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Everything posted by Christophe

  1. Not sure for the moment if I'm going to start from scratch with the blank profile, from gebeer's profile and try to update it, or from ryan's Foundation 4 profile and try to update it the best I can.
  2. Pootle had been mentioned earlier this year (see page 1).
  3. @totoff: yes, I was thinking about this one (and others), but was wondering which processwire profile version to use (there are at least 3 if I'm not mistaken). And also if it was better (or not) to "catch" the latest stable version and "convert" it to Processwire. @Joss: I've already read your tutorial. I'll look at it again and see how I manage to do the "conversion". For the moment, I've only done one with HTML Kit, with a little help from its author at the very beginning.
  4. @jtherczeg: (if the PW translation project on Transifex is obsolete it should be deactivated, shouldn't it?) I had seen quickly the Language Translation tool, but it didn't seem very convenient. I'll take a look at it again. The French language pack for PW 2.2 seemed to old for me to start from. @Manfred62: I had read the thread you're mentioning, and written in it, as you may have already seen. Perhaps because I haven't really had the opportunity to try it and also the internal translation tool, I had/have the impression that it is easier to start from an existing language pack (Spanish, German...) than from an empty one. Surely, in part, because in empty files it seems "complicated" to (know how to) modify the files from a text editor.
  5. Hello, I would like to have some advice on which css framework, profile, and/or modules to use in order to create a similar website: http://www.espacepolygone.com/ Particularly to create functionalities seen at http://www.espacepolygone.com/aep-2100.php and at http://www.espacepolygone.com/entreprise/743/abc-de-lauto/ Not everything is good on this website but I'd like to learn to create some of its functionalities. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello, I've just been wondering what the French language pack (and other language packs) - at https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/processwire/ - is compatible with. With which version(s) of Processwire is it (fully) compatible? And "how" to (easily) follow with language updates as there are more and more frequent updates to the core? (Are the transifex versions Processwire 2.5.x (compatible) versions?) Thanks in advance. Have a nice week! NB: if not, I guess I'll have to translate from Spanish - haven't practiced for a long time -, or learn German as it's language pack is more up to date (as there is no English/American/native language pack in order to have a "better" translation).
  7. Hello, I've just gone to http://pierre-diagnostic.fr/, it doesn't stop loading... (Firefox 32.0 - Linux Mint) It could be because of http://pierre-diagnostic.fr:3000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.1.5.7.js (Firebug).
  8. Christophe

