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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Yes, Edit mode, and position: Replace, plus enable admin page editing, nothing else was changed. Using the trash icon for deletion. This is a multilanguage setup so perhaps it's only ML issue. Using the usual page delete (non-BCE) there is no php notice.
  2. There's a php notice after deleting a page. Seems unrelated to the new "admin edit" feature because it appears with and without enabling that. Using version 1.1.9, PW 306. PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object ... in Page.php:780
  3. I just thought that as an extra security step but there is no need for that as you wrote.
  4. Works fine, thanks. Is it enabled only for superusers?
  5. If you use JavaScript anyways, why not add the event also by JavaScript?
  6. It's not for ASMselect but something similar should work after adjustments: // prev-next Pages are NullPages if current is first or last $prevPage = $page->prev->id ? $page->prev : $page->siblings->last; $nextPage = $page->next->id ? $page->next : $page->siblings->first; // use $prevPage->url
  7. Are admin pages disabled by default? I have a few pages under the Admin branch (form submissions) and BCE doesn't seem to be present there. Is there a way to allow it there? (using devns 3.0.5)
  8. This feature has saved my ass a few times Phpstorm is very project-centric, knows more of the project than you I believe this IDE helped me much becoming a better developer. As for the methods/properties, there's a popup (ctrl+F12 here) that lists all of them in the file, but you can stick this panel where you want.
  9. I think this I the type of project where a stock CSS framework design would perfectly fit - eg. Uikit.
  10. Yes, because the iframe would navigate away and the lightbox closes. You can set "closeOnSave" to false to prevent this, but on the add children page you will probably get the full admin, not the "modal" version (without sidebars and headers, etc). For now, to add children with FEEL you can use PageTables, as Juergen suggested earlier. Not the best solution I know.
  11. Very nice, just what the doctor ordered! Seem to work fine on 3.0.6. Perhaps the UI could be polished more but otherwise it's a huge time saver.
  12. Update 2017-10: this feature is bult-in to AdminOnSteroids module, with more features (eg. ctrl-down/up for expand/collapse lang tabs) and bug fixes. This is a small snippet I put together to make easier to navigate between language tabs, using ctrl + right/left arrows. I know there is a button to toggle the visibility of all lang tabs but I find this method easier. It's far from perfect, doesn't work with ajax-loaded CKEditors and and the code itself could be polished more. But it does the job quite well. To use, put this in ready.php:
  13. That would lead to a delayed output from a beginner - if any output at all
  14. Yep, a user "name" field should be unique, the "title" can be arbitrary.
  15. Similar to typing "google" into google. The internets breaks.
  16. I'm just re-discovering UIkit in these days. I don't care too much about grids as most of them works just fine, but I do appreciate UIkit components. Parallax, sticky, scrollspy, slider et al can really spice up things without too much effort. It's true even if in some cases documentation is imperfect - mostly a google search gives the result. To make things easier, I also included Base's helper classes which adds nice support for responsive issues, for example "float-right-tablet" or "inline-block-hd". Plus I have a less file drop-in with my custom helper classes, like ".mb2 { margin-bottom: @margin * 2; }" and such.
  17. tpr

    Seperate Log ins

    I use separate browser profiles, mostly one per project, but you can create more too. Read more in my blog post: http://blog.rolandtoth.hu/post/61202386954/per-project-chrome-instances
  18. There is no placeholder in your sprintf function, add %s. Also, the URL won't be clickable in this way. Plus you should use httpUrl instead to have an absolute URL in the email.
  19. Got rid of the PHP notice on module install (1.2.1).
  20. I use Haroopad on Win and it makes writing markdown more enjoyable.
  21. My pleasure. I also had a few headaches with devns in my latest project but finally all seem to work fine.
  22. Is it namespaced PW? (3.05) If so, try ProcessWire\wireRenderFile...
  23. Got hooked on this channel lately: http://www.di.fm/atmosphericbreaks
  24. I see that contents are cloned into a div by PW but original classes are not kept (using option A). Copying over the original classes to the ".pw-edit-orig" div could help keeping the original design and it would be easy to implement using jQuery. On edit the formatting are gone but after save they are back, so imo it would be a step forward - messing up the original design could be stressful for the client.
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