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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. Hey, Merry Christmas! Today I finished the migration of my blog from WordPress to ProcessWire. I had the move like 300 articles and 600 comments. And yeah, I've got it. So here it is (may the first whole blog with Processwire?): http://stadtpirat.net/ Greets, Nico
  2. Because the name of the front page isn't "home" it's "" or "/". So try this: if (($page->parent != '/') && ($page->template->name == 'basic-page') && $page->numChildren)
  3. If you would export a .csv from your database it should escapes '"'s automatically
  4. Hmm... I'm not good with htaccess... So is there a way to use the PHP way? :/
  5. So, what is the best/preferred compression method of Processwire pages and how can I use it?
  6. Hi, is there a way to use the following code at the top of my template or somewhere else? ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); Greets, Nico
  7. And if you want to manage (see/clear) your logs in the backend you can use my this module: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,738.0.html
  8. You can use: <?php $findName = $sanitizer->name($_GET["name"]); $findTemplate = $sanitizer->name($_GET["template"]); $redirect =$pages->get('template='.$findTemplate.', name='.$findName)->url; if($redirect) { $session->redirect($redirect); } ?>
  9. That's one of the methods I like most! And it works (even with this code which is "done wrong from the beginning") so everything is fine
  10. Change it like this and it should work fine: #fullBackground { margin: 0 auto; width: 985px; text-align: left; background-image: url(images/main_background.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; float: left; position: relative; left: 50%; margin-left: -492px; }
  11. The problem is that you're positioning elements with "position:absolute". Don't do it! Just use "float". Because if you're using "position:absolute" it won't belong to the main box and won't scale it. Kind of the same for "position:relative".
  12. Hi, the default comment form ($page->comments->renderForm()) only includes "name", "email" and "text" but I need an URL field so that the person who is commenting can add its URL. Is there a way to realize this? Greets, Nico
  13. Hi, I want that every page is available as "http://www.domain.tld/%name%/" without the parent in the URL. But I don't want to waive (<- right word?) parent pages... Is there a way to do this? Greets, Nico
  14. You're idea about how to create categories is great! Thanks!
  15. I think my template would have a "category" and a "tags" field. So first it should look for the same tags. (And maybe in the second step for the same category)
  16. At the end I want to use something like: $page->relatedPages as $relatedPage { echo $relatedPage->title; // $relatedPage should be a PageArray } It should work completely automatically. And I want to have an option page where I can say what is the most important point in which they should be related with. And maybe the second important and the third or so. I guess it would work like a specified search which caches like 5 related page in each page. And if I create a new page it looks for related pages and saves them in the "relatedPages" field (so it probably should be a Fieldtype). So the module wouldn't increase the front-end's loading time.
  17. Like you have related posts on blogs. Maybe a related topic. Or so.
  18. Hi, I would like to have a module which shows me related pages to the current (or an PageArray). Greets, Nico
  19. Updated german. (http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,598.msg5904.html#msg5904) It now supports cloning
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