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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2017 in Posts

  1. @ryan Right now the view that shows translation files "Setup > Languages > German" is not very intuitive and confuses users and translators, because they are confronted with cryptic names (Textdomains) instead of clear to read names. How can we make it better? Add clear to read labels like the module name from modules and the filename without the path from other files (.php). The path information has to be more subtle, as it is not that important for most users Take a look at the first two entries compared to the lower two. This can be done very quickly by adding some styles. Either flexbox or floats would do the job. Here is what I did (just quick and dirty and not the best way) Changed order of the file path to last. Added CSS to InputfieldFileLanguageFilename description: <span class="InputfieldFileLanguageFilename description" style=" position: absolute; right: 0; padding-right: 10px; font-size: 13px; color: #ccc; ">/site/templates/main.php</span> What you think of that?
    4 points
  2. There could be a lot of people using the module version for image tags; I will revise the module code to check the core version or the is_dir and then load from core – it does seem that your tweaks are going to be essential for this, as that behavior of it submitting is definitely a problem, that i hadn't noticed (i always assumed that users would click and select, but now i see that they can type stuff in and try and hit enter..) Another issue is that there is the other module that uses selectize, namely the InputFieldSelectize (and the multiple version) which are page reference fields, and those also load the selectize library. I'm pretty sure there are at least a handful of people actively using that fieldtype, so maybe I will also need to use your modified version of the seletize library in the JquerySelectize base module, so that the selectize family of modules will all behave the same way, whether the library is loaded from the core or from the module, and in situations where someone is using InputfieldSelectize, but not image tags. if the core version of the library could include the skins, and in addition, your modified skin, then the module version could allow skin to be chosen (if it is installed), but if not installed, then the core version uses the default skin. In the module config for the JquerySelectize, besides offering the option of changing the skin (existing and new PW admin theme neutral version), that could be a place to specify which selectize library to load (core or module), to allow users with an existing setup to gracefully test and transition to the core version. Once they have tested their setup using the core version as specified in the module's config, they could choose to keep the module installed (for the extended skin options) or uninstall it and use the default skin.
    3 points
  3. hi alyxgd and welcome to the forum besides all the links you already got i would recommend you proceed like this: backup your existing site bring a copy of your existing site to your local computer do your changes on your local computer create a copy of your website on your web-server (eg on a subdomain: new.yoursite.com) bring your local copy to your live server and test if everything works if everything works, overwrite your old site with the new one caution: all data that is created between downloading the website and uploading it again will get lost. so if you have something like a guestbook or any other user generated content that could maybe get lost or you would have to deactivate your site for that time. if you only have a simple site (like it sounds from your description) that will not be an issue. people here are always really quick with answering questions so i'm sure you will always find a helping hand. if you want to save time and only focus on point 3 i'm sure you'll find someone here that can help you and has all the other points done in under 2 hours... good luck and i hope you enjoy processwire...
    3 points
  4. feuerwehr-teisnach.de ProcessWire 3.0.62 Screenshots show the management of operations, where they can choose the date, age-group, vehicles in operation and they can write a text and put some gallery into it. Modules: Uikit v3 admin theme Auto Smush Markup Sitemap XML Pagetree Add New Childs Reverse Upgrades Checker Simple Contact Form CSS (SASS) & JSS compression with: grunt-sass grunt-uglify grunt-contrib-cssmin Libraries: UiKit 2 jQuery Owl Carousel hamburgers
    2 points
  5. Did you see that page? http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/content/
    2 points
  6. That's the problem with CSS-frameworks. They do some stuff OK, save you time in the short-run, but they're a pain in the neck when you want to have it your way. Nowadays I don't understand the wish for using a CSS-framework. At the very least, you should be highly selective (e.g. only get helper-classes and mixins). tbh, this <h2 class="title is-2"> looks retarded... What's known im BEM philosophy as modifiers makes sense, but h already stands for heading, and h2 already states that it's a level 2 heading. Why overcomplicate things so much? What's next? <p class="is-paragraph">lol</p> <table class="is-tabular-data">...</table>
    2 points
  7. Hi, this may help to start, however, most in Polish or German but easy to understand ... Watch and Learn ... ----------------------- LEONID LENZER => GOOD TUTORIAL ----------------------- XTRA-STRONA => 1 INSTALLATION METHOD 2 - Localhost to Internet 3 - PROCESSWIRE + UIKIT 4 - PLAYLISTS -- PROCESSWIRE &nbsp;STARTING -- PROCESSWIRE + UIKIT :) ( BEST SELECTION FOR QUICK START) -- CREATE SIMPLE TEMPLATE ( BUT NO USING NEW TEMPLATE STUCTURE ) -- PROCESSWIRE - NEW TEMPLATE STRUCTURE -- Processwire Great Multi Language Support
    2 points
  8. it definitely helps with managing images in situations where you have a single images field on a page, and want to use some of those image in the RTE, while still specifying one to be used as the 'featured image', which might appear above a blog post. Using a tag like gallery on multiple images could then be used to output a carousel as that featured image, instead of a single image...
