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Everything posted by Macrura

  1. you can't edit the hanna code 'cached' files directly
  2. great - thanks! Checked it and it's all working now... Also looking forward to the next version!
  3. hey tpr - thanks and also let me thank you for this module, it looks great, and you have put a lot of work into it - it will be really handy for this project i'm working on where we need to check that links to external sites are working/correct! So i checked everything and troubleshot it to where i have narrowed down the issue to the field restriction - if that is set, then it doesn't work; setting the template restriction works... being that i don't really need to restrict by field, i'm all good, but i can further assist with this issue if you need more info. thanks again!
  4. I'm not having any luck getting this to work... no arrow is shown; I'm on Mac, Firefox, Chrome, but no luck; templates and fields all setup.... no js errors.. Any idea what might be the cause, or how to troubleshoot? TIA
  5. Hi steveooo - do you intend the users to nest the modals, or do you want to prevent the nesting? Are you asking for a way to make the successive modals to max out?
  6. Perhaps this question should be posted on the Blog Module thread?
  7. I sort of handle this situation using this: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-page-field-edit-links/ but then editors do need to click on the item after it is added to fill out those additional fields; not a perfect solution, but might be the only option currently
  8. the reason you can guess that it's not processwire is that if you look at the sourcecode, everything is ok, in terms of the paths to the assets. If you click on one of those paths, it gets redirected, which means something in the htaccess or index.php might be amiss, or something wrong with the server. So you can't connect to the folder through FTP, and replace the index.php and .htaccess files?
  9. i would replace the .htaccess file asap. then if that didn't fix it i would replace the wire folder, and index.php also i would file a support ticket with the hosting provider
  10. right - forgot about template cache and settings (been using WireCache lately)
  11. I think template cache is duration based - i didn't know it would clear on save
  12. @prestoav - you could duplicate the FieldtypeSelect module and then make some mods to support your option groups, like anything preceded with --- could be turned into a group etc..
  13. you can use the new slider module that was recently released, it has a whole admin interface. other than that you would use PW fields to hold the various options and settings for each slide; this will be totally dependent on which slider you are using, as well as how often you think the site managers will be needing to change stuff; Here are some ways it has been accomplished on my end: 1.) Using Profields Table to hold settings for each slide; custom module populates default settings (rows) and then the values are adjustable in the 2nd col of the table 2.) Using textarea to hold the code for each slide (or Ace Extended inputfield); slide code can be edited directly; 3.) Same as #2, but allowing for use of placeholders, like Slide image, link, button text, so that that the editors can use regular fields for some of the slide settings - such as selecting an internal page to link the silde to 4.) YAML field - captions, animation settings, etc 5.) Pagetable and PW fields to hold all custom settings, Slider inputfield for some numerical settings
  14. AFAIK you can't have a % sign in a URL, did you mean %20 are replaced with spaces (%20 is an encoded space)? can you post the URL you are trying to paste in? The specification for URLs limits the use of allowed characters in URLs to only a limited subset of the US-ASCII character set: "...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters $-_.+!*'(), and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.
  15. can you post how you are calling the assets? the correct way would be something like: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$config->urls->templates?>css/min/all-min.css" /> also make sure you enable this line the htaccess file: RewriteBase /pw/
  16. unless your developer implemented an interface (some way to manipulate the slide images and settings), you'd need to adjust that in the code. Or come up with your own information design for controlling it. looking at your code, it appears that the images are served from PW assets, so look on your homepage and see if there is a repeater or page table for the slides.
  17. @gebeer - many thanks for your time in sharing your technique - as a former Joomla(er?) also, i appreciate your approach to the modular widgets.. i'll surely study your example when i have another scenario like this...
  18. that call would go right before your other settings; also make sure that your $items returns some pages
  19. you would need to instantiate the class first, e.g. call the module into an object: $rss = $modules->get("MarkupRSS");
  20. echo $author->FirstName; just curious - in PW the field usually doesn't have arguments (?)
  21. i would have tried this first $matches = $pages->find("template=portfolio, title|first_name|last_name|body|portfolio_images.tags*=$q, limit=150"); but if that didn't work then maybe or groups: $matches = $pages->find("template=portfolio, (title|first_name|last_name|body%=$q), (portfolio_images.tags*=$q), limit=150");
  22. Hi douglas81, I'm not an expert on this, but i think what I might try in this case would be to: 1.) rebuild your config.php - maybe from a vanilla install, or another site; 2.) change the password of the superadmin from the API, which would then presumably use the new userAuthSalt; <?php $admin = $users->get('admin'); // username of superadmin $admin->of(false); $admin->pass = 'yo12345'; // put in your new password $admin->save();
  23. Hanna code is certainly a great way to place an audio file into a textarea, the files themselves loaded into your files field and then referenced in the RTE; to make it easier for editors you could add tagging on the files and then reference the tag in your hanna code. Using the RTE itself, you could simply use the link button and then select the audio file. Then you can initialize that with something like Soundmanager2. So in other words, you would end up with an anchor in your textarea linking to an audio file, which then using a jQuery selector could be turned into a player. For more control, you could check the field (e.g. using strpos) at the top of your template file, and then do a str_replace on the field. The main advantage in that is that you could initialize the audio players and load specific assets based on the existence of said mp3 link, instead of on all pages, and you could also replace the simple anchor with more specific markup that might be required for your player. Lastly you could make a module that would essentially do the same thing, and apply it as a textformatter to the field.
  24. I would make this with regular PW pages (events), and then selectable options for game or tournament (asm select would allow both to be selected). if the event is a tournament, then you show a page-table field for child events, which would be similar to the event template but assume they are games (if they are child of an event marked as a tournament)
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