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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. The document it points to seems to be removed. However, it is a very old post, tinymce is gone too. Are you looking for something like this? https://processwire.com/blog/posts/quality-assurance-for-images-in-rich-text-fields/
  2. Sorry @benbyf for hijacking your thread, it wasn't my intention. I do not think Auth0 should be part of your profile/module, since it is a paid service.
  3. @Sérgio I took another look at the Auth0 site (pricing) and I noticed that "User management dashboard" is not included in the free plan. Is it an issue? Or is there a "workaround" for this "limitation"? Can some other features be used instead of this "missing dashboard"? I'm asking this because otherwise the free plan would completely cover my client's needs.
  4. I like the idea I would be happy to contribute by providing the bases of a documentation, if you think it works that way.
  5. You mean Auth0? How about you join forces and release a module? I would love to help by testing
  6. Keep up the good work! You need to keep your sanity so that you will also be able to have fun with the third one too
  7. Thanks for Sharing! (You Might Want to Put the Code in a Spoiler Though ) the Template File's Code Reveals More That Can Currently Be Seen or May It Just Me Who Cannot Find the "Related Stuff" What happened to your reply BTW? In the meantimne it was deleted, just the code part remaining...
  8. Welcome to ProcessWire! Are you looking for something like this?
  9. Big thumbs up to Sérgio! And thank you for sharing the info of the "tools" used. Both smoothState.js and Auth0 looks "interesting" Also, I spotted that you use @tpr's TemplateLatteReplace. For the whole site?
  10. +1 Or you might want to look for non PW solutions which must be integrated for sure, so that is some extra work. I've just read about this one the other day: http://www.responsivefilemanager.com/
  11. This sounds great to me! Tricks and tips can be useful, but if you have the time, a tutorial can be more helpful, but obviously requires more time. The topic of "newsletters and frontend users" is worth the effort, I think. I'm thinking of targeting somewhat experienced developers new to ProcessWire, so you should not have to delve into all the details, but provide working example code with comments and some explanation, just like you did in the case of your Beginner’s modules tutorial, but this time it would be more lengthy I think.
  12. Yeah, it would be a good idea to make a cheat sheet on these hidden "shortcuts".
  13. Hi @benbyf I cannot come up with something that has not been addressed in the forums in some way or another, there is so much buried here that it is probably impossible to decide what should be highlighted more than others. It might not fit your current needs, but what I would like to see in a more concise/tutorial like manner is implementing complete frontend user features from scratch. Well, maybe not from scratch, you could use UIkit 3 to do the design stuff, but other than that only pure PW could be used, even without the backend's form API. Something like this one turned into a complete tutorial: Such a tutorial would not only provide on solution to the long standing "how to do frontend users" dilemma, but it would also be a great example of implementing forms, sending emails, etc..
  14. Hi @Alex L As far as I can see you need to implement your own version of "article summary" so that you have something to output instead of "body". Such as: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.28/ You can also extract the first paragraph in various ways: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8757826/i-need-to-split-text-delimited-by-paragraph-tag Hope this helps. If get stuck just post what you implement so that we can help further.
  15. You mean @horst's Image Animated GIF module? Compatibility is set to 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, so maybe that's why?
  16. Hi, This issue is partially discussed over here:
  17. How about: Confirm to move to Trash Permanently delete instead to make it less confusing?
  18. But that's impossible!
  19. Friday afternoon 3D fun:
  20. +1 Also, normally a public query interface should not serve all data by default, as that would allow for pretty easy data harvesting.
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