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Mike Rockett

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Everything posted by Mike Rockett

  1. Hi kixe, and thank you It's not a multi-language site. So, I'm a tad confused: His post says that I must either use the module, OR his template and page; but you're suggesting that I do both? I simply assumed that the module would be plug-and-play (I don't see any specific instructions for the module itself). EDIT: Just so you know, I am using Twig for my templates, and I don't think PW can be set to check if a given template is running PHP or Twig, as it's hard-coded into the config file. Woild be nice if I could set it like so: $config->templateExtension = 'twig|php'; As such, I don't think I can use the page/template-based approach as Twig is designed for that. EDIT: Although, I could use Hanna Code... Yes?
  2. This looks like a great plugin, but it doesn't seem to work for me... A request to /sitemap.xml just throws a 404. I have enabled Cache, but I don't see any XML cache file.
  3. Greets Right, so I'm nearly done with my first PW site, and now need to move it to a testing server, which uses a different domain. (Sure, this question could apply to moving a site from dev to production too...) The move was successful, but the "View" tab/button (dependant on the admin theme - hehe) links to the old domain... Didn't realise that the domain would be hard coded into each DB entry... The rest of PW uses a relative approach. How could I change this? (Or have I done something really silly, which I doubt?)
  4. Hi No, I don't have any selectors like that. I thought that since I'm searching for suggestions based on the request (which is the name), that I should also be searching for others by name as well. Nonetheless, if I remove name from the query, I still get the repeaters. Though, I've just noticed that they only appear when I am logged in. Each repeater contains a link to itself in the backend. But when you click on it, it says that there's no Process for this. This is an example URI: /administration/repeaters/for-field-136/ Anyways, if I'm logged out, it's cool. Perhaps there's a bug, or was it like that intentionally?
  5. Greetings I'm new to PW, and think it's fantastic! Never, ever, have I seen such an amazing CMF! Anyways, to my question: I had set some Hanna Code to render a list of page suggestions on the http404 page, which works perfectly. The problem, however, comes in when I use repeaters, which are page instances. The page suggestion renderer has the following: $suggestions = $pages->find('name|title|summary|body%='.$request); I have a page that is named services-industries, and repeaters with the word services in the name. As such, repeaters appear in the suggestion results-list if applicable to the search. How can I exclude/remove those?
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