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Everything posted by Soma

  1. "@processwire: New blog post: More new image editing features in the core this week - https://t.co/beGmEBDLP1"

  2. What version and is it in a tab Other than content?
  3. Maybe you don't have access righta to add a page there?
  4. With Autocomplete input you don't need a textarea it's just hitting enter a if it doesn't find it. Its different from the other input types.
  5. Another feedback I noticed a lot. Make the body overflow: hidden (if I remember correct) when a modal is opened. This prevents the page in the back to scroll. This is the problem with all modals, Lister etc.
  6. Oh forgot to ask. What is about the ProcessLatestComments module that is in modules directory, but there's also now a ProcessCommentsManager in core?
  7. Thanks Ryan, would be cool if that could be made compatible. Not sure there's too much overlaps? Would this be all of a sudden the default or could this feature be "to enable"? Guess it such a great and needed feature all of it that it must be default.
  8. Sometimes I can't edit an already inserted image. Does that happen to you guys too? CKeditor. I think this is or was the case since quite a long time. I get a JS error. Does this also work with the Croppable image field as it is extending the Image field? I figures it wouldn't work on a cropimage.
  9. Home/Root page always works and doesn't need htaccess to be working. So if home is working but others not it's a htaccess problem.
  10. Clearly a htaccess rewrite problem here.
  11. Uninstall a module PW will now create a ".ModuleFolder". You can then via direct download url install the module again and it will add a new folder. If using the class name it will find it already there and show message. Surely some quirks going on with core module manager.
  12. "@yellowled: Once again amazed about the speed, ease and fun that is possible when developing a site with @processwire. ♥"

  13. @Ryan, love the new features. Regarding inserting images in a RTE, is this something you guys still do? How do you handle it so clients don't mess up? I don't see how that is convenient? I mean if we allow clients to insert images in the Text, shortly after there's a complete mess of images to clean up. So I'm not sure what to think of the new image features being focused on this? What we love to see is a image manipulation tool to cut an original image, to then create thumbnails from. Croppable image does a good job, but still missing a cut the original image feature.
  14. RT @processwire: New blog post w/screencast: Several useful new image editing features added for ProcessWire 2.5.19– https://t.co/1z3ZjuFP8P

  15. But then you already got the page ($p) so why get it again?
  16. I don't think this will be easy It's because it's simple with its modularity and just a floating, but the other one would be errrhm...
  17. It can be used, just what do you do if you have files in there that come from core modules you don't want? When using form API on front-end and load a Datetime field, css and js from that Inputfield will get added to the array, but I don't like to use backend scripts in the front-end. You add another dependency, that if core changes or has a bug you also have that on front-end after update. You have already have to take care of changed to Inputfields anyway so maybe it's no big deal. Also has cases where third party autoload modules added scripts or css to the array and it may cause troubles. All that led me to create my own file array for front-end. $config->siteScripts = new FilenameArray(); $config->siteStyles = new FilenameArray(); Now that isn't something other front-end module know of so maybe it again isn't good regarding that, where the core $config->scripts could give a standard, so third party front-end modules could rely on. I just don't think mixing them isn't very nice.
  18. I don't recommend using the config->scripts that core uses. Cause if you use form API or others core modules on front end you will end up having scripts in there you don't want.
  19. The recursion happens cause you get the field from pagr which triggers formatValue again. Maybe it's better to get the unformatted value getUnformatted(field) that will get the object with the languages inside or prevent recursion with a marker you set to the page to ignore them. Maybe also a after hook works better as there might be the language module song theit work too. Or set hook to after those of the language modules. I'm still not sure what exactly you try to do and why.
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