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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. OK, new version is up (fixed point 1 and 2 of Ryan's). @Ryan: (Point 3) I need this to find the "InputfieldFiles" and the "InputfieldImages", I guess...
  2. Great to hear and thanks for sharing the mistake. Uploaded a fixed version to github.
  3. Tadam: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/ManageFiles
  4. Sounds nice, but I don't know how...
  5. By the way. I had/still have the same problem on my schools website. If the drag'n'drop file is too huge I can't use drag and drop and have to use the default old way. I don't know why this is like it is...
  6. Try: <?php echo "<ul>"; $posts = $page->children("limit=4, sort=-date"); foreach($posts as $post) { foreach($post->image as $image) { $thumbnail = $image->size(460,0); echo "<li><a class='workImg' href='{$post->url}'><img class='photo' src='{$thumbnail->url}' alt='{$image->description}' /></a>"; } echo "<h2 class='blogTitle'><a href='{$post->url}'>{$post->title}</a></h2>"; echo "{$post->body} <a href='{$post->url}'>read more...</a> <p><strong>Date:</strong> {$post->date}</p>"; if($post->categories) { foreach ($post->categories as $category) { echo '<a href="' . $category->url . '">' . $category->title . '</a>'; } } } echo "</li>"; echo "</ul>"; ?> Otherwise it would only show categories for the last post
  7. Well, I had the same problem. It's the drag and drop uploader. You can disable it like this: http://processwire.c...ndpost__p__5148 or you could try this: http://processwire.c...duction-server/
  8. Hello, this module is a little compilation of things you need to use ProcessWire to write a blog. It'll create: Templates blog_admin blog_article blog_category Fields tags (using the "TextboxList" fieldtype) category (using the "Page" fieldtype) Pages (hidden, using the "blog_admin" template) article (you should create a subpage using the "blog_article" template for each article) page (same like article or you could create a "blog_page" template if you want) category (you should create a page using the "blog_category" for each category and if you want you can also create subcategories) It requires the "FieldtypeTextboxList" module (I placed it in the "BundleBlog" folder, too). For comments you can use the built-in "ProcessComments" module. If you have any wishes please let me know. Download P.S.: I'll also add my preview module in a further version.
  9. If a module requires another why do I have to install the required manually? I guess the module which requires the other should install it automatically...
  10. Hi, I try to delete a page which has children. So they should be deleted to. How can I do this via API? Greets, Nico
  11. @neildeamon: Well, I did it (an some other things to). So here's my class: http://www.file-upload.net/download-4066966/FieldtypeComments.zip.html
  12. Wow, looks nice. Have to try PW 2.2 in the next days. I didn't do it until now because I thought I could wait for the final release
  13. I guess this isn't needed, if we would save name, email and website in cookies so you would only have to insert in once and after this it's automatically in the field and could be changed but don't have to. And think about the people with fake names on twitter and facebook...
  14. Well, I just use this script for each avatar without caching...
  15. Well using gravatar is really easy. You just need to generate the right url: <?php $email = "someone@somewhere.com"; // the commentators email $default = "http://www.somewhere.com/homestar.jpg" $size = 40; // a gravatar is always a square (hope you know what I mean) $grav_url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5( strtolower( trim( $email ) ) ) . "?d=" . urlencode( $default ) . "&s=" . $size; ?> /Nico
  16. Hi, I read in the roadmap about "Comments fieldtype improvements". So are they finished already or are you still working on it? Because I have some suggestions: Add a "website" field Save name, e-mail and website in cookies and load them automatically in the comment form if they're existing Execute comment saves before rendering a page because it's problematic if you want to show e.g. "5 comments" Add a "$comment->avatar" working with gravatar (or is it already?) /Nico
  17. This weekend I definitely will finish my Facebook plugin
  18. Wow! Looks great! I like the thin font you're using for huge headlines
  19. Nico Knoll


    Maybe you could make a adminer based module so you could have a "database" link in "setup"
  20. $this->addHook('ProcessPageView::execute', $this, 'getPage'); (See the rest of my code at GitHub if you need it )
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