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Everything posted by Manfred62

  1. the german lang pack is up to date for the PW 2.4. You can also take it directly at Github: https://github.com/yellowled/pw-lang-de if you want to work with the newest PW dev version, than you need to replace some files (look at files from the post above yours). Name and description of modules depends on the module itself. Following strings are needed to be translatable: public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => __('Diagnostics Page', __FILE__), 'summary' => __('Allows evaluation of run-time environment and detection of changes.', __FILE__), ... ...
  2. ProcessDiagnostics must be in the core! In line 264 'action' => $ht_ok && !$ht_write ? '' : $this->_('.htaccess must exist, must be readable, should <strong>not</strong> be writable.'), //replace <strong> with ** 'action' => $ht_ok && !$ht_write ? '' : $this->_('.htaccess must exist, must be readable, should **not** be writable.'), the double asterisk are for bold text in translation-files. But in this case it's not working?? Maybe one of the pro's can check this? Example in ProcessTemplate.module, line 922, 923 BTW: german translations nearly done...
  3. just a question: shouldn't this module show up in the setup section? Is there something to be done to see the results? Using latest dev of PW. Hint: to make it full translatable you have to use a newline, otherwise it will not be found (see example): line 170: 'value' => $rewrite_ok ? $this->_('Installed') : $this->_('Not installed'), // must be line 170: 'value' => $rewrite_ok ? $this->_('Installed') : $this->_('Not installed'),
  4. new german updates for actual PW dev 2.4.2 (19 May 2014). Zip contains only updated files. inputfield-php.json pages-php.json fieldtypefile-module.json fieldtypepage-module.json inputfieldtinymce-module.json processmodule-module.json processpageadd-module.json processtemplate-module.json pw-lang-de-dev-update.zip
  5. looks clean and nice! Take a look at mobile view (tested with Nexus 5 and in Firefox on desktop): there's something broken? The second fax number is not in new line. also the fax number is clickable in smartphone. Think, only the phone number should be clickable? Maybe it's better doing it with a link <a href="tel:+492282426533">0228.242 6533</a> a[href^="tel"] { ..what ever needed }
  6. something like Media Sources in MODX would be a nice feature.
  7. my intention was to get a clean site profile from the start on. So I would only offer the option for the blank or the H5BP profile during installation process, and delete the default after choosing other option.
  8. @Nico: making the strings translatable? Think, this should be done in general with every new module.
  9. An option to select a site profile in the installation process would be nice. At least there should be an additional blank or the H5BP profile. Example from the other thread:
  10. Good idea! Would be nice to have this option in the installation process. Example option 1: install the PW default profile (simple site, recommended for learning) option 2: install PW blank profile (start from scratch, for experienced devs) option 3: install PW H5BP (start with a actual H5BP template, read more ...)
  11. It's like diogo said. My prefered way to work (I'm also a PHP noob like you): build a static website in html and css. Or at least make some demos with the desired structure/layout. There I can do all the responsiveness and other stuff. After that I split the parts/files to make the templates etc. The rest is doing echo, if and foreach... Try to make it as simple as possible in the beginning. So you don't have to find out, what others have constructed in the ready made site profiles.
  12. thanks for the hint. I made a pull request on GitHub.
  13. have you read the API? There are a lot of examples.
  14. while playing with the new PW dev version I updated some strings. If someone uses the dev in german already, here are 4 updated files: ProcessPageEdit ProcessPageAdd ProcessModule ProcessTemplate pw-lang-de-dev-update.zip
  15. it's only a virtual comparison like "who has the longest xxxxxx"
  16. @Pete can you take a look at the sign-in/sign-out button? On hover it's all white (see screenshot). /* line 269 overwrites other styles */ #user_navigation a { color: #FFFFFF; } a:hover { background-color: #FFFFDD; color: #333333; } ... seen with both Chrome and Firefox on Win 7
  17. Hi wayne, tested your code (line 207 in LanguageTranslator.php). Nice, seems to work and fix the problem! Can you make a pull request on GitHub, so Ryan can check this code and adopt it?
  18. @ryan is it possible to get the translation problem (in LanguageTranslator.php) fixed? More details in this thread. If possible, best will be also change this in the 2.4 stable version to avoid any confusion for newbies testing PW with translations on Windows environment.
  19. Also prefer PocketGrid. Very simple, very small. I pimped the first line in PocketGrid this way: *, *:after, *:before { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box }
  20. in the new dev version this problem is still there. @ryan: any chance to get this fixed? ================================ EDIT: tested in the new dev version 2.4.1. When you change this: the translation for the headings under Setup and Access is broken
  21. another alternative (as jquery plugin): http://dev.twoblok.es/data-img/ (not tested)
  22. I haven't yet had time to look at this one, but it's on my to do list. Thanks for keeping me up to date on it. @ryan: do you have an idea whats the problem here? Maybe a specific php version?
  23. until now we are not sure how to place module translations on github. Therefore you can download the first 3 here. Zip contains the following module translations: CKEditor ModulesManager Thumbnails modules-de.zip BTW: actual ModulesManager needs also a translatable JqueryDataTables.module to get the full de-gui...
  24. I do like both concepts. Nikolas color scheme is more... hmm quiet (easier to the eyes). @nikola: the TinyMCE could need some better styling. Maybe it's possible to get a look like this?
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