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Everything posted by Soma

  1. Please make it a possible for absolute path from root. That traversal back with ../../ is not very convenient at all. I have a fork I'm using ever since where I changed it to allow for files outside templates folder using root path. It's an assumption that shouldnt be made in th first place. The hx
  2. Maybe if you could make another example. I think it's a little foggy for me what exactly you mean with local vs hooks or local vs hookable methods? Or do you mean wire('pages') vs $this->pages or $this->wire->pages? Maybe Ryan could answer all those more competently after all.
  3. Sorry don't understand the question. Hook able methods always have some overhead but most of the time it's benefits over performance cause it's so minor you woNT notice. Maybe if a method gets potentially called 1000 times a request you may want to take that into consideration. This code is brand new and not usual at all. I think Ryan does some magic here to account for performance here. But I'm not sure as I don't understand what it does exactly.
  4. Maybe Fieldtype::formatValue to get before output and format it. Like Textformatters.
  5. On a page field you can configure if it's multiple or single value. If it's multiple it will be a page array and your method doesn't work cause you need to specify which in the array you want the tytle from. if you only need single value you also need to make the field single value.
  6. Is property_category a single reference or multiple?
  7. Ugly things! PW should remove the z-index:0 from #content. No need to add it and if there's a reason it can be solved differently by adding z-index: 0 to footer too, but then why? PW has that wrong not your module or the plugins so PW needs to sort that out cause it's a ”bug". It's like "adding !important to all elements that need overriding specification problems in you CSS". #header (stacking order 1) #content (stacking order 1) #footer (stacking order 1) now a "z-index: 0" to #content will make it #header (stacking order 1) #content (stacking order 0) #footer (stacking order 1) So content is "under" footer now.
  8. But PW has the "<div id='content' class='content'>" with z-index: 0, jquery is fine. I don't see a reason why PW needs a z-index: 0 there at all as it will result all absolute containers inside #content underlap #footer cause #footer has no z-index.
  9. Your last code makes a lot more sense sense. All previous code and errors didn't had any of $header... Then you solution was <php $header=$pages->get('pagenumber'); ?> Which makes no sense. $header wasn't anywhere in header.inc and further $pages->get("pagenumber") doesn't do anything in PW. Now using a integer <php $header=$pages->get(1012); ?> // '1012' works but looks wierd as it's a string and not a number Is a different story as it will load a page with ID 1012. And with the new header include you show posted there's suddenly a $header->scoial_icons etc. Anyway happy your colleague was able to help you out
  10. You just point the two domains to the same root. Then use full http link in your language switch. Simple really (If you use LanguageSupportPageNames)
  11. Thanks Nico. I think we got all sections assigned to someone already but sure there's always enough to do. I'll have a look when I get to it. A good question. The difference is that it's more of a reference with examples for each API method or property. The documentation pages are good to get understanding with examples and the cheatsheet is built from the content from there (just without examples). Idea is to extend it and provide more examples for stuff that isn't covered on the docu pages. See it as a more comprehensive and compact version like the php api pages with comments and cross references. Most important maybe is that we all can edit those and have some cool options that the docu pages don't have.
  12. How does that solve what? This code doesn't do anything. The selector doesn't do anything. And I don't see $header being used anywhere.
  13. Each entry in PageTable is a page and can have it's own template file, just like a normal page. So you can create a template file for each and use the $page->render() to output the markup. Like Martijn's code showed. It's very convenient and flexible reusable. foreach ($page->table as $row_page) { echo $row_page->render(); } the template file for "text" may just contain <div class='row'> <?php echo $page->body ?> </div> And so on.
  14. There's a process configuration now where you can have ui of config.php. read the blog.
  15. The extended cheatsheet I setup quite a while ago would be perfect for those small examples for the API. Unfortunately the team refused to work on it since 1.5 year. Kinda sad as I spent many hours setting all up with workflow and such and each contributor has assigned a section. Instead they prefer to respond in the forums 100 times the same. /rant over
  16. RT @processwire: New blog post: Target templates w/field editor, better field clone & tons of session updates… https://t.co/LEjo8EHiyc (Pro…

  17. It looks very active to me. I don't share the same thinking. Ryan did close all issues once that weren't active but I hate it when he does that. Then you look at http://processwire.com/blog/ and you're in awe.
  18. Just tried and this while I was trying to get around ajax request and cover that too I discovered that there seems to be a bug when setting config from the session. (always those sessions ) https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/915
  19. Me too. Forgot that there's no configuration on fieldtype or inputfield. Not sure why. Hooking doesn't work cause it all work with ajax. Render() is only used once to render base markup.
  20. BTW if you search for "processwire flexible content" in google you'll get lots of lengthy discussion already there.
  21. You mean a Cook Book? ;P Don't think official yet, but If you search for ProcessWire PageTable you'll get tons of. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6417-processwire-profields-table/?p=63119
  22. You're looking for Field "PageTable" not "Table". Edit: Or "Repeater".
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