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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. I had the same problem. http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,673.0.html Could you post the path to a phpinfo() file?
  2. Well, if you're a active user in this forum you may know, that I had to import a lot of data from an old typo3 page to ProcessWire. And maybe you're in the same situation right now, so I'll try to explain how I did it. (In this part I'll only explain how to import the main data like pages and site elements to ProcessWire). Preparation The first step you have to do is to create a template with all the fields you want to have and a field called "typo3_uid", a field called "typo3_pid" and a field called "typo3_author". Later I'll explain the reason of this. Here is a collection of the data types typo3 returns and for which you should create fields for (you don't have to create fields for the red ones and the ones that are not highlighted): "uid", "pid", "t3ver_oid", "t3ver_id", "t3ver_wsid", "t3ver_label", "t3ver_state", "t3ver_stage", "t3ver_count", "t3ver_tstamp", "t3ver_swapmode", "t3_origuid", "tstamp", "sorting", "deleted", "perms_userid", "perms_groupid", "perms_user", "perms_group", "perms_everybody", "editlock", "crdate", "cruser_id", "title", "doktype", "TSconfig", "storage_pid", "is_siteroot", "php_tree_stop", "tx_impexp_origuid", "url", "hidden", "starttime", "endtime", "urltype", "shortcut", "shortcut_mode", "no_cache", "fe_group", "subtitle", "layout", "target", "media", "lastUpdated", "keywords", "cache_timeout", "newUntil", "description", "no_search", "SYS_LASTCHANGED", "abstract", "module", "extendToSubpages", "author", "author_email", "nav_title", "nav_hide", "content_from_pid", "mount_pid", "mount_pid_ol", "alias", "l18n_cfg", "fe_login_mode", "tx_rlmptmplselector_main_tmpl", "tx_rlmptmplselector_ca_tmpl", "t3ver_move_id" That are the database columns of typo3 pages. Not the contents of them (only the title). The next step is about the contents of the pages (same game like above): "uid", "pid", "t3ver_oid", "t3ver_id", "t3ver_wsid", "t3ver_label", "t3ver_state", "t3ver_stage", "t3ver_count", "t3ver_tstamp", "t3_origuid", "tstamp", "hidden", "sorting", "CType", "header", "header_position", "bodytext", "image", "imagewidth", "imageorient", "imagecaption", "imagecols", "imageborder", "media", "layout", "deleted", "cols", "records", "pages", "starttime", "endtime", "colPos", "subheader", "spaceBefore", "spaceAfter", "fe_group", "header_link", "imagecaption_position", "image_link", "image_zoom", "image_noRows", "image_effects", "image_compression", "altText", "titleText", "longdescURL", "header_layout", "text_align", "text_face", "text_size", "text_color", "text_properties", "menu_type", "list_type", "table_border", "table_cellspacing", "table_cellpadding", "table_bgColor", "select_key", "sectionIndex", "linkToTop", "filelink_size", "section_frame", "date", "splash_layout", "multimedia", "image_frames", "recursive", "imageheight", "rte_enabled", "sys_language_uid", "tx_impexp_origuid", "pi_flexform", "l18n_parent", "l18n_diffsource", "tx_gsttopcontent_abstract", "tx_gooffotoboek_function", "tx_gooffotoboek_path", "tx_gooffotoboek_webpath", "tx_dirlisting_path_to_rep", "t3ver_move_id", "crdate", "cruser_id", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_visits", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_align", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_animate", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_alt_tag", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_mindigits", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_html_before_img", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_html_after_img", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_checkreload", "tx_bktfegraphiccounter_istext" Ok, you only need the "bodytext" and the "header" I guess (and of course "uid" and "pid" to identify the right page for this content). Export data from Typo3 The next problem I hab was to export data from Typo3 (as a readable file!). And I figured out, that the best way is to use the CSV exporter extension because you can export single tables. And that is what we need. If you installed this extension in your Typo3 install you just can follow this steps: 1. Open the modules page ("user tools" -> "CSV Exporter") 2. Now you can select the table you want to export. In our case this is "pages". In the checkboxes select "all". And don't forget to check the "export table titles as first line" checkbox! And set "split symbol" (or so) to "," not ";". At last press "next". 3. On the next page check "* (all fields)" and press the "create CSV and download it" button. 4. Save this file as "typo3_pages.csv". Now repeat this for the contents. Only difference is that you have to select "tt_content" and not "pages" and save it as "typo3_content.csv". The import process (will be continued)
  3. Maybe we should write some guides, which tell the reader what are the differences between his old CMS and ProcessWire and which ProcessWire function replace his old CMS' one , like "Switching from WordPress to ProcessWire", "Switching from TextPattern to ProcessWire", ... so the newcomer could become better really fast.