    2 points
  9. This week's version includes some helpful UI updates to the tags feature available in our File and Image fields, which we'll be taking a closer look at in this post. Like many versions, this also includes some other updates consistent with submitted GitHub issue reports. Read on for all the details… https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.67-upgraded-file-and-image-tags/
    1 point
  10. That is very specific. It only displays the 12-hour format. My method displays the time based on each locale and without the seconds. For example some countries have 24-hour format and others the 12-hour etc.
    1 point
  11. Dynamic Selects version 005 (released (16/07/2017)) Glad to announce that the latest release of Dynamic Selects is now available for Download/Purchase. Changelog Dynamic Selects is now fully multi-lingual! Thanks @eelkenet for reminder . Relevant fields and labels now shown in user's language if available, with fallback on default if not. Screenshots Backend Dynamic Selects Fields Demo Backend Dynamic Selects Page Edit Frontend Dynamic Selects
    1 point
  12. Hi @bernhard, A while ago, but have you ever found a solution to sort the way you posted above? (OR-groups are no solution here, I guess.) I want to sort after fileField.modified in an language-alternate fields setup: Seems like language-alternate fields inside selectors do not work. The sort is always by default language. Sorting the way you are asking in this thread could solve this problem. I could sort by both, fileField.modified OR (if not empty) by fileField_altLang.modified... I would appreciate your reply, thx.
    1 point
  13. Maybe you can create a textformatter to add the classes for you automatically after page save. Or, in your sass file, extend the .title class for all headers.
    1 point
  14. @AlyxGD I'd go with the suggestion above. If it's something I can help with, I'm on the lookout for extra work at the moment.
    1 point
  15. Welcom @AlyxGD! I recommend starting with these, in this order: https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/but-what-if-i-dont-know-how-to-code/ http://www.how-to-build-websites.com/ https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/hello-worlds/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3Fwyd5Okrg&list=PLXlVJXqzkgyqQJyxkb4hai3WgoPoD8osO&index=1 https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/installation-moving-and-troubleshooting/ If after checking these above you still feel like diving into web development, I recommend installing ProcessWire on your own machine to play with it a little bit to get the hang of it. If you don't feel like dealing with all you've seen above, I recommend looking for a ProcessWire web developer: https://processwire.com/talk/forum/22-jobs/
    1 point
  16. @clsource: sorry for the delay. Weekly.pw RSS feed should now work as expected
    1 point
  17. Welcome @sanstraces You need to save the page after you set the name. public function hookAfterAdded($event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; $page->name = $page->name .'-'. $page->id; $page->save(); $this->message('added '.$page->name); } Normally the $page->setAndSave() method is useful in these situations, but there seems to be a bug when saving the page name.
    1 point
  18. I think the problem is that in the moment of adding the new page the ID ist not known yet. So, the logical steps would be: add the page and then rename it. The issue has been discussed before.
    1 point
  19. Some links that may help you; https://github.com/processwire/processwire http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-wire-upgrade/ https://processwire.com/download/ https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/ https://github.com/processwire/processwire-legacy
    1 point
  20. Wow, i'm having Déjà vu... http://modules.processwire.com/modules/selectize-image-tags/ Glad this is in the core now though; personally i couldn't have done without my module version for the past year (used on dozens of sites). Wondering if i can now remove the dependency for the jQuerySelectize module and load the core selectize js in the module init. Questions would be: 1) does the new integration allow you to select the Selectize skin? 2) will the core selectize interfere in case you upgrade and have image fields set to use the module selectize image tags 3) can the limit of what tags can be used be set on the field settings, and can those tags preferences be over-ridden per template, like the module.
