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Posts posted by Zeka

  1. 8 hours ago, szabesz said:

    Thank you @ryan, pretty impressive so far!
    Just one question: are we going to be able to save "presets" too? So that predefined export/import settings can be made available when needed.

    Hi @szabesz 

    I think that if import/export functionality will be possible from API side, we will be able to easily build custom process modules with some predefined patterns for import or export. Hope that multilanguage support will be introduced as multilanguage type of setup currently is default for me ))

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  2. Hi @Peter Knight

    I didn't add image field to langauge template, but I have added several custom text fields in every install, so there is no problem to add your custom fields. Just set "Show system templates" in tempalate manager filter, I think you are aware about it.

    As an alternative you can put your flags to some template/assets/images/flags/ and name it like default.png, english.png etc. and then use $language->name in your foreach loop.



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  3. Hi @adrian

    Thank you for your efforts in this module.

    I faced a problem with js in CUN on 67 line

    data[i]['enabledPages'] = $(this).find('input[id=enabledPages'+i+']').val().split(",");

    bit if I uncomment the previous line it works

    if($(this).find('input[id=enabledPages'+i+']').length !== 0) data[i]['enabledPages'] = $(this).find('input[id=enabledPages'+i+']').val().split(",");

    Variant with if statement looks more logical for me, but I'm curious is there any reason why you have commented it? 

  4. Hi @Peter Knight

    1. You can use MarkupSEO, just change type of needed field to multilanguage text/textarea ( seo_title, seo_description etc.) 

    2. I think yes. Can't remember if I had some issues.

    3. All of my sites are multilingual and I never had a need to use a separate tree for every language. You can switch off multilanguage support on template level (Advanced tab) and there is module that lets you control whether multi-language support is enabled at the page / branch level.

    4. Yes.

    You should read about hreflang.

    Also, there is "What should happen when this field's value is blank?" option in field settings.  Usually, I don't inherit values from default language, because in that way I can get duplicated content ( not good for SEO ).

    Image and files fields are multilingual through language-alternate values 


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