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Mike Rockett

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Everything posted by Mike Rockett

  1. You're welcome. I see what you mean then. But don't worry, it'll all work out just fine. Just gotta be in control of your various installations, much the same way you would when running on several production servers. If you don't already, you may want to consider making use of Virtual Hosts in Apache. If you're not familiar with them yet, you can learn more about how to set them up here. The examples there are quite simple, but will do the trick. I prefer to use a combination of VirtualDocumentRoot and Acrylic DNS Proxy, so that I need not configure anything when I want to create a new site with a custom local domain, such as mysite.local. If you're interested to know how I go about it, let me know.
  2. Hi, and welcome to ProcessWire! To answer your question: yes, that's the way it's supposed to be done. Each website should have its very own installation of ProcessWire. I do believe there is a module that assists in using one installation for multiple sites, but this is only recommended for a single client that has multiple sites, not for multiple clients running on different servers. I'm not sure what you mean by minefield, though. Could you elaborate that for me?
  3. There's also ScrollReveal, which I quite like.
  4. The code is as I pasted it. (Except the ul thing, which I changed.)
  5. I downloaded this archive, and it's still sticking ul and class together, unless I use an id. Using <?= $modules->MarkupMenuBuilder->render('main', array('menu_css_class' => 'navigation')); ?> Result: <ulclass ="navigation"> <li ><a href='/'>Home</a></li> ... </ul> Edit: Culprit seems to be line 185 of MarkupMenuBuilder on in the archive I grabbed. $cssMenuClass = $options['menu_css_class'] ? 'class ="' . $options['menu_css_class'] . '"' : '';
  6. Yeah, I figured that. Just mentioned it because of the general output. To me, it isn't overkill if it's to be used to enhance everything the module outputs. Much the same way I used ParseCSV in Jumplinks - I wanted the flexibility it provides, which enhances the experience.
  7. Wait, I'm not using the dev branch. Whoops... (unless it was patched in the one you get from the directory?) I guess I'm just a sucker for clean code.
  8. Hi joe_g. It seems you've posted this thread twice, instead of editing your original.
  9. I'm busy moving a site over to PW, and using MenuBuilder for the main nav. Unfortunately, I'm getting this markup: <ulclass ="navigation"> <li class=" current"><a href='/'>Welcome</a></li> ... </ul> Which is broken... Would it not be better to use some kind of HTML builder? Perhaps something like this?
  10. Just picked up that you need to specify the variable you're using in the TemplateTwigReplace configuration (Auto-import fuel), otherwise this won't work.
  11. Yeah, that's what I thought... Going to give it a try now now.
  12. I'd like to be able to access the back-end of each site I create from a sub-domain. I'm sure this is quite possible, I just don't know what route to take, considering that PW does not take this into account (not designed to allow for it). I'd also like it if I could redirect from /processwire to siteadmin.example.com (for example). Sure, this is just a semantics thing, and doesn't have anything to do with security. That said, I do create a bunch of other sub-domains for my clients so that they can manage their email accounts, signatures, etc. As such, I'd like everything to follow a pattern. Is this possible at all? How would I go about it?
  13. Yeah, I just landed up using one because it worked... (Won't be a security issue, will it?)
  14. It might actually help to follow what I did with Jumplinks. Essentially, I just used InputfieldWrappers, and then wrapped those in a literal <form id="something">{render}</form>. Then I used the following CSS because all the Inputfields separated: #something .InputfieldContent, #something .Inputfields { margin-top: 0; .... } As reference from Jumplinks: Execute function: ProcessJumplinks.module#L820 Output method: ProcessJumplinks.module#L1022 CSS (Less) margin thingy: ProcessJumplinks.less#L42
  15. It's actually quite straightforward. In your field settings, under Input, add a reference to a JS Styles Set: mystyles:/site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/mystyles.js If you're using the blank profile, that file won't exist. If so, you'll need to copy the one from wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor. All that's left is to add the style you want for your paragraphs. Your file should look like this: CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'mystyles', [ { name: 'Inline Code', element: 'code' }, { name: 'Inline Quotation', element: 'q' }, { name: 'Left Aligned Photo', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'align_left' } }, { name: 'Right Aligned Photo', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'align_right' } }, { name: 'Centered Photo', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'align_center' } }, { name: 'Small', element: 'small' }, { name: 'Deleted Text', element: 'del' }, { name: 'Inserted Text', element: 'ins' }, { name: 'Cited Work', element: 'cite' } // plus your style { name: 'Summary', element: 'p', attributes: {'class': 'summary'} } ] ); Then, you can select your whole paragraph and choose the Summary style for it. Edit: Might also be a nice idea to add a CSS file to apply the style in the editor too. Edit: Hold up, I see you're wanting this to happen automatically for the name of the field... Didn't pick that up, sorry. That said, this is cool for a targeting specific paragraphs.
  16. I had the same issue with ProcessJumplinks at one point. Can't remember what caused it, though... Drove me mad.
  17. So, https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/archive/dev.zip isn't working?
  18. I think we're ready for stable. I'm first going to switch over to prepared statements - silly me for not doing this first. Once done, I'll switch over to stable.
  19. Magical! Defintely going to use this on my next site.
  20. So I was just about to start developing another site for a client, and I got this error when I tried to install on my local server: Error: Call to a member function execute() on a non-object (line 240 of C:\usr\local\gca\public_html\index.php) This error message was shown because /install.php still exists. Error has been logged. Any ideas what on earth is happening? (2.5.22 grabbed about 20 minutes ago) Edit: I'm guessing this has something to do with the database setup - could be a wrong password... That said, surely it should say if something is wrong? Nope, that's not it... Going to try with an older version quickly...
  21. Great site indeed! I love the simplicity about it. Even more, I love the solid appeal/feeling I get from it. Well done @ESRCH: I don't think ProCache is being used here. Mustache, the client-side templating system, would probably be speeding things up. I think it also has it's own cache.
  22. I generally state in my Service Agreement that the client is responsible for creating copy/text for use on the site. I also specifically state that if it needs improvement, it will be sent to my editors. Then, I run it past the client, explaining what has changed and why, as stated by the editors. If the client is not happy with the changes, I revert, and it becomes their issue. In some cases, the client is a start-up, and we generate new copy together, starting with a full list of products/services and some details about them. That said, it really does depend on the client, and how familiar they are the marketing practise. In the case of my business, it is essential for the client to understand that, by doing their website and other marketing materials, I am their marketer, and so I should know a better approach when I see one. At the end of the day, my business is here to help - if they don't want extensive help, then I can't force it upon them. Indeed, I think so.
  23. If I had a say in the matter, I'd probably go for <item> (for plain ol' items) and <subnav> (for sub-menus).
  24. I see. I know that <menu> is really for context menus... to be filled with <menuitem>s. I've never really been one for standards. To me, my method is easier to understand. Maybe not for everyone else. I tend to believe that if it works well, use it. One of the reasons I use <nav> instead of <ul> is that I don't need to remove the left margin. Granted, that's a small thing, but it just feels better do do it that way. Also, that example depends on what CSS framework/reset is being used. I think that a little flexibility would be cool. Otherwise, I'll use the method suggested. (Won't hurt much at all )
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