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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Almost, non-superusers will have only the bookmark and no edit (right) link.
  2. Sounds good to me. In fact the default setting were important to me until the feature to import settings.php weren't introduced (see the bottom of AOS config page). For the nav items I could tweak it to enable edit links only for superuers.
  3. Looks great! Makes me eager to set up a multisite
  4. I've just uploaded v1.6.1 that contains the CKEaddon config fix and also some minor AdminThemeUikit fixes. I've also modified ListerTweaks to allow empty asmSelects. I'm not sure about this line but I guess it's needed to clear previous lister sessions.
  5. I haven't noticed slowdowns (or perhaps I blamed my own code?) but good to know that there's less chance now to see them in the future
  6. Thanks, it's a bug, insert this after this line until the next update: $fsetCKE->add($f);
  7. Have you enabled it on top? I guess I need to make the top submodule chooser more obvious.
  8. I assume you're using CKEaddons plugins. If so, what plugins? Are you using FieldOverrides? If so, what are your settings?
  9. Took some time why it's not working there but finally found it - the CSS rule is active only above 960px screen width and the panel width usually below this. I'll fix this in the next release. Probably if you zoom the page out you'll see too. I've checked the new UIkit theme and it's not bad. From AOS pov I saw only the language switcher that is misplaced but surely there are others too. I'll wait until more users will start to use it and if there will be too many AOS-related complains I'll start to fix them. I would be also happy if there would be only one theme to support.
  10. The very same story here with Stylus. I use it only for about a month or two but wouldn't go back. I get angry when I have to deal with other preprocessors and the curly braces
  11. Oh I see it's arguments(0), sorry.
  12. @bernhard I'll disable the position sticky for mobile screens. @Robin S I see your points, but not everyone is capable of writing hooks. In fact the whole AOS wouldn't be needed because one could add their hooks/tweaks manually too. So yes, it's an abstraction but imo it makes things easier, maybe not for those who are familiar with hooks. In fact even for me it's easier to edit such an ini file (whether in admin or in a file) than writing hooks. Perhaps I could use a PHP array instead ini when used from a file, and add a log key (command) to make logging easier but I guess this wouldn't help for those who prefer hooks instead. Btw, "$page->template == 'news'" in your example is not valid, because in the admin the edited page is needed to be checked (template would return "admin" there always).
  13. I knew about @abdus article and considered going that way too. However I don't know how could I provide a UI for those hooks in one place like aos does how. Setting page/user conditionals would be another problem (from UI pov). I don't think ini is a language/form a pw dev couldn't get in a few minutes so this doesn't seem to be an issue imo. aos already has a few non-conform field syntax, mainly key-value pairs, perhaps I'll convert them to similar ini-like fields later. Lack of logging or such is an issue though. My best idea is to add notifications for superusers that some field properties are overridden by the module, on the page edit screen. I do not want to modify the original field edit page, that would lead to more confusions I think, and it wasn't easy in case of user/page conditions in effect. As for the file-based settings I think I will prepend it to the admin contents if exists. My biggest concern is that this submodule is too powerful, but it's for devs who should know what they are doing. And they can leave out this daily dose if they don't like it
  14. Good idea, will implement it somehow.
  15. I've worked on the "CKEditor customizations" feature and finally decided not to restrict on CKEditor field only. It was refactored to a new submodule called "FieldOverrides". This way it is possible to set a bunch of field properties to override the defaults, in user, field or page contexts. Basically this is an extended version of the built-in field template overrides feature but for almost all field properties. Some examples of what is possible: As you can see the syntax has changed a lot and there are some new keys too. Syntax higlight works with InputfieldAceExtended and CodeMirror too, and in both cases the field auto-grows. CodeMirror uses files from the existing CKE plugins directory so the module's overall filesize hasn't grow much. @szabesz I don't have ListerPro so it's hard to check things. You say that If you turn ListerTweaks off it's still active?
  16. You could do this easily within the module. Btw nice button on the right of the screenshot (but icon should be fa-medkit)
  17. Good point. I usually get about 85/92 on google pagespeed by default with PW, with no extra efforts. With WP I'm happy if I can get above 80 with a caching plugin and various tricks.
  18. Just noticed this yesterday, edited my module in question (no change) and it was fine after, so I guess it's fixed now.
  19. Great selling point for wp theme coders "iphone x compatible"
  20. Just for the record, in AOS you can easily add a WP-like page edit layout by adding enabling Add aos_column_break field to create admin columns tweak under Misc (and adding the aos_column_break field to your templates). The gutter between the columns is draggable.
  21. Makes sense but eg. for me who doesn't have Ace it's a drawback. Now I've modified the code to use Ace if it's installed, otherwise use CodeMirror. Btw, with Ace the textarea height is only 3 rows here, how you managed it to make higher? Update: solved it this way, but is there a way to autosize the Ace editor?
  22. Unfortunately highlight.js doesn't support textarea so I had to use CodeMirror. I'll be available in the next release.
  23. Not a bad idea, but how about highlight.js?
  24. v1.5.8 is uploaded so you can try the new "CKEditor customization" feature where you can set CKEditor toolbar buttons and other properties. I think it's a pretty powerful feature with only a few lines of code, thanks to PW and using INI fomat in the configuration textarea. For details, see the bottom of CKEaddons in the docs. Plus I've reorganized the module assets including the compile/minify process, hopefully without any issues.
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