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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Couldn't fix it myself but this one works: figure { display: table; } figcaption { display: table-caption; caption-side: bottom; } http://stackoverflow.com/a/21533437/4731155 Also remove position: absolute from figcaption to make it work. CSS caption-side is supported from IE8 so it should work everywhere nowadays, but check it yourself to make sure. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc304060%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
  2. Remarkerable updates Two-digit markers seems to need some fix but that's a minor thing.
  3. tpr

    Vip Air Limousine

    This is a quick and nice scroll effect (just add to the site): https://github.com/galambalazs/smoothscroll-for-websites
  4. Php issue? Search for max execution time, memory limit, etc on pw forums (use Google search for better results). If it worked locally there could be something with the environment. How did you move the site live?
  5. tpr

    Avatar for pwired

    Brilliant. The wait is over
  6. Check this: http://codepen.io/rolandtoth/pen/GoqEYZ
  7. What happens if you add "/" in front of "site" in LostKorbakai's code? document.write('<script src="/site/templates/' + scriptUrl + '"></script>'); This will make the path start from web root. If your PW is in a subfolder, use "/subfolder/site/.....".
  8. Can you show the site in question? I think there's an easy CSS/markup fix but it's hard to help without seeing anything.
  9. Looks good! Setting coordinates in percentage wouldn't work? Markers will go wild on responsive sites if pixel values are used, I guess.
  10. Nice! We'll have a nice christmas here sitting together by the light of the lappy enjoying the hot air coming from the CPU Technology gets so complex that I won't wonder if the next version of PW will be written in pure CSS
  11. I understand the motivation but think about these: maintenance and readability. Will you, or the next developer know what's going on without pulling out his hair? (for example, six month later) Perhaps you should try Jade: http://jade-lang.com/
  12. Just a note: overwriting the render value with custom html output (getting rid of the input field) is not a good idea. The field will have no value in the admin page (only the custom html, no form input) and hitting Save will null out the original value. This could be possibly eliminated keeping the original input for the field and hiding them, and appending the custom html. As for now, I made the field Locked so the field will use the renderValue to display its contents. Doing so hitting Save will not change the original value. Here's how the current admin page looks like. The "Submission details" is one textarea with json contents, using a renderValue hook to make nicer:
  13. After some trial and error, "Pages::saveReady" did the trick to ensure input value is json encoded. Now getting those dirty form submissions to the admin is a breeze.
  14. Is sanitizeValue hookable? It doesn't seem to work. Note that I'm using hooks in ready.php (but have tried init.php too).
  15. Gave this thing a go and it seems I will take a simpler approach: using a textarea and a InputfieldTextarea::render hook to display the array in a HTML list format in the admin. Works like a charm, only the admin display should be tweaked a bit to make it nicer. I've also changed the storage type from serialized array to json. Of course field value has to be json_encoded before save but that's a minor issue.
  16. I need to rewrite that post because there are many improvements and simplifications in that process. My ultimate goal is to create a site profile (maybe a multilanguage one) with Latte.
  17. I'm using a similar setup in my PW projects. The major difference is that I'm using Latte template language which takes it a step further by allowing master templates, overridable/extendable blocks, email templates, includes with variable passing, etc. Plus much cleaner code in view files, which alone would worth the switch . I like it just as much as I like PW, but having both at hand is the best. I've tried switching to Twig but I felt it less productive. While I agree with Ryan that PW doesn't need a template language, using one can save a lot of time.
  18. @kongondo Thanks, I guess I focused only on the Modules/Plugins part of the title and ignored the rest
  19. Thanks, I'll check it. I guess I'll create such a module (or at least try) because I would use it my projects.
  20. Unfortunately I don't have access to them. Even if they are doing the same, they display the submitted values on the backend like real fields, aren't they? My idea is to display values as a list (key-value), and make them read-only. I'm using a 3rd party form solution and this would simplify saving submissions. I was creating fields on the fly so far but that's very error-prone, plus I feel it's too much for the purpose. What I would need is to store submissions as simply as possible, and make submissions readable in the backend too.
  21. I'm thinking about creating a new module to store form submissions quickly using serialized arrays. The idea is not to create separate fields for each submitted input but only one field. On the backend, the values would displayed in a human readable format, and the field itself won't be editable. Is there any existing solution for this? And, in general, any thoughts on this idea?
  22. When I add a new admin tab (a new Page under the Admin section), it shows in the sidebar but it doesn't go anywhere when clicked. Setting the admin theme back to Default all works fine. I'm using 2.7.2 dev but as I remember it never worked. Update: Just discovered that it works on double-click, just like the items Setup, Module, Pages.
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