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Mike Rockett

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Everything posted by Mike Rockett

  1. Perhaps it has something to do with post counts and likes? Or member status? You're all above me in terms of member status, so that could be it...
  2. Nopes: Was looking for either that, or the actual topic prefix drop-down where predefined prefixes live.
  3. I think it is role-based, because I can't use them (tried with Jumplinks).
  4. I've been wondering why only forum staff can use topic prefixes when starting a new topic. When looking at the Modules/Plugins subforum, everything is inconsistent in terms of topic naming, where some topics have the prefix badge, and other are simply prefixed with "Module:"... In the case above, "Manage Files" has both, which is even more inconsistent when compared to the rest. I think all members should be able to use topic prefixes, or nobody at all. Wouldn't you agree?
  5. Just bumped into this nice little article from last year. I, too, would like to share PW with fellow South Africans, which I'll be doing when I release my new website in the coming months. Here's the article: jansieblom.co.za/perfect-cms/
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums! That isn't something ProcessWire would do, as PW leaves the design of your site to you. You more than likely have a print stylesheet somewhere that is making the links show... That's the only explanation. Edit: I've scoured your code, and it appears that you have a stylesheet containing the following: a[href]:after{content:" (" attr(href) ")"} That's the culprit. As you're using AIOM, I can't tell which file it is... Edit: It appears that Foundation is doing this (I think Bootstrap does too - or it used to.) You can override it like this: @media print { a[href]:after { content: none !important; } }
  7. Version Bump to 1.1.3 Error-control for REQUEST_URI (previously threw an exception regarding it being undefined when using wireshell) No schema changes
  8. Ah, figured it out. For some reason, I set the cache on the admin template instead of another template... No idea how I did that. Must have just clicked on the wrong template and not noticed which one I was editing.
  9. Okay, I've managed to login by creating a front end login form - this seems to have worked. Still, the backend login form doesn't want to work. I'm assuming this has something to do with CSRF...?
  10. That doesn't seem to do it either... Not getting any errors/warnings anyway...
  11. Got home to some strange behaviour on one of my development sites - not able to login. I have seen this: processwire.com/talk/topic/4011-cannot-login-to-admin-area/ But nothing there works. If I try changing the password, still can't sign in. Using SessionHandlerDatabase, and have cleared those caches too. Could that module be an issue in 2.5.25? I am running another few local sites on that version, but am not experiencing the same issue. Nothing in any error logs anywhere. Login form doesn't show any errors either. Wondering if the installation in question has gone all bonkers on me... Update: I also have the Forgot Password module enabled. Interestingly, when I click on it, it just shows the normal login form... Isn't it supposed to just show email? The URL does include ?forgot=1...
  12. Perfect - any time. Oh, and I made a mistake. When using cygwin/mingw32, the path is actually "%appdata%\Composer\vendor\wireshell\wireshell\". I added in an extra wireshell there...
  13. I must say, the Agility backend doesn't look so fresh... It's the first thing that made me close the tab. That said, I can, believe it or not, imagine the types of people that would pay such ridiculous prices... But I have news for them. Lots of mind-altering news.
  14. The thing with Windows is that it doesn't automatically pick up the laravel command like *nix can, which is why a batch file needs to be created. However, because your wireshell file is looking for the vendor directory inside it's own, it doesn't work. As such, you'll need to change your request for autoload.php to this (the way Laravel's installer does it): if (file_exists(__DIR__.'/../../autoload.php')) { require __DIR__.'/../../autoload.php'; } else { require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; } Then, the user can create a wireshell.bat file in a directory visible to the windows path containing this: @echo off php "%appdata%\Composer\vendor\wireshell\wireshell\wireshell" %* This works on my side. Update: If using mingw32 or cygwin, however, this isn't necessary - it's just a matter of adding %appdata%\Composer\vendor\wireshell\wireshell\wireshell to the path.
  15. On Windows, it installs to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\wireshell\wireshell\ ... Not sure what the best way of making this global is, other than making a batch file look specifically in that directory. I must admit: I'm not a composer fundi, but I get the basics... Update: In fact, if I run wireshell directly from the above directory (using php wireshell), it doesn't run because it's looking for vendor/autoload.php in that directory too. If I run the nasty php vendor/wireshell/wireshell/wireshell from the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Composer directory, it works. Phew, quite messy. But, like I said, I'm no fundi - there must be a better way to do this.
  16. When will appendNewLine be implemented? I'm assuming this will simply add a new line after the markup? I've just used this little patch in the meantime: /** * asset * * @param string $name * @param string $type * @param array $args * @return ozwim\Blick\Asset|ozwim\Blick\Image * * @see js * @see css * @see img */ public function asset($name, $type, $args) { $result = AssetFactory::get($name, $type, $this->conf, $args); if ($this->conf->appendNewLine) return "$result\n"; return $result; }
  17. Oh yeah, my hosting provider said they couldn't update GS to 9.x... Thanks for the update - will check it out as soon as I can.
  18. Right, this doesn't seem to be a CKE thing... This is more of a ProcessWire thing, by the looks of it. Granted, I'm just assuming that's the case as the trimming still happens when ACF is turned off, and there are no text formatters assigned. My guess is that the field is being parsed, and when an anchor tag is found, it's being sent through a URL filter. If it isn't a URL, then it's trimmed/sanitised. At this point, I would recommend a module that converts it for you. So, in your field you'd have something like [phone:+27101231234] (just using an example South African number in there), which would be converted accordingly. You could also use Hanna Code, I guess - though I don't use it, and so am not very familiar with how it works. Side note: I wouldn't recommend using callto, unless you're targeting Skype users... tel is the best route to take, I believe, Edit - here's a simple Hanna Code for converting this: [[a tel=+27101231234]] <?php print '<a href="tel:' . $tel . '">' . $tel . '</a>'; The Hanna Code name should be "a" and you should add the "tel" attribute. Also don't forget to add the Hanna Code text formatter to your field.
  19. Version Bump to 1.1.2 Correct page-check behaviour (was using name, now using URI) Use commitJumplink in CSV importer No schema changes
  20. Fixed - see commit. If you see any errors, please do jot them down and mention them in Jumplinks support thread. Thanks.
  21. I see that I actually did implement the feature, but it checks by name, which won't always work. Redirects uses this: if(($page = $this->pages->get($to)) && $page->id) $to = '^' . $page->id; Jumplinks uses this: if (($page = $this->pages->get('name=' . trim($input->destinationUriUrl, '/'))) && $page->id) { $input->destinationUriUrl = "page:{$page->id}"; } I'll fix this asap.
  22. Sorry, I didn't actually test it, and can't do so right now because I'm recovering from a system refresh that was essentially forced upon me... If someone else hasn't helped you out by the time I'm up and running, I'll have a look to see what's wrong there. I have a feeling this might involve a CKE plugin, but I could be wrong. Extra Allowed Content should be able to do it...
  23. Cool, I'll set that up as soon as I can. Still trying to recover from this.
  24. @bbeer: Surely that's supposed to be a[href^=tel:], a[href^=callto:]?
  25. Hi marc1n, I'm not sure what you mean by that... Where are you importing data from? And what warnings are you getting? Edit: An import will only save page IDs if you're importing from ProcessRedirects. If you're importing from CSV, then it won't. Perhaps I should add that functionality in? So if a destination URI matches an existing page, we should set it to use the ID instead... Is that what you're referring to?
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