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Everything posted by tpr

  1. This simplified example runs fine here, no double emails (using PW 2.6.1): $users = array( array( "contact_name" => "Mail-1", "email" => "mail1@yourmail.com" ), array( "contact_name" => "Mail-2", "email" => "mail2@yourmail.com" ) ); foreach( $users as $user_data ) { $to = $user_data['email']; $from = wire('config')->adminEmail; $subject = 'Hi '.$user_data["contact_name"].' My subject'; $body = 'My message'; $bodyHTML = 'My message'; wireMail($to, $from, $subject, $body, $bodyHTML); } Also, I can't figure out what was your goal with this line: $mail->to( array( $user_data->email => $user_data->contact_name ) );
  2. It's perhaps this then: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/dev/wire/core/Functions.php#L751 So you should call wireMail with arguments (at the end inside the foreach).
  3. At first look, at this point you only add items (consecutively) to the existing mail object: $mail = wireMail(); So on first run: 1 email, on second run 1+1, on third 2+1, etc. Does it work using "new wireMail()" instead of "wireMail()"?
  4. Haha, 90% done? Read this http://andyadams.org/90-projects-and-wordpress/
  5. ProcessWire is a tool that in most cases overperforms other similar softwares in many aspects. According to your actual project, PW may fit in or not. Even if not, I would recommend you to check for other solutions and use WP only if you have strong reasons (or your boss has, of course ). If your goal is to become a coding expert, WP is definitely NOT the way to go.
  6. It's a blank page here too (better saying absolutely nothing). No errors in Network tab, nor in the console. Also the Cookie-Nutzung never goes away - perhaps it is something with the cache? Or sessionFingerprint?
  7. Very fast, even with such number of images! In Chrome (39) the main menu doesn't always stick to the top but scrolls with the page. If I add this to "header#hnHeader", it seems to fix it: -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; backface-visibility: hidden;
  8. Thanks! So I should better use count($page->img) as it skips one - minor - step?
  9. Is there any performance difference between these? if(count($page->img)){} if($page->img->count()){} Lastly, is it safe to use "count" only and not "count()"? if($page->img->count){}
  10. Try 'itemMarkup' => "<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>"
  11. Could you check your php settings with phpinfo() ? Please try it with and without "php_value max_input_vars" in top of htaccess file to see if it actually works on your host (perhaps you can't override it in .htaccess) Check values like: max_input_nesting_level 64 64 max_input_time 600 60 max_input_vars 2500 1000
  12. No, it shouldn't. Try adding this to your .htaccess: php_value max_input_vars 2000
  13. Check your image field settings: Details tab, Maximum files allowed.
  14. When descriptions are used, your markup for images gets a "figure" tag wrapper, which is a block element, that's why they are full width. Set figure to display: inline block in your CSS: figure { display: inline-block; } It would be better to add a parent div with a class "gallery" for example, and style like this: .gallery > figure, .gallery > a { display: inline-block; } Update: LostKobrakai was faster
  15. It is the first time I exported-imported fields so my findings may be inaccurate. The "catalog" text next to the "catalogtest" is indicating that the template is using the same fieldgroup as "catalog" template. That's what is says too ("This template gets it's fields fromt he catalog template"). So they are just "read-only". When importing, change the name of "fieldgroups_id" in the json, then a new fieldgroup will be created and fields attached to it. At least it worked so here.
  16. http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/anatomy-of-fields-in-processwire/
  17. Just list your templates to include, or exclude the "admin" template: $matches = $pages->find("template=template1|template2|template3, title|body|sidebar~=$q, limit=50"); or $matches = $pages->find("template!=admin, title|body|sidebar~=$q, limit=50");
  18. Try saving the $admin: $admin = wire('users')->get('wonder'); $admin->setOutputFormatting(false); $admin->set('pass', 'yo12345ZZ'); $admin->save(); https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1736-forgot-backend-password-how-do-you-reset/?p=16163
  19. You could use just "today" instead of "$today", see https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3290-sort-by-date-range/?p=32282 $events = wire('pages')->get("/events/")->children("event_start_date>today, sort=event_start_date");
  20. I was sure this could not be that easy I have no experience with these tools so no idea.
  21. Try adding the "new" statement: $mailOne = new wireMail(); and $mailTwo = new wireMail();. I see Ryan used it without "new" in the first post but at gitHub the introductary description has it: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/dev/wire/core/WireMail.php#L14
  22. Could you try it with "pricelistselect.id<=2"? I know it sounds the same as without ID, but I remember a similar issue where such thing helped (but I may be wrong)
  23. Here is the updated PageimageRemoveVariations module with the exclude list: PageimageRemoveVariations.zip I went with exclude list instead of include list to make it backward compatible. I think making exclude/include feature configurable would unnecessarily overcomplicate things. I've also added myself to the author field not to blame horst if the excludeList goes fatal
  24. Isn't that tooltip come from the default html5 validation? Try setting "novalidate" attribute on the form element (if possible).
  25. In the light of this, I'm joining the beer queue: this feature already exists!
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