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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Craig

    Integration needed

    That sounds good. Feel free to check out our website, and maybe send over some details about this project using the hello email address on the site? Ideally we'd like to find out more about the following information to decide if we'd be able to do the work and offer a quote: Timeline Budget Requirements and responsibilities Current project stage
  2. Craig

    Integration needed

    Hi Redhat, Are you wanting to pull properties from Vebra to display on a ProcessWire website; or are you submitting properties from a ProcessWire website into Vebra? Where are you based? My company has worked with ADFv3 BLM feeds for RightMove and Zoopla in the past (not a PW site though), and of course ProcessWire.
  3. Could you try making your PJAX calls include the trailing slash at the end of the PW URL parameter and before the query string? E.g. http://www.juleslister.co.uk/projects/photography/?_pjax=%23pjax
  4. At the moment, the sites I build with PW can be quite different and front-end approach seems to evolve all the time. I build professionally and personally/for fun, and I mostly do projects the same way. I typically start with the latest dev branch, blank/default profile, install at least AIOM, and possibly CroppableImage if images are a main focus for the site. Then I'll typically look at how I structured the most recent couple of projects. I'll borrow most of the _init.php code, nav/general helper code, and the base HTML structure for the _main.php template. I'm up and running fairly quickly and ready to start front-end, or delve into template & field setup. It works OK for me, and is probably more efficient than me getting a profile "just right" that I could start from. And then there's keeping that up-to-date with the latest PW dev, modules, and any useful reusable code developed per-project - I don't think I would personally gain anything from doing that!
  5. Craig


    Fantastic, as usual! Overall feel of the site is great, with the old images and choice of font particularly.
  6. OpenCart defines several constants to various different paths (although not one for the "root" directory it seems), which you may find useful for this. You can see these if you open up config.php. Choose one, and use it in your template. For example, this might work: require_once(DIR_SYSTEM . "../processwire/index.php");
  7. I've encountered an interesting problem when using AIOM recently - but also have a potential fix, so it's not all bad. Here's the information! I am using separate IE and non-IE stylesheets, with each loaded via conditional comments in the markup. There are two arrays for the files: $config->css->all = array( 'css/pure-min.css', 'css/grids-responsive-min.css', 'css/fa/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'css/cds-all.css', ); $config->css->oldie = array( 'css/pure-min.css', 'css/grids-responsive-old-ie-min.css', 'css/fa/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'css/cds-oldie.css', ); These get minified in the template: <!--[if lte IE 8]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo AIOM::CSS($config->css->oldie); ?>"> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo AIOM::CSS($config->css->all); ?>"> <!--<![endif]-->That is all great. The problem arises when the source files all have the same modification time - which it does on the live environment of this website, and when using an automated deployment service.Because each list of files has the same number of files, and the files have the same modification time, the generated cache name is always the same, and one overwrites the other. My fix was to include the file's paths when generating the cache name in _getCacheName: foreach ($files as $file) { $_timestamp .= $file['absolute_path'] . $file['last_modified']; } I'm more than happy to create a pull request on GitHub for this, but thought it'd be worth mentioning/discussing first
  8. LostKobrakai: I experienced that too (on two separate computers where I regularly access PW forums) - but it seems to have "fixed itself" now (I think!)
  9. It looks like LinkedIn use OAuth for this process, just like Facebook and Twitter and GitHub. There are ProcessWire modules that handle those networks: Facebook (in modules directory) Twitter (my module: Thread, GitHub) GitHub (Repo) I would start by looking at those, learning how they work, and then building one for LinkedIn that meets your needs
  10. This is a great idea, and I've tried to register too. But I have also received an error, "There was an error processing your details. Please try again." I always remember just using Twitter to register/sign in to the forums, but I did go into the settings and reset my password using what I thought it was. But I still can't seem to get on I have logged out and back in - using Twitter - as it seems I can't use my password to sign in. Anything else I can do?
  11. Craig

    Zimbra Anyone ?