  4. Well, I guess the front page is a bad example. But if you're e.g. on the module page you would have to click on "pages" first and then "view". And how this hack changes it is more like the Wordpress way
  5. Ok, I updated it. The new version is available on GitHub.
  6. Yeah, the homepage. I changed it in the first post.
  7. Hi, I really like the default theme. But I have one idea how to make it even better: Insert the following code into line 66 of the "default.php" in "wire->templates-admin" (after "<p id="logo">ProcessWire</p>"): <a id="viewpage" href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>">view site</a> And the following code at the end of "main.css" in "wire->templates-admin->styles": #viewpage { float: left; margin-top: 48px; margin-left: 195px; color: #A7E5F9; } #viewpage:hover { color:#fff; background:none; } Just try it out. I guess ex-WordPress users will love it.
  8. Just as subpages with an blog template which contains fields like title, body, tags, category, etc. I guess...
  9. Hi, I need to find a company which has some knowledge of ProcessWire and could do a support job for my school after I'm leaving (but it could start right now). The problem is that it has to be a company which is next to Berlin or in Berlin (Germany). I hope some of you may know one or work in one and could tell me this... Greets, Nico
  10. Hey, it looks great right now. But I guess a thing which you left out is "fuel" (Breadcrumbs, Titles,...).
  11. Well I thought every log is the same. But it isn't. So I will have a look at the login module and figure out a solution. And which kind of error reporting you have activated?
  12. Version 1.09 is alive. It now supports all of the logs (not only the error log). Before you install this version please uninstall the old one! And it has a new GitHub URL: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/ProcessLogs (also updated it in the first post)
  13. Okay, so I will expand my log reader to read all logs and maybe write a module which keeps track of edit a page [uPDATE] Here's the module update: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,738.0.html
  14. Version 1.08 is out (you can download it on Github - link is in the first post). I changed the functions like Ryan recommended. But I still want it to read all of the errors and so I left this part of the code untouched.
  15. Hi, is there a way to activate a log which saves user login information, page edit information, etc.? Greets, Nico
  16. Hi, today I'm proud to release my first Module: the "ProcessErrorLog"-Reader. It gives you the ability to read the error log in the backend. You can sort it and clear it. Maybe you just want to try it out. You can download it here: [uPDATE] I renamed this project to ProcessLogs. Now you can download it here: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/ProcessLogs
  17. If I put a "die()" into the init part the page doesn't load (what's right in this case)...
  18. Ok, I tried a bit around: - If I put a var_dump() into the function "getErrorPage" it won't appear. - If I go to the original function to look what it receives I can only see that that this is "NULL" - If I try to var_dump() "$language" on the 404 page i get "NULL" It's like the hook won't work...
  19. Ehm,... the link between the 404 pages is correct right now, but... it shows the root 404 page...
  20. Well, the pages are created but there is no connection between the german and english 404 page (in the language tab). And it still shows the root 404 page...
  21. @Soma: I've got the same problem some days ago. I had to load a backup of my database... If you deinstall one of the modules it has to deinstall the others, too.
  22. Looks much better! But it changes the background of the normal "edit page" page to #444...
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