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Everything posted by Soma

  1. Just quickly. You should use $questionCat->find("template=faq-detail, include=hidden") Or same as only searching children $questionCat->children("template=faq-detail, include=hidden") since a children is already like a find it will ignore hidden and then you do a find on the results... doesn't work as you may expected.
  2. There's many different options, so there's also a option to overwrite it in the render options. $p->render("template", array("prependFile" => ""));
  3. There's no method cause a page->render() usually needs the init. Depends what you have in your init, but there shouldn't be anything big going on there.
  4. Ok "page” doesn't work but "page.id" selector: parent=page.id Gives you children of edited page.
  5. I'm not even sure I understand the what where and how. But I'm sure if a user has no access to user template or roles you can't filter with subfields. I recognized this in ListerPro too. Edit: Also, "I tried" doesn't say anything to me.
  6. Don't know really. But guest or normal users usually don't have access to "user" pages/template. Either give them view access to "user" or try add a "check_access=0".
  7. RT @MickvJ: Quite amazed by the simple, flexible and capable @processwire #CMS framework! https://t.co/apvQg4E8kG

  8. You can do anything but need to return a Page array.
  9. jQuery attr seems good to me. Another option may be str_replace on the output something like $out = $nav->render(); $out = str_replace('class="has_children"', 'class="has_children" data-uk-dropdown', $out);
  10. RT @processwire: New blog post: a new Fieldtype for supporting selectable option fields (w/o pages) in ProcessWire (2.5.17) – https://t.co/…

  11. Sure $slug = $sanitizer->pageName($str, Sanitizer::translate);
  12. Not sure it was mentioned somewhere, but I can't find a "cancel" button when on the Editor. I know you can just close the tab/window, but hey I had to think about.
  13. Sure, specify a template file in the render method $out .= $child->render("yoursubtemplate.php", array('included'=>true)); Or just your template but handle the "when directly viewed" and throw a 4040 In your subpage-template if(!count($options['pageStack'])) { // not rendered from other page, pageStack will be empty throw new Wire404Exception(); } ... render output Or if(!isset($options['included'])) { // not rendered from other page,"included" won't exist throw new Wire404Exception(); } ... render output
  14. I think I stoped reading on when it said it's using Bootstrap 3. Nonetheless, I tried the tryout and it's not something I would use for building anything other than your typical Bootstrap layout page without knowing anything. Don't like the UI at all and it crashed after 2 min.
  15. I'm not sure I understand and I don't know Foundation dropdown and its required markup and what makes a item clickable or not. MarkupSimpleNavigation doesn't have to do something with whether a item is clickable or not. Can't you just add some jquery to prevent that?
  16. Access right is used for restricting pages for logged in users etc. I would avoid that solution in this case.
  17. You don't need to remove view access at all. Just don't create a php file for the subpage template so it will not be directly viewable. So you dont need to turn access control off and can also search without adding that etc.
  18. Alwaystrynewthingsandgetbetteroralwayadothesameandstaygood.
  19. Oliver it's in core since 2.4 I think, you can define a icon per template. Now in latest there's even a new fieldtype for selecting font-awesome icons, instead of manually entering name.
  20. This will also be always true: if(wire('page')->template = 'blog-post') {
  21. Strange code you have here, not really getting what you doing there manually creating img path etc. But this condition will always be true. if($on='Y') {
  22. Ah then it's neither about renaming wire nor about multisite. I am lost here.
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