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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=processwire%2C%20wordpress&cmpt=q
  2. Hi, something I'm not sure about is: How do I define a new user permission? I mean it has to work so I have to place some additional code somewhere, doesn't it? / Nico
  3. Perfect addition for Blog profile
  4. Hi, it would be awesome if you would have kind of an generator on the download page where you could include for example some languages and the blog profile with ticking a checkbox. Like this: http://mootools.net/core/ / Nico
  5. You could name it something like "ProcessShop" or "ShopWire"
  6. If site + wire have 777 everything works fine. But that's bad practice. So I'm trying to reduce it to the minimum needed... I'm using chrome on mac os x 10.8
  7. After droping the file I got this error in the console: GET http://www.xoya.de/site/assets/files/1143/bottom2.0x100.png 404 (Page Not Found) No errors in error log.
  8. I gave 777 to the whole /site/ and subfiles/-folders but AJAX upload is not working properly...
  9. Hi, which files/directories need to have write permission? / Nico
  10. I would love if renobird/tom would contribute to the front-end dev. @renobird: I guess you have to talk to adam if you really want to
  11. Don't have time tomorrow at 4 p.m. But if you should create a roadmap it would be nice to send me a version of it mail@nico.is or skype: nico.knoll
  12. Hey, you should have a look here: http://classes.verkoyen.eu These are one-file classes for a lot of social networks.
  13. Should be there already... but looks like I forgot to add it... I will do this as soon as possible.
  14. Both are ideas I had too. So links are working now and I'm working on multiple images (I already uploaded at least two images of every site)
  15. Hi, I just rebuild my website using ProcessWire: http://nico.is/ Should be working on all major browsers (that excludes IE). Two things: - The "browsers" are build with pure CSS3 (not the arrows) - Have a look at the footer / Nico
  16. Beautiful! Which eCommerce plugin are you using on this site?
  17. So here's the working code: $page->setOutputformatting(false); $en = $languages->get('en'); $title = $page->title->getLanguageValue($en); $page->setOutputformatting(true); if($title != '') { // do something }
  18. If a specific page is translated (the page you're on). Like: $page->hasTranslation('en');
  19. Hi, is there a way to check if a translation exists? I want to display the languages flag as switcher only if a translation is available... Greets, Nico
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