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Everything posted by gmclelland

  1. Hi @justb3a, I just noticed when I upgraded to the latest version of TemplateEngineTwig that I'm now getting an error message. I think the TwigExtensions vendor library might possibly need to be upgraded in this module as well. On https://github.com/twigphp/Twig-extensions it say's it is up to 1.5.1. This module includes 1.3. TemplateEngineTwig upgraded Twig from 1.24.2 to 1.35 I just manually tried to "composer update" in the TwigExtensions module directory, but now I get a different error: Do you have any ideas as to why I'm getting these errors?
  2. Thanks for doing this @adrian. I use it. To me that was the one main missing feature of this module. I think other people have also asked for multilingual support, but maybe that can be fulfilled with https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/FieldtypeURLLanguage in combination with this module?
  3. Thanks @gerritvanaaken for the explanation. The "depth" feature is where your RepeaterMatrix items can be indented to be hierarchical. See https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1906
  4. Thanks for sharing! I would be interested to hear how you used the RepeaterMatrix fields? What types did you create? Did you use the depth feature? How did you make the mega menu with Processwire?
  5. Any javascript errors in the web browser's console? Does it happen with other web browsers? Try disabling AOS Tooltips, do you still see the problem?
  6. Community wise... I would like to see more examples of **How** people built their Processwire websites. It would be awesome if ever so often we could some how host a Google Hangout or use https://www.crowdcast.io/ to pick volunteers from the community to showcase their Processwire websites and do a site walk through. Here's an example of something similar https://zendev.com/2017/08/31/grids-grids-and-more-grids.html where they talk about Zurb's Foundation CSS/Javascript Framework. They called it Foundation Open Chat https://zendev.com/category/foundation-open-chat.html As you can see they can be embedded into a blog post as well. Well I just saw there is a cost to using crowdcast.io. That might not work, but maybe Google Hangouts or YouTube Live would? I believe they do something similar with CraftCms https://straightupcraft.com/hangouts During those sessions we could: ask questions about the site or Processwire? get to know more about a person behind the avatar? talk about the site's pain points and how the developer was able to work around it? cool module walk throughs or new module showcase? talk about how the site is output? does it use a template engine? Twig, Latte, Mustache, PHP, Processwire's Delay Output Method, etc.. talk about the site's tree structure? talk about the site's hosting environment? ...Just some thoughts I had
  7. Here's a document I've been working on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1peY-FUpevKgy87cKOxIVz8jwcv2-3c61zbiJr3QKO6c/edit?pli=1# Flexible Page Layouts in Processwire. It's still rough, but I've been using it to help collect all my thoughts/notes on all the ways to achieve flexible layouts in Processwire. I love hearing about other ways people are structuring their websites. Here is another document that helps me wrap my head around some of the different field types in Processwire. (all on one page) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VcSluQyjl9AhMBcJA3R4-uZb9IUYdKXGSh7Phclf34Y/edit?pli=1#heading=h.ysvx3k7ssuw7 Hope it helps someone.
  8. The upgrade schema errors should now be fixed now. I did see another problem. It looks like when you output a map on the frontend, it includes both leaflet 0.7.3 and leaflet 0.7.7 css and javascript files from unpkyg.com. I pretty sure this could cause problems. In MarkupLeafletMap.module init() line 109... If I comment out the following lines: $this->config->styles->add('https://unpkg.com/leaflet@0.7.3/dist/leaflet.css'); $this->config->styles->add($assetPath . "assets/leaflet-markercluster/MarkerCluster.css"); $this->config->styles->add($assetPath . "assets/leaflet-markercluster/MarkerCluster.Default.css"); $this->config->scripts->add('https://unpkg.com/leaflet@0.7.3/dist/leaflet.js'); $this->config->scripts->add($assetPath . 'assets/leaflet-markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js'); $this->config->scripts->add($assetPath . 'assets/leaflet-providers/leaflet-providers.js'); $this->config->scripts->add($assetPath . 'MarkupLeafletMap.js'); then leaflet 0.7.3 no longer loads its js and css. It will only load leaflet 0.7.7 js and css. I wonder if those lines are really needed for anything?
