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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Filter boxes are added via JS so there is no hook there as I remember. Because of this the JS init code needs to be run on ajax change. I rarely use pagetables but I'll reproduce the issue somehow.
  2. That would work, but there is an aos tweak to move the save btn next to the title. But perhaps prevnextlinks could be placed to the far right then, will think of it.
  3. That's true but I think it wouldn't be used to quickly cycle through pages. My first idea was to put these links before the title but that would make the title look odd, though I can change it if there's a need.
  4. I've just added a feature similar to PrevNextTabs module, creatively named as prevNextLinks It's largely based on @Macrura's module but there are some differences too: links are added next to the page title which is imo less error-prone on the last page the first children is linked and on the first page the last, so there are "Edit prev/next/last/first" links based on the current position under the hood links are added to the DOM via JS, which made it much easier to position them and to serve all 3 admin themes (default, Reno, Uikit) there is no option to exclude/include templates @Juergen Thanks, I'll have a look
  5. FYI version 008 caused an 500 error: Changing the version number from 008 to 8 (no quotes) fixed the issue (plus clear the FileCompiler cache). Running PHP 7.025 here. As I've read PHP 7 throws an error if the integer starts with a zero, so use it without them or use as a string ("008").
  6. Thanks @Samc and @maxf5, you gave me an idea about the future of my AdminOnSteroids module, rewriting it as an admin theme. This has been come up earlier too but there was no Uikit theme then, now it's perhaps more easy to do this.
  7. I can confirm this issue with the Uikit theme. Here is an idea for the prev-next edit links placement, next to the page title: And I would use the regular link "title" attribute instead of the tooltip (it just works). In fact I wanted the add this feature to AOS for a long time but I couldn't find a satisfactory place to them. But now I think this is it
  8. tpr


    I haven't noticed such issue, maybe it's something with bgset. Here (at the bottom) they suggest to use the parent-fit extension when using cover or contain: https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes/tree/gh-pages/plugins/bgset
  9. Affinity Designer seems another good choice: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/designer/
  10. Thanks, I re-worded that sentence, hopefully that works too (cannot see here the issue).
  11. In v165 sticky header is available for the Uikit admin theme too along with a compact (smaller, better name anyone?) masthead, plus Profile page links to configure themes (SuperUsers only):
  12. I was about to suggest fontello but ten icons weighted about 10 kbyte, so 1 per char which seems heavier than svgs. Of course more or other chars can be perhaps less heavy. Another option could be using unicode characters as icons but I'm not sure there are enough of them and browsers may display them differently. That would be super light though.
  13. Nothing special. It's named like hpt_pw_confirm, made hidden with inline style. It gas its own url too, /contact/, maybe that's why (previously it was an SPA site with no dedicated url). Invisible captcha sounds great, I heard the term before but didn't know it works like that. The problem is that the form is a custom module and a captcha would require more time to add, but it seems I cannot skip that.
  14. FYI, one site I rewrote recently the honeypot fails entirely. I wouldn't like to add a captcha so added sblam, whuch works fine so far: https://sblam.com/en.html
  15. Are you plan to integrate some statistics into it (clicked links, opened, etc)? (or leave it to third party services, not sure they support it)
  16. There is no slider that fits for all, period An interesting one is CSS Fadeshow: https://github.com/alexerlandsson/css-fadeshow/blob/master/README.md
  17. There's also lightgallery.js (has a jQuery version too): https://sachinchoolur.github.io/lightgallery.js/
  18. Since in most projects I don't have jQuery I use Tiny Slider: https://github.com/ganlanyuan/tiny-slider
  19. You can load JS/CSS with AOS, isn't that an option?
  20. JQuery simplifies things for JS, just like PW does for PHP cms. You could use vanilla JS or another framework that would make things harder for devs. Would you use PW if it were more complicated to use or so basic like pure PHP? I think jQuery is still the right tool for PW admin, or at least I don't see any real advantages using another (or using none).
  21. AFAIK you don't need to check $page->editable when using FEEL.
  22. tpr

    Writing ninja code

    That has something to do with the famous Turbo Entabulator®, hasn't it?
  23. A search feature to the panels would be nice, it was suggested a few times before. I think a gui-less one would fit here, I mean start typing and a small lime in the bottom left corner would show the search string only (like google chrome's url display on link hover), esc would exit. The problem is that there are several panel types and closed sections, etc.
  24. Or you can load a JS loader that loads your JS.
  25. Use the EAP version (early access program): https://confluence.jetbrains.com/plugins/servlet/mobile#content/view/51185764 But you will see soon how helpful it is compared to other IDEs so chances are you will buy it. I also prefer freewares where possible but in this case it's worth the money. I tried Netbeans several times, lately about half a year ago but switched back to PhpStorm.
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