    In a previous life I used to do IT support in a school, and I was responsible for a Zimbra install there. For them, it was (and still is) a very good and capable system. Different settings for staff/students, external access, IMAP for mobile users, LDAP integration, the works. The management features and API are robust and featureful. To an extent, it's very customisable. From the time I implemented it, (around 2008) its ownership has changed hands several times but has gone from strength to strength. On the technical side, you will need a server with a lot of resources to run it. It is not a lightweight webmail client like RoundCube or Horde; it is an entire self-contained product that bundles its own SQL server (currently MySQL), mail agent, web application server, antivirus/antispam, logging, monitoring services and more. I'm not sure if it's worth the resource overhead and hassle if it's just going to be 1-2 accounts on a single domain and you are the one maintaining it. But your situation and priorities may be different
  12. What a fantastic and well-suited design! And thanks for sharing your challenges with the design and positioning - it certainly wasn't easy to achieve going from your description, but the end result looks brilliant. Well done
  13. Pretty much all of my sites have these installed at a minimum: AllInOneMinify FieldtypeCropImage/InputfieldCropImage SessionHandlerDatabase AdminTemplateColumns
  14. The module will handle all of that for you
  15. Hi gebeer It is designed to work for either back, or front, or both. It's up to you. The main flaw in your testing is using incognito mode. That is a totally separate browser session, with different cookies. So there is no way that logging in with persist, in one browser window will work as you expect it to with incognito. The better way to test it is to delete the ProcessWire session cookie. This will log you out. But then LoginPersist will see the persist cookie is present, and log you back in. The module is designed to remove the persistent cookie when the user actively chooses to log out. The idea behind it is to allow the user to have a persistent login state until they choose to log out. To remain logged in with this, simply do not log out.
  16. I like your fifth idea, the "Field Matrix". This is similar to a concept I've played with in my mind at the planning stages of a ProcessWire site, to work out what's needed and where. I've never managed to do it in practice, though, because I tend to just simply have a nested bulleted list of the templates and fields instead (which ends up with a lot of repetition and nowhere near as visually comprehensive as a matrix!) Additionally... while we're here... Duplicate/clone this field/template I feel like this section could do with two lazy-related additions to save clicks: a text box to enter the new name an option to go and edit the new field/template immediately
  17. Craig

    What is ProcessWire?

    Excuse me, Mr Pirate, is that... Comic Sans?
  18. Ah, yes, that changes things I haven't really used repeaters, but I think this might work - just treat each repeater item like a page: <?php $entries = wire('pages')->find("template=story"); foreach ($entries as $entry) { echo "<br>Checking checkbox on {$entry->title}...<br>"; foreach ($entry->tests as $test) { if ($test->old_check == 1) { $test->of(false); $test->new_check = 1; $test->save(); echo "Converted {$test->scenario}<br>"; } } }
  19. This should be pretty easy to do using some code that calls the API <?php $entries = wire('pages')->find("template=entry, old_check=1"); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entry->of(false); echo "Checking new checkbox on {$entry->title}...<br>"; $entry->new_check = 1; $entry->save(); } The logic is: find all pages that have the old checkbox checked, check the new one, and save the changes. You could put that in a template file, run it once by visiting a page using that template, and then removing the code. Just remember to change the values for template and checkbox fields to reflect the actual ones you use on your site
  20. I've seen Load Impact used before. I don't know much more about it, but it's another one to throw into the mix If you're comfortable with command line tools, there is also ApacheBench.
  21. Congratulations, you've just encountered the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon
  22. Cool I don't think so, no. I just checked a recent mailing and there is a "Mailchimp" button in the email footer under the unsubscribe links, but I think that is optional - either configurable as a setting or in the template. Essentially, whatever comes through to you from the "Send test" feature should be what goes out to subscribers.
  23. I think you are nearly there! Instead of creating locations and products under the Admin parent page, create a new top-level hidden page called something like "Items" (or other name relevant to your sector), and then add the Locations and Products pages underneath that. As it's hidden, it won't show on the front-end; and then you can just grant your editor role permission to edit those pages via the template "Access" settings at either the "Items" template, or products or locations - whichever will suit you the best.
  24. Mailchimp It's got a nice interface for doing just about everything you need to do. You can use or modify existing responsive templates, or create your own if you wish. You can easily add multiple types of content to messages. And all the other mundane stuff like managing subscribers and tracking who opened which messages. There are two non-profits I'm involved with who both use Mailchimp for regular member newsletters and it's brilliant. I'd say give it a go with some trial content and see how you and/or your client like it. The help guides are great too.
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