    Muesli Café

    Hello diogo , I've just noticed several things, I don't know if it's on purpose. And if it's just the GNU/Linux versions. When using Firefox 32.0 and Chromium 37 (LinuxMint) - I'll also check on Windows 7 later -, each time I hover the EN (or PT) link the font changes. The same occurs with the top-left menu links. Is it also "normal" that when scrolling down the homepage, for example, the 4 menu links "merge"? It seems to be because of: .collapsed #menu li:nth-child(n+2) { margin-top: -0.97em; } When hovering the "merged" links, they become 4 separated links again. Perhaps the menu links could just become smaller when "Ajude-nos a abrir um novo espaço de pequeno-almoço no Porto. Só temos 86 dias." becomes smaller. Just an idea (but perhaps it's an artistic choice ). In Chromium, the "active" top-left menu link becomes bold, but not in Firefox. Nice pictures!
  9. Why not a (comic) book like http://mislav.uniqpath.com/poignant-guide/ or http://natecooper.co/2014/08/build-your-own-website-a-comic-guide-to-html-css-and-wordpress/ - just found this latter one yesterday - (or a manga-style book) for example ? Just an idea.
  10. I'm not the first one to reply . If it was by (S)FTP, I would have thought about the fact that some recommend to specify binary transfer for archives like .zip files in order to avoid file corruption (?). Could it have something to do with permissions? Have you tried http://www.xcloner.com? Of course, rsync and other (more or less) similar tools are convenient.
  11. Perhaps there's a better place to post this. Feel free to move it. I'm learning Python for Informatics currently. There are also some videos. I've just found this, from the same source, that could be interesting for php beginners: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlRFEj9H3Oj5F-GFxG-rKzORVAu3jestu Starting from "PHP-Intro Chapter 3 - Overview", I suppose. http://www.php-intro.com/ I'll surely look at least at the videos .
  12. @adrian. Yes, there are thumbnail images, so it's normal . I really need to go to sleep earlier, sleep more/better and have a healthier life . @kongondo. I didn't use code tags this time because it created a horizontal scrollbar, so it seemed less readable at the moment I put it. But it's ok .
  13. It's possible it's simply because I'(ve) inserted the images in the admin before inserting the code in the template file. Edit: I've tested with a third gallery, I've created the code before inserting the images in the page via the admin, it seems to be the same, there is always a .0x100.jpg version for each image. Perhaps it's defined in /wire/ (?).
  14. Hello, Not sure I'm in the right section. I've just noticed something. In site > assets > files, there are folders apparently named after the id of the page in which the images are inserted in the admin. I'm developping a website locally this time, with version 2.5.0 now after an upgrade. It is the same for the first gallery rendered (before the upgrade) on it's own page and for the second gallery that've I've just rendered on the parent page of the page in which the images are inserted in the admin. For the first "gallery", the code is: foreach($page->children('include=hidden') as $child) { $thumb = $child->images->first()->width(320); echo "<a href='$child->external_url' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'><img src='$thumb->url' width='$thumb->width' height='$thumb->height' /></a>"; } (I've just updated this gallery code from width='320' height='200' to width='$thumb->width' height='$thumb->height') For the second gallery, it is: foreach($pages->get(1032)->images as $image) { $thumb = $image->width(90); echo "<a href='$image->url'><img src='$thumb->url' width='$thumb->width' height='$thumb->height' /></a>"; } For the first gallery, there are these versions: the original version (640x400), the .320x0.png version (320x200), in two folders a .300x212.png version (300x187 - perhaps old images with dimensions that I tested...(?)), and a .0x100.png version (160x100). For the second gallery, there are these versions: the original version (640x480), the .90x0.jpg version (90x68), and again a .0x100.jpg version (133x100). Where can I disable the creation of this .0x100.jpg version, in which file, is it "normal"? Thanks in advance !
  15. Hello, I've got a list of bookmarks of interesting desktop-based and web-based applications related to all this, but the list is not organized, I'll try to do it when I have more time. For information, and perhaps to have some ideas, there is this one (web-based) at least : https://www.odoo.com/page/download (Windows and Ubuntu installers are available). Online Demo: https://www.odoo.com/start There are, for example, Project Management, Billing and Accounting. For accounting, while configuring at the beginning, you can apparently choose the Germany accounting package and the accounting (plan) model: Configurable Account Chart Template, Deutscher Kontenplan SKR03 and Deutscher Kontenplan SKR04. I remember also at least one desktop-based application quite complete. (And there is a fork of Odoo (Ex-OpenERP): Tryton, with a desktop-based version still available.) I'll really have to organize all the bookmarks related to these subjects . In fact all my bookmarks (in the different browsers and computers I use). I often also prefer desktop-based apps when available.
  16. If we don't like too many echoes we can write this (but you already know it ): <li><a href="<?= $page->url ?>">Предложение</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="<?= $page->url ?>spros/">Спрос</a></li>
  17. I've just encountered another CKEditor "problem" in ProcessWire. For one page, I want to create 3 "internal links". So I've used the Anchor (flag) button. I want the targets to be h2 tags. The generated code for the targets is: <h2><a name="h2titlename" id="h2titlename">h2titlename</a></h2> The result is that, of course, the h2 titles take some properties from links: color and text-decoration. I know I can use something like a[id*="anchor_"] or a[name*=anchor_] to change the properties. But I don't "understand" why an <a> tag is generated instead of a span tag for example, or why the id isn't added to the h2 tag (perhaps it can't be added). Also, is name=" " still used? Thanks in advance
  18. @teppo: of course, "width" and "height" are attributes in this case . It's really time I go and eat something today... and rest a bit. And oxygenate my brain with some physical exercises. For Extra Allowed Content, I'll look at it later. Thanks. I'll give you news. EDIT: ul(classname) works (but I won't use it). I don't know what I was thinking. I had put ul(class). If I wanted to allow all classes, I guess (?) I would have to write ul[class], but that's not what I wanted.
  19. Hello, I've just noticed something in Processwire 2.5 as I am converting an old website to Processwire. I was using version 2.4 and upgraded with ProcessWireUpgrade. In Admin > Setup > Fields > Edit Field: body > Input, for Extra Allowed Content, it is written: "Example: img[alt,!src,width,height]". When in the docs, it is written: // A rule accepting <img> with a required "src" attribute and an optional // "alt" attribute plus optional "width" and "height" styles. img[alt,!src]{width,height} // The same as above, because the order of properties and their lists is irrelevant and white-spaces are ignored. img { height, width } [ !src, alt ] and: Rule format: elements [attributes]{styles}(classes) By the way, I can't get ul(class), for instance, to work for the moment. Everything is by default, except in "Details" where I have the option "Markup/HTML" enabled. I've also tried with "Unknown".
  20. Hello, What kind of editing do you need?
  21. Hello, I've just really enjoyed reading this case study ! Just for information, mailerlite is another interesting email newsletter solution ("Email Marketing Software, Services and Newsletters"). Edit: a "Forever Free Plan" and affordable "Small Business Plans" now -> www.mailerlite.com/pricing And tinyletter.com and sendy.co
  22. Hello, Would it be (technically) possible/difficult to have a Processwire native language pack automatically created based on the official git repository files, and also updated automatically or from time to time to see the changes/additions more easily? I'm often not satisfied with parts of French translations in CMSs and would prefer to have a native file(s) pack to start from. NB: I know I can always change later the parts that I would like translated differently, but it's good to have a (complete) reference in the native language in the same form as the language packs.
  23. Pootle seems interesting: pootle.translatehouse.org + translatehouse.org/products.html
  24. Hello, Very nice website ! For the slideshows (with bx slider apparently), when there is only one image there are no left and right arrows. But there is one "big dot link" under the image. Is(n't) it possible to make it disappear/have this option deactivated automatically when there is only one image?
  25. Hello, Nice Job! Wouldn't it be easier for everyone to have something like a language pack in the default language of Processwire in an official git repository (I'm just starting to learn it) that would enable to see changes and also ease translations?
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