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Everything posted by Manfred62

  1. small update to the german laguage pack. In the zip are following new files: wire--core--pages-php.json wire--core--wirehttp-php.json wire--core--wireupload-php.json wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--commentfilterakismet-module.json wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--fieldtypecomments-module.json wire--modules--fieldtype--fieldtypecomments--inputfieldcommentsadmin-module.json wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupportfields-module.json wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupportpagenames-module.json I took them from Radek's cz files and translated them. Maybe someone (yellowled?) can check/correct them before loading up to GitHub? Some phrases are ... difficult to translate. de-DE.zip
  2. Snippets: simple tool for collecting and managing code snippets. Available for Mac and Win.
  3. Sorry for bringing back this old thread, but didn't found any new infos searching the forum. Did I missed something in the config or is this feature not yet available?
  4. thanks for the link. tested the following: <?php echo nl2br("$page->adresse_detail\n"); ?> // html output: first line<br />next line<br />third line<br /> there's no need for the <br> tag, php does it. But new line is only working inside a string. For example, this string shows a new line in the source: <?php echo nl2br("$page->adresse_detail\n "); ?> // html output: first line<br /> next line<br /> third line<br /> always nice to learn something new..
  5. I only get the source without new line (first example): title<br />title<br />title<br />title<br /> hmm, also tried different browsers. Still wondering, why the second example is working.
  6. of course there's no need for both. It's only cosmetics in the source. But I'm wondering, why \n<br /> is working and <br />\n is not?
  7. thanks for taking a look at this. Tried both versions but they also don't work. Hmm, strange..
  8. Tried to make the source (html) looking cleaner. In the code of a repeater template this doesn't work: <?php echo "{$page->adresse_detail}<br />\n"; ?> but this does work: <?php echo "{$page->adresse_detail}\n<br />"; ?> Could anyone explain this? I'm on Win7 and XAMMP.
  9. an improvement for the pw_include.sublime-snippet. So you can jump to the name of the file (with tab) and write/change it. <snippet> <content><![CDATA[ <?php include("./${1:template}.inc"); ?> ]]></content> <!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet --> <!-- <tabTrigger>hello</tabTrigger> --> <!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger --> <!-- <scope>source.python</scope> --> </snippet>
  10. in CKEditor this is possible. You have to use the 'Styles Combo' plugin. But I'm not sure how to do this inside PW. http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_styles
  11. the github link to this module is dead?
  12. like such clean layouts and color schemes. but... why do you scale the images down? The main img has 1000px vs. 630px. The logo in header has 960px vs. 240px. Also the logo could be made as sprite. So you prevent the short load on first hover and save one http request.
  13. new article in Noupe: http://www.noupe.com/cms/processwire-cms-with-a-difference-77309.html
  14. simple and nice. I like it. The yahoo weather bothers me a little bit... english condition text on a german site. Maybe this 2 links (in german) are helpful to translate the condition text? Don't know, how much work this is... link 1 (read in the comments) link 2
  15. there are some more padding and margin in px. So I skipped this grid. Because of jackpot.css: the code of html5boilerplate and normalize is used by a lot of grids/frameworks. Also you can pick your needed extras from this resources to complete your own work. Best will be, if you try to build a site with gridiculo. Then you see, if it's ok for you. There are so many grids/frameworks to satisfy nearly everyones need. description of my experience (RWD beginner) in short words: looking for a simple grid (no Bootstrap, Foundation,etc!). Then study the code of some (no px, only em+%). I'm a little bit oldstyle and like to work from desktop to mobile instead of mobile-first. Descision to try Kube at first. Took a simple static ready-designed site (from my demos and test resources) to make it responsive. Work my way through the code. I'm surprised how easy and fast this was finished. I could keep my style and design and make it responsive anyway. Little bit customizing, had to build a responsive navigation. Also important: at the end I changed the px in media-queries to em (to get full text-zoom and site-zoom). @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) @media only screen and (min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 47.9375em) After that, I tried it with another site. Same experience. The sites are also running in IE8. Yesterday I used the respond.js (which mentioned some posts above) with the demo site. Now IE8 is also getting responsive. Nice to see. Maybe when have more time, I will try this new discovered PocketGrid This is very minimalistic, only 2 classes. But seems to be very flexible. We will see... yes!!
  16. not my first choice. Imho too much px values inside. Also the width's are preset? (w320, w640...) When searching for grids I prefer only em and/or % values. This is imho more flexible.
  17. maybe you can use this 2 polyfills? Not tested myself.
  18. take a look at this demo code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="nl"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Test</title> <style type="text/css"> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background: url(achtergrond.jpg) center top no-repeat; font: 100%/1.5 sans-serif; padding: 20px 0; } #content { width: 1536px; margin: 0 auto; background: url(boek2.jpg) center top no-repeat; min-height: 864px; } article { width: 50%; float: left; } aside { width: 50%; float: left; } article p { margin: 20px 80px; background: #FF8080; } aside p { margin: 20px 90px; background: #8080FF; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="content"> <article> <p>inhoudsopgave</p> </article> <aside> <p>Hier komt de artikel</p> </aside> </div> </body> </html> but I think you should restart this concept. It's too big (size) and also unflexible. Because of the size (1536x864) it's nearly senseless to center it vertically.
  19. that's a css problem, not html (there's nearly no html). If you want to center the #content --> give it a width and margin: 0 auto. Not sure, what's your goal? You want to center the 'book' and split it inside into 2 vertical rows?
  20. hmm, the most links in the first post are really old? Think today it's mandatory to build a site responsive. Made my first two (small) responsive projects with Kube. Easy to understand and use. Nice documentation. Not so bloated like the big ones. Also there are two demo site to learn from. Locally I'm just playing around with Pure. Also a nice slim framework. For me a small framework like Kube or Pure is really helpful. Like OF said: no need to reinvent the wheel. BTW: this thread should be better placed under 'Dev Talk' (no PW topic..)?
  21. do you mean in Teflon? Because this thread is of Compliance Theme. Better post about Teflon in the right thread. because of IE8: just tested with Teflon version 2. Also found some small problems. Best will be not to use this outdated browser?
  22. I'm using Teflon with german language. No problem. Please check under Access/Users/NameOfUser which language is set.
  23. in the moment only Teflon and Futura Remixed have multi-language support http://modules.processwire.com/categories/admin-theme/
  24. I'm doing it the same way like macrura: first building static (html/css/js) examples/drafts. After design/layout is ready, I transform it into the cms.
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