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Posts posted by Zeka

  1. Quote

    hide button doesn't seem to toggle the class now

    Yes, that normal behavior in this case, because ($this) refers to the object (button, anchor) that was clicked. 

    There is working example


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  2. Hi @dreerr

    There is a module that lets you control whether multi-language support is enabled at the page / branch level, but it I don't think that it is exactly what you are looking for, because it disables all language for restricted pages / branches. 

    But it can be a starting point. Maybe @adrian could say is it possible to tweak his module that you can select which languages are allowed for a specific page.



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  3. I would prefer module because it's more PW way. 

    It worth to mention that there is WireMail module that handles sending of email in PW. Also, there is WireMail SMTP that extends mentioned class.

    You can go with a similar approach: create a module that will extend WireMail class by hooks where you can specify some specific things from your custom mail class.


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  4. Hi @webaff



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  5. Hi @ukyo

    I want to use your AVBfastcache module in my new project but can't find any information about its capability with PW 3.

    Also, there is no activity in repo and forum more than a year, so I'm curious about your plans to maintain this module.

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