    1 point
  21. just upgradet to the newest dev version and tested it. Loving it, Ryan! That's what is best about processwire; you are free like a bird and have countless possibilities to realise your ideas with core functions.
    1 point
  22. I dont know if this is exactly what you are after, but here is a discussion regarding SSL. I have not done it myself, but it appears you can uncomment something in your .htaccess file .
    1 point
  23. yeah, it's basically standard; you can enable hmac validation, not that hard, but in this case might be more effort than worth it, because these guys know if a price has been changed... https://wiki.foxycart.com/v/1.1/hmac_validation
    1 point
  24. Finally I've found out how to support PW 2.x and PW 3.x with one codebase. So here is a new version 1.1.2 compatible with PW 2.5+. I updated the tests as well, turned the script which runs tests against multiple versions of ProcessWire into standalone tool PW-Test.
    1 point
  25. OK... Sounds like a job for the new group selectors [OR-groups] See here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3768-processwire-dev-branch/?p=64049 Another example here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7370-search-for-one-field-or-another-but-with-different-values/ This other related improvement might also be of interest https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3768-processwire-dev-branch/?p=58722
    1 point
  26. A few new/minor additions on the dev branch: You can now paginate with "limit=1" selectors. Previously ProcessWire didn't build the pagination information when a limit of 1 was specified. Now it does. ProcessWire now preloads pages that it knows it's going to need on every request. This speeds up everything slightly, as what was previously done in 6-7 queries is now done in one shot. Should you want to, you can also specify additional preloaded pages, though I don't think many (any?) would need to. Several optimizations to the PageFinder engine which improves the speed of certain types of queries. One of them is a $pages->count("selector") query, which is now even faster than before. Selector Grouping Added support for selector grouping to change the behavior of how they match. This is best explained by example. Lets say we're building a big news site, and we have a template called news-item that represents each news article. Each news-item page has a field called cats that is a multi-page reference to one or more category pages. This is a pretty common scenario in ProcessWire. The site has a lot of categories, so want to designate some categories as featured so that we can display featured categories on the homepage and elsewhere, with accompanying news items. Rather than just adding a featured checkbox, we add two fields to represent the date range that we want them featured: featured_from and featured_to. On our homepage, we want to display articles from all the current featured categories, so we build a selector like this: $items = $pages->find("cats.featured_from<today, cats.featured_to>=today, sort=-date"); ...but we end up with more news-items than we expect, including some that have categories that aren't actually featured right now. Why? Because each news-item can have multiple categories, and that selector above is saying this: The keywords there are "at least one", as "categories.featured_from" and "categories.featured_to" may not be referring to the same category. The only way to solve it was this: $categories = $pages->find("template=category, featured_from<today, featured_to>=today"); $items = $pages->find("categories=$categories, sort=-date"); That's easy enough... but now you can also do it like this, by prepending an @ to identify a group: $items = $pages->find("@cats.featured_from<today, @cats.featured_to>=today, sort=-date"); The "@" symbol at the beginning of "cats" is telling ProcessWire those are grouped together and "these must match the same exact page". This was added because there are situations where you need to perform your query with 1 selector rather than breaking it up. An example would be when used with the new InputfieldSelector module and Lister, among others. We will likely be adding more ways to perform complex matching scenarios with a single selector as well. Currently this "@" grouping applies only to multi-page reference fields, as I'm not sure yet where else it might be useful. It is only supported by selectors that hit the database at present (though will be completing it for in memory selectors as well). Not planning to extend it into that area at this time, but good ideas to think about for the future or for modules. It should already be fixed. If we're talking about the same thing, someone recently posted this to the GitHub issues list and I added their fix on dev. Adrian already knows this because we've been chatting in the GitHub issues queue, but for anyone else reading this, it has also been fixed.
    1 point
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