  9. Tried on another site... The exact error I get is "Fatal Error Class 'WireData' not found" I get this error directly after I click on the Upgrade link. Hope that helps
  10. I just upgraded a site to the latest version of this module and ran into some problems. When I tried to upgrade the module via the ProcessWireUpgrade module, it showed a Fatal error. I think it was WireData class undefined (Can't remember exactly). It kept saying it was on a the 2.x version instead of the 3.x version. So then I proceeded to just download it from github. After I did that, the error went away. Now on one page the leaflet map loads on the frontend, but it doesn't load any pins on the map like it did before. Here is the error in Chrome's console: On another frontend page the map doesn't load at all and I see this error in the console: If I edit the page, I see the following error "WireDatabasePDO: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'field_cleanup_location.raw' in 'field list'". So I checked the table "field_cleanup_location" and it was missing a "raw" column. So maybe the update script didn't run correctly? PW 3.0.90, Google Chrome-Mac, I also refreshed the modules page and cleared the compiled files. Anybody have any ideas?
  11. I don't think horizontal tabs inside of repeaters are supported right now. See https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/93 and https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1903#issuecomment-231403514
  12. Maybe you could somehow hook into a RepeaterMatrix field to add some kind of css class like "always-open" to the RepeaterMatrix items that are of type "Text" or "Body Text?" That way those items would always be expanded while all the other items will be collapsed? Bard is nice, but I don't think it supports a hierarchy with depth like RepeaterMatrix does. Here is a discussion where they talk about adding css classes to RepeaterMatrix items.
  13. Ya, that does sound strange. As recommended by Adrian, I would try it on kai.test/processwire/
  14. I was able to login, but I don't have my computer right now. Can you try kai.pw/processwire/ Note the trailing slash
  15. I've never tried this before, but quickly browsing the documentation at https://processwire.com/blog/posts/new-user-admin-permissions-automatic-version-change-detection-and-more-2.6.10/#new-user-admin-permissions leads me to ask you the following: Stupid questions... Did you give the "editor" role the "user-admin" and "user-admin-editor" permission? It would probably be better to create a new dedicated role "editor-managers" and assign the "user-admin-editor" and "user-admin" permissions instead of trying to have the editor role do this all?
  16. I believe you are supposed to put that information in site/config.php
  17. Maybe it's a browser caching issue? I wonder if a hard reload in Chrome would fix it? By that I mean hold the Shift key and click on the Reload button. When it's borked, can you open another browser and see the exact same problem? Have you configured any other static asset caching in .htaccess file or in something like cloudflare.com? Just some thoughts..
  18. Does it happen if you use your browser's incognito window? That would load the browser without any extensions/addons. What modules are you using?
  19. @lpa - You could replace this module with https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids . See https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids/wiki/FieldAndTemplateEditLinks
  20. From the video, it looks like you have uBlock origin enabled. Try disabling it for that site and see if that fixes the issue.
  21. Well I was trying to say if the new page is not a calendar-posting or a community-event then return. But I guess I have my operators wrong? && seems to work. Thanks rick - from a fellow Texan!
  22. For some reason it doesn't fire if I include the following in the hook: if($page->template != 'calendar-posting' || $page->template != 'community-event') return; or if(($page->template != 'calendar-posting') || ($page->template != 'community-event')) return; It does work for: if($page->template != 'calendar-posting') return; Any idea why that is?
  23. Got it working now. Thanks Robin for the reply and the debugging tips!
  24. Hmm... @Robin S I tried your hook in my site/ready.php, but it doesn't appear to do anything. The page name/url stays the same. I do see the hook displayed in the Tracy Debugger. Any thoughts as to why it might not be working? I also tried changing: $page = $event->arguments(0); to $page = $event->arguments[0]; but it didn't seem to make a difference.
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