some instructions are very important all the time, some (lots...) can be hidden though when no longer needed. @tpr had to "hack" a lot of things just to realize a lot of features of AOS that will propaply break with the new theme. Generally true of course, however, most AOS users use most (and definitely not all) the features of the module, which boost productivity.
  15. It might be obvious but I would like to point out that this would be the right time to implement most (if not all ) of the features of AdminOnSteroids which means at least a built in admin theme settings page to customize things to our liking, similar to AOS. However, there are features in AOS which can even be made better when implemented as integrated parts of the admin theme, such as "hiding"/revealing the Descriptions and Notes of fields. Having Descriptions and Notes around is extremely useful, but only in "development mode". When things are set up, they just take up space, distracting navigation and focusing, so I generally "hide" them by AOS (turning them into tooltips), but oftentimes I disable AOS, just to be able to skim through them quickly. Enabling/disabling AOS is not the best solution, because I loose all other functionalities of the module, but a native admin theme feature like this would only switch the relevant option of the admin, not all the others all at once. This can even be taken to the next level by being able to specify it on a field-by-field basis. The above mentioned example is just one, AdminOnSteroids is full of handy-dandy goodies that could boost the new admin theme a lot if implemented in an integrated manner.
  16. Ok, Sorry, now I get what you wrote... I get the same behavior when changing the setting to "No", $page->httpUrl does return the trailing slash no matter what.
  17. Hi, are you sure about this? I get the trailing slashes in both cases, just as the docs says: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/url/ BTW, $page->url should return /about-us/ so your example implies something else must be going on, I guess.
  18. Thanks to UIkit 3 being hookable, it is really easy to change the look of any componenets: https://getuikit.com/docs/less#use-hooks Even this is supported: "Should there be neither a variable nor a hook available, you can also create your own selector. ... This will sort your new selector to the right place of the compiled CSS file."
  19. Well, that depends... If you have a domain for the site or create a subdomain for the site, then we are talking about two different situations. For example in the case of a standard cPanel only account: say you have dev.example.com and want to install ProcessWire in /public_html/dev_example, in that case the default .htaccess file just does its job fine. However, when I moved the "main" site – which runs under the domain the cPanel account is tied to – to a subdirectory, only these rules did the trick for me: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?szabesz\.hu$ RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \s/+szabesz_hu/(\S*)\s [NC] RewriteRule ^ /%1 [R=302,L,NE] Where szabesz.hu is my site, szabesz_hu is the subdirectory. I inserted this before the line RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Also $config->urls->root = '/'; must probably be present in /site/config.php to get page()->url return the url segments without the subfolder being part of it, more on this: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/url/ Nothing else I found in the forum or in the docs worked in my case. And there are other situations as well, but I just wanted to point out this one, since I had to google around to solve it. Your scenario can be different though, so you might want to provide some information about what you exactly want to solve .
  20. Evening @tpr Is it just me who is missing text-decoration: line-through; from the page list (tree)? See: It was also missing at least in the previous version. I have a site with AOS 0.9.96 where unpublished pages are crossed out (I know it's way back in time...).
  21. +1 And thanks a million, as always...
  22. As long as one can define the color, it doesn't matter
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