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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. Nico Knoll


    UPDATE: - author pages (e.g. http://schiller.nico-knoll.de/de/autoren?name=nico.knoll'>http://schiller.nico-knoll.de/de/autoren?name=nico.knoll) - news system (look first at the summary of the front page: http://schiller.nico-knoll.de and the full version: http://schiller.nico-knoll.de/de/neuigkeiten/die-dreigroschenoper/) - image gallery (e.g. http://schiller.nico-knoll.de/de/lehrer/faecher/darstellendes-spiel/personalities-2010/bildergalerie/) - kind of multi language (e.g. http://schiller.nico-knoll.de/en/) - archives (e.g. http://schiller.nico-knoll.de/de/neuigkeiten/)
  2. I solved this with SQL: First save normally and after this: $sql = "UPDATE `pages` SET `created` = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['crdate'])."', `modified` = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['tstamp'])."' WHERE `name` = '".$page->name."';"; $update = wire('db')->query($sql);
  3. Hi, is there a way to set the "created" date while creating a page via API? I tried this: $page->created = $data['crdate']; // $data['crdate'] is an timestamp like 1321279318 But it won't work... Greets, Nico
  4. I think the language-404-pages should work like the "home" page: A special template ("404_language") should be created automatically and work like the "home_language" (using the original's fields, template, etc.) or copy its fields, etc. After this in every language tree should be created copies of the orignal file which can be edited. And the original file should just render the language-404-pages like Ryan wrote...
  5. Well, the 2 is still there... And it's still the wrong 404 page for other languages...
  6. Ehm, could you post a reply here if the fixed version is available?
  7. But the installer is a step-by-step guide, isn't it?
  8. I don't get this error anymore, but if I'm trying to create a translation by cloning I get this ProcessWire error: You may not modify 'id' on page '/de/http404/' because it is a system page (But it's working if I select "by creating a blank page") And there is a "2" at the top left of the page. --- And if I try to open a broken link I always get redirected to the original 404 page...
  9. I moved my 404 page into a language tree and now I'm receiving this error, if I want to edit it: Argument 1 passed to InputfieldWrapper::add() must be an instance of Inputfield, boolean given, called in /var/www/l3s46/html/nico-knoll.de/schiller/site/modules/ProcessLanguages.module on line 473 and defined (line 102 of /var/www/l3s46/html/nico-knoll.de/schiller/wire/core/InputfieldWrapper.php) This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged.
  10. I know. But a normal user can only edit his profile (with the link at the bottom). And the profile page doesn't use the "user" template...
  11. Hi, I want to give every user the option to add a bio to his profile. So I need a "bio" field in the basic user profile edit form. (Not in the user form which can only be edited by admins). But I can't find it in "templates". So how can I add fields to the "PROFILE" template? Greets, Nico
  12. I think I've got the latest version of PW (2.1)... And the method I posted solves this but I was wondering if this is a mistake of my hoster, too.
  13. Ladies and gentlemen, I got it! It's a core hack again - but I changed the other one back. So I changed line 122 in "wire/core/Upload.php" from: $tmpName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), get_class($this)); to: $tmpName = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), get_class($this)); Thank you for your help! Greets, Nico
  14. Well, I talked to the support and they say I should use "ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')" instead of "sys_get_temp_dir()"...
  15. I've got this message: Warning: tempnam(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/l3s46:/usr/share/php) in /var/www/l3s46/html/nico-knoll.de/schiller/test2.php on line 2 Attempting to write to: Warning: file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in /var/www/l3s46/html/nico-knoll.de/schiller/test2.php on line 4 Warning: file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in /var/www/l3s46/html/nico-knoll.de/schiller/test2.php on line 5 --- What would be the right setting for this?
  16. I think I got a solution (not the best one, but one). I have to do a little core hack which deactivates HTML5 at the end of "InputfieldFile.js": if (window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader && $("#PageIDIndicator").size() > 0) { InitOldSchool(); //InitHTML5(); } else { InitOldSchool(); }
  17. New info: I set up a clean installation of ProcessWire and it won't work as well! --- I set everything to 777 and it won't work
  18. Maybe it helps: http://schiller.nico-knoll.de/info.php --- Maybe I should set everything to 777 to test it...
  19. The maximum is set to "0". And I tried a lot of different images and files. It won't work. But my server normally has the capability to upload files. Only ProcessWire not right now...
  20. Hi, it would be great if there would be only thumbnails in the TinyMCE image window, so that they load faster and you can have like 4 images in a row. I guess there are thumbnails automatically after upload, aren't it? Greets, Nico
  21. Hi, is there a way to password protect a page (maybe with the guest user)? Would be great if there would be a checkbox for this after "Locked", "unpublished" and "hidden"... Greets, Nico
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