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Everything posted by AndZyk
For our in-house printing house Leitz Medien we have build a small landing page to feature their qualifications. The website has as background multiple illustrations, which are sorted randomly on every page load. The layout uses Masonry and the paths of the illustrations are animated using vivus.js. You can access every modal under its own Url, which are added to the browser history using the replaceState method. Modules used: ProCache Markup Sitemap XML Email Obfuscation (EMO) Tracy Debugger Regards, Andreas
Hello @Inxentas, you should include your files like this: <?php include("./inc/bku-block-footer.php"); ?> This should help. Found in this similar thread: Regards, Andreas
You can change the network protocol, after http:// is added to your link. But http:// is better than nothing.
The Fotomediale is a annual festival of photography for children's and youth photography in Freiburg, Germany. This small website provides information about the festival and its workshops. Because of the topic, this site is very picture heavy. Almost every page contains it own set of images displayed in the background. The images cycle through automatically, but you can also use the buttons on the edges (or if you want arrow keys on your keyboard ). If you want to see the images, you can collapse both the navigation and content area. The transitions between pages were made with Ajax and pushState, but you can also access them directly via their URL. To handle the large image backgrounds, all of the images are lazy loaded using lazysizes. The registration form was created using the API. Modules used: ProCache Markup Sitemap XML Email Obfuscation (EMO) Tracy Debugger Regards, Andreas
Hello @MilenKo, I am glad you are making progress. Haven't read everything in this thread, but a here a few notes: In HTML5 there is an aside element available, especially for sidebars like yours. Using delayed output you could prepend for example a _init.php file in your site config containing often used variables. In the default site profile there is for example a variable for the homepage, so you can use this instead of $pages->get('/'). You could make your tags dynamic using a page field and store the tags in a dedicated page tree. Regards, Andreas
You can try to send @Pete a message. That worked for me. Regards, Andreas
So many ways now to structure templates. Sounds definitely interesting, for the reasons @Robin S listed.
I don't know, you will have to ask the developer of this site profile @ryan. Probably it will be ok, because after all the site profile is available on a public GitHub repository and the visuals are mostly realized with the framework UIkit. But it will be best, if you ask him or at least give credit to his work if you plan to reuse it.
Welcome @DarsVaeda, you could try to solve this layout with the recently introduced repeater depth. For example depth 0 are your rows and depth 1 are your cards. In combination with the commercial RepeaterMatrix this could be an pleasing solution for editors. Regards, Andreas
Hello @cyberderf, there is not an tutorial available for this profile, except the blog post about the new demo site. In this blog post there are some of the new functions explained, which were used in this profile, but if you wan't to know more, you will have to dig through the code. Keep in mind, that this an advanced site profile. If you haven't worked with delayed output before, you should first read this tutorial. Regards, Andreas
Hello @KarlvonKarton, I think you should either use $sanitizer->name(string $value) or $sanitizer->pageName(string $value). The first one does the same like pageName, but allows both upper and lowercase ASCII letters. Regards, Andreas
I don't understand exactly what are you trying to say. I think it is, that for web based IDEs you don't need an powerful machine and only an fast internet connection? For people who travel a lot and only have a netbook on their hands that is helpful. As I am working only on one place with a desktop computer, I am obviously not the target group. But everybody should use what fits best to their needs. Some people also prefer to code only in the command line. Recently I discovered this funny editor: Code in the Dark. Wait till you get to POWER MODE! There is also an extension for Atom available.
Here is a more detailed blog post about the release of the Beta with an explanation, why they launched UIkit 3 this way. In my opinion the docs are already good, but if you don't like them, you can report an issue on the GitHub repository of the docs. The width component is new in UIkit 3 (see the blog post), but if you meant the grid component, in UIkit 2 it only had 10 columns max. That is still more than 6, but personally I can't remember any use case for such small columns. Yes, it is a Less project, but they had support for Sass since 2.11.0. They also said it is planned, but not done yet. As already mentioned, picking a framework isn't always about being lazy or trying to avoid custom code, it can be about finding common components for every contributor to make contribution much easier. I would welcome if ProcessWire would implement UIkit as framework for its back end.
The beta of UIkit 3 is out now. Sadly there is no Sass version yet, but I think it is on the way.
I am curious in what exactly the advantages of web based IDEs are? Is it, that you need to setup everything just once? Somewhere here I stumbled upon the web service Codeanywhere, but I can't see any reason in paying monthly for something like an editor (of course their service offers more than just the editor).
Hello @webhoes, unless your child pages contain a page field called child, you don't need the second child property here: foreach ($child->child->children as $children2) { foreach ($children2->children as $child2) { echo "<h1>{$child2->url}</h1>"; } } Instead you can do it without it: foreach ($page->children as $child) { echo $child->title; foreach ($child->children as $child2) { echo $child2->title; foreach ($child2->children as $child3) { // And so on... } } } Regards, Andreas
Maybe you have to enable the expires module on apache of your hoster first?
This CSS rule should be enough in your case, but maybe you want to be more specific: .zoom-out-header-content { background-color: white; } Also I wouldn't provide a link to the admin on the front end, but this is just my opinion and maybe your are using this only for development.
Hello @webhoes, on your project detail pages, the hero image zooms into the content below while scrolling. You should add a background color to the content below to avoid this. Also, you seem to have some console errors (for example [[ ++site_url]]). Maybe you are using a template engine, which produces those. Regards, Andreas
If you don't want a user role to change templates, just make sure to not give it page-template permissions.
Just wanted to add, that an image has also an width, height and description property. So you could output it like this: $thumbnail = $page->image->size(600,480); echo "<img class='entry-thumbnail' src='{$thumbnail->url}' width='{$thumbnail->width}' height='{$thumbnail->height}' alt='{$thumbnail->description}'>"; So you don't have to change the width and height attribute manually.
You are not the only one, who noticed that. If you are already using delayed output, you should check out the new region function, if you haven't already. It comes in really handy.
Sorry for being unclear, I have meant the instructions on the textarea field input tab. In my opinion, styling of colors or alignment should be handled via an separate css file or the custom styles section of CKEditor. The custom styles would probably be enough for you and shouldn't slow down the CKEditor too much.
Hooks for manipulating images and its variations
AndZyk replied to AndZyk's topic in Module/Plugin Development
After having a closer look to the AutoSmush module, I don't think there is not much need for the module I had in mind: The ImageOptim web service requires an API key generated by your mail address It is similar like currently free, but only in beta and it is not clear how long the beta will last Also I should maybe develop a smaller module first. If anyone wants to give this idea a shot, feel free to do so. If gets shut down for whatever reason, this could be an alternative. @horst: Forgive me this silly question: But does optimizing the source image really make an noticeable difference for creating the variations? Of course it makes sense, but so far I never noticed any downside. But I am not an image expert like you are. -
Hooks for manipulating images and its variations
AndZyk replied to AndZyk's topic in Module/Plugin Development
Thanks for the hint. I will have a look.