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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2022 in all areas

  1. Was there a faulty update @Pete? Avatars no longer show up for me, Unicode emojis no longer work, and ProFields downloads don't work either. ? /edit: 24. Oct - Avatars are Working again, Profield Downloads not: <Error> <Code>InvalidObjectState</Code> <Message>The operation is not valid for the object's storage class</Message> But Some Attachments & Avatars are not working, Example: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/24189-pageviewstatistic-for-processwire/#comment-205221 /edit 25. Oct - Avatars, Attachments and Downloads are working again ? Thanks
    3 points
  2. Wow! It gets even better! ? Thank you Ryan for the detail, including an example of actual code (I would never have figured that out on my own). I will definitely be implementing this so I can add my affiliate disclosures at the click of a button! There will no longer be the need to retype the same sentence of text at the top of my articles, or even to copy and paste it... instead I will be able to add it at the click of a button! That is wonderful.
    2 points
  3. @Jan RomeroYou are incredible. Danke! (PS: I like your profile image!)
    1 point
  4. @bernhard - that check seems like it should be fine, but I am wondering if we should perhaps also add an early exit for RockFrontend - something like these: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/17dbc10717bdda826660166477abb04c192eaf3e/TracyDebugger.module.php#L430-L442
    1 point
  5. Hey @kongondo, Happy Sunday! Just a thought - if page clone is enabled, it would be good to add duplicate product to the actions on the products dashboard I reckon. What say you? Charrrs
    1 point
  6. Hey @alexm Happy Sunday! Sounds like a good idea! Will need to think about the product title of the clone or maybe let ProcessWire handle it if possible. In addition, would need to take care of variants. I'll have a think. How do you check if page clone is enabled? Thanks.
    1 point
  7. I think the problem is here https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/924f93214536a506babbce1bab5c6c9e2093fc1e/wire/core/WireHttp.php#L471 See how it sanitizes the url at the top of the function. That’s where it prepends the scheme if necessary. Curl and fopen are called with that sanitized url, but your error came from the "socket" method, which seems to be called with the unsanitized url. I’m probably missing something, but I’m not going to look into this any more deeply from my phone ?
    1 point
  8. Thanks @teppo!! Sometimes taking a second look helps. The Domain "view" is pointing to has a "www", while the backend I used has not. Now I know where I need to make adjustments.
    1 point
  9. Might be from an unsuccessful curl request (stuff like incompatible cipher suites, untrusted certificate etc.). Have you checked $http->getError()?
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. @Violet Thanks for the great feedback, I appreciate it! @markus_blue_tomato Yes, I actually find TinyMCE 6 quite a bit easier to extend than CKEditor 4. For instance, here's how you could add a "hello" button to the toolbar: InputfieldTinyMCE.onSetup(function(editor) { editor.ui.registry.addButton('hello', { icon: 'user', text: 'Hello', onAction: function() { editor.insertContent('Hello World!') } }); }); Then you would edit your toolbar in the field config and type "hello" to it to any toolbars you wanted. Then every time you click the "hello" button on the toolbar, it would insert the text "Hello World" at the cursor.
    1 point
  12. @bernhard I'm not sure I know why that issue occurs in CKEditor, but I don't see any reason why the issue should exist in TinyMCE. I'm sure there's also a way around it in CKEditor, though I don't understand the issue well enough yet to suggest something. Most (maybe all) of the TinyMCE settings should lend themselves very well to context. The way I've got it setup currently is that it maintains all the settings (that differ from the defaults), namespaced by field name in ProcessWire.config.InputfieldTinyMCE.settings. Then any field-template context settings (that differ from the field settings) are in data attributes on the Inputfield. Field settings override defaults, then template-context settings override those. InputfieldCKEditor settings work in a similar way, but with less efficiency (all settings bundled rather than just those that override defaults), and it doesn't have the option for the data attribute override settings. Hopefully TinyMCE will work for the context you mention but let me know if not, I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out.
    1 point
  13. Check: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-input/url/
    1 point
  14. I’ve made a different wild guess https://github.com/JanRomero/processwire/commit/1641e1681ae20fb01ca0ec3568da0832fb3337b1 It’s messed up because my editor uses spaces by default and PW uses tabs, also I did it on the master branch because I’m an idiot, but whatever. Works okay, looks like this: And this is the list view: I would not merge this though ? Edit: oh yeah because it uses an <a> inside the <label> you have to hit the icon quite precisely, even though the cursor changes over the whole label. Well, I don’t mess with SCSS… @bernhard Thanks for the like, finally I’m a hero member ? Took me long enough
    1 point
  15. The code before was just a wild guess. But I have now tried it and it could work like this: // Add the download label to $this->labels // Somewhere at the beginning of ___renderButtons() $downloadUrl = $pagefile->url; // In ___renderButtons() for example after variations // Download $buttonText = "<i class='fa fa-download'></i> $labels[download]"; $buttonText = str_replace('{out}', $buttonText, $this->themeSettings['buttonText']); $out .= "<a class='$buttonClass' href='$downloadUrl' download>$buttonText</a>"; Here is a screenshot: If you make it to a link styled like a button and add the download attribute, there is no need to open a modal and it would download the file with just one click.
    1 point
  16. @androbey - I've just committed a new version which adds Slack support. It's not super well tested, but so far it's working here nicely. You will need to edit the config settings to set the name of the slack channel and the Slack App Oauth Token of your Slack App that has permission to post to the specified channel. Not sure if you have ever set up a Slack app (bot) before, but this should get you going: https://api.slack.com/bot-users Let me know if you have any suggestions or find any bugs.
    1 point
  17. https://bluefox.studio/ What makes this project cool: We rebranded the clients logo, turning it into a 3D, Three.JS intro presentation The client can mange all aspects of the site via ProcessWire populating their impressive showcase Custom front-end design and UI and full content management across evey aspect of the site. Modular system for page content providing maximum flexibility on page construction. SEO module with global editing section across all pages. Global shared content modules.
    1 point
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