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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. Sounds all nice. But London would be definitely be the bast location. At least for me...
  2. It's really nice. A nice addition would be if "templates" and/or "fields" would stay viewable in the navigation after you clicked on it.
  3. getModuleInfo - that's what i meant with "modules config". I guess it's much handier than include the code you posted
  4. Hey, it would be nice if you could add something like 'php_version_required' => '5.3' to the modules config and the module managment section of PW would show something like "You have to update to PHP 5.3 to use this module" or so. That would prevent that modules which need a newer version of PHP or PW would disturb the running system. / Nico
  5. Well I also used PHP 5.3 for my latest module. Because 5.3 adds "anonymous functions" which were important for it.
  6. You have to set $user->language not $session->language at the top I guess. So for example: $user->language = 'de';
  7. Well I think I might thought way to small. I really just thought about subscription part but after I joined mail chimp I recognized that it may should be a bit bigger
  8. Hey, could anyone write a Newsletter module? I guess it's enough when it can render a form with an input and save emails in a field... But maybe someone has some more ideas for this and enough time to write it Greets, Nico
  9. Maybe someone coud write a "soft save" module which creates a second save button that does ajax saving
  10. I guess you can add a <br /> and then use something like html_entity_decode when you're displaying it.
  11. Thank you! It returned "", so I knew that it had to be my fault. And the problem was that I tried to get "de" instance of "default". So no language was defined
  12. Hey ho, I wrote a new module: ProcessShortcodes. It brings Wordpress like shortcodes to Processwire. A quick example: <?php $shortcode = $modules->get('MarkupShortcodes'); $shortcode->add('login', function($atts){ return '<form><h3>'.$atts['content'].'</h3><label>Enter password for "'.$atts['name'].'":</label> <input type="pass"></form>'; }); $content = 'Lorem ipsum dolor [login name="user"]Login[/login]'; echo $shortcode->render($content); ?> You can: add a shortcode: $shortcode->add('login', function($atts){ return '<form><h3>'.$atts['content'].'</h3><label>Enter password for "'.$atts['name'].'":</label> <input type="pass"></form>'; }); remove a shortcode: $shortcode->remove('login'); remove all shortcodes: $shortcode->remove_all(); and use them: $shortcode->render('Lorem [ipsum /] hello. [dolor name="nico" /]. Third possibility: [abc def="hij"]a text[/abc]. '); As seen above there are three different possible syntaxes: 1.: [shortcode] or [shortcode /] 2.: [shortcode key="value" /] or [shortcode key="value"] or [shortcode key="value" second="bla" /] 3.: [shortcode]lorem ipsum[/shortcode] or [shortcode key="value"]lorem ipsum[/shortcode] or [shortcode key="value" second="bla"]lorem ipsum[/shortcode] You can download it here: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupShortcodes I will add it to the module section as soon as possible.
  13. Hi, I'm running the newest version of processwire with multilanguage activated. On my search page I'm using this to find pages: if($q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)) { $input->whitelist('q', $q); $matches = $pages->get("title|body|summary|sidebar%=$q"); } //and so on But if I'm using it I'm always getting this error: Exception: Unknown column 'field_title.data0' in 'where clause' (in /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/Database.php line 118) #0 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/DatabaseQuery.php(84): Database->query(Object(DatabaseQuerySelect)) #1 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/PageFinder.php(145): DatabaseQuery->execute() #2 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/Pages.php(144): PageFinder->find(Object(Selectors), Array) #3 [internal function]: Pages->___find('title=123', Array) #4 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('find', Array) #6 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/Pages.php(213): Wire->__call('find', Array) #7 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/Pages.php(213): Pages->find('title=123', Array) #8 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/wire/core/Pages.php(228): Pages->findOne('title=123') #9 /var/www/ud14_276/html/sgym.de/www/si I had a look in the database and I guess it originally tries to look for $q in both the english and german veriant. And so it should look for $q in the columns data and data1234. But instead it looks into data and data0. I don't know why...
  14. Woho, looks really great! I would love to try this!
  15. Doesn't you have to set a password if you're creating a user via API?
  16. How is it connect to users? I mean do I have to create a user first and then connect it to the facebook login or is it automatically creating a user?
  17. Nico Knoll

    Icon Sets

    Something nice: http://fontello.com/ assemble your own icon webfont.
  18. WOW! Really, really nice work! But where the themes come from? and how to create a custom one?
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