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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. (There's "Suche" in the search box. Not "search". Like it should be.)
  2. Hi, what I really want t have is a guideline for module naming. So it would be much easier to sort the modules on the module page. The guideline should at least contain a table of recommend first words, like Process or Fieldtype and a description when I should use which... Greets, Nico
  3. Would be great if we could set "modified" and "created" (maybe in the "settings" tab) cause I needed it while I was importing the website of my school from Typo3.
  4. I think it's still better to split front and backend translations... Because I always want to have the backend in the right language and also want to have the opportunity to change all of the front end language trees without switching backend language. Maybe your plugin just could use the installed backend languages as recommendations for new front end languages...
  5. I would like to have this, too. Because now I have to open EVERY file to look what's changed. And if I just would have a list with the changes and a quick edit for them it would be a lot easier to have the translations up to date.
  6. You should leave the translations and the different "home_language" pages. So the user don't have to change the system language to translate pages. And you can switch between them on the front page.
  7. Hi, it would be really great if Processwire could check if there is newer version of it (maybe with LazyCron) and if there is one show a link to updadate automatically. That shouldn't so hard to make I guess. (Pres link -> zip downloads automatically -> zip unzips automatically -> replaces "wire" (or parts of it) -> check if there is a update.sql in the package to update the database). And maybe you could just have a look on the WordPress code because WordPress already has this function Greets, Nico
  8. I would split it in two parts: Core translations that will be updated in every new Version of ProcessWire (like Pages (only the default things not the custom fields), Setup > Fields, Setup > Templates, Setup > Languages, Modules, Access) and Custom translations which can be added by the module itself if it has the right translation for the selected language. So everything could be translated but don't have to. Greets, Nico
  9. Yeah, changed it The list is open to everyone so you can change everything, too...
  10. Hi, in a further post I mentioned the idea of a central "Module Repository". But there isn't a list with all of the modules. So I thought if everyone would add his module(s) to this list it would be much easier for Ryan to implement it (after the list is almost complete). Would be great if you would add your modules (and if you like some others out of this forum). Greets, Nico
  11. AAHHH! I didn't knew how easy it is to create tabs!!! Thanks to you! I now know it an love it
  12. In german you've got Ä, Ö and Ü you can use them normally in your translation. Encoding happens automatically I guess.
  13. @Ryan: I like the new "Site" link --- I updated my post with the german translation to support the new translations.
  14. Why is: .PageList .PageListNumChildren, .PageListItemOpen span.PageListNote, .PageListSorting .PageListSortItem span.PageListMoveNote { font-size: 0.9166em; padding-left: 0.25em; text-transform: lowercase; } ? I need uppercased letters in this string (in the string next to the trash)...
  15. I've found one: "Found %1$d pages using selector: %2$s" in "wire--modules--process--processpagesearch--processpagesearch-module.json"
  16. Well it's quite easy to create translations in ProcessWire. That's great! But one thing I would like to have is the possibility to add something like "if loops". What I mean is that I can translate something like "5 Pages were found" but what's with "1 Page was found"? And what I need is a compatibility between this and Oliver's Language module... But it's great for a beta release
  17. ------------------------- Update November 2018: This language pack has now a new maintainer. Please see the new thread for updated versions and discussion. ------------------------- Well here's my first try to translate it to german ("de-de") All of the the translations are right but I'll change some later to sound nicer. And, I don't know if the nativ english speaking people here will understand it, but this translation uses "Sie" to address the user formally. (There's a difference between "du" (means you) and "Sie). But I guess "Sie" is the better choice. UPDATE: - Improved some translations to sound nicer. UPDATE 2: - added some new translations UPDATE 3: - added translations for new functions (like cloning) UPDATE 4: Please see this new thread from the new maintainer @jmartsch de-de (updated 1323468757).zip
  18. Is there a way to change the search pages title from "Search" to "Suche" with this module?
  19. Was changed after we found a solution as I had this problem
  20. The point is I wrote this plugin for my schools site and thought maybe anybody else would may need this too But I will improve the double class thing in the next version. And maybe I add an option page for the "nofollow" attribute so you can disable this. Greets, Nico
  21. Hey, the TextformatterMarkExternalLinks.module changes every <a href="..."> that contains an external link to <a href="..." class="external" rel="nofollow">. That's all. But if you want to add a css class for external links it's really useful. Download: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/TextformatterMarkExternalLinks Greets, Nico
  22. Try this: Change line 122 in "wire/core/Upload.php" from: $tmpName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), get_class($this)); to: $tmpName = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), get_class($this));
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