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  1. @thausmann Thanks for your quick reply! This was very helpful! It seems like filePutContents works great, but you have to give it the full path: <?php //create ics file $icsgen = wire()->modules->IcsGenerator; $icsgen->set('date', '2033-12-24 12:00'); $icsgen->set('dateEnd', '2033-12-24 14:00'); $icsFileContent = $icsgen->getString(); $icsFilePath = wire()->config->paths->assets.'files/'.$page->id.'/event.ics'; // use full path to create the file $icsFileUrl = wire()->config->urls->assets.'files/'.$page->id.'/event.ics'; // use relativ url to set the link target wire()->files->filePutContents($icsFilePath, $icsFileContent); ?> <!-- Link to file --> <a href="<?= $icsFileUrl ?>">ICS File</a>
    3 points
  2. I'm working with a client that uses PW to provide the basis for various services, and GDPR/legalities mean that the data for our EU-based users has to live on an EU-resident server. Similarly, US-sourced data has to live on US-resident servers. As the sign-up rates are different in each region, the page IDs between the sites quickly get out of sync, so when new features involving pages are added to the US and EU sites, the IDs of the pages housing new options/blog posts etc are out of sync between them - making references to the pages in the code-base using the page ids impossible. The only thing causing the desynchronisation between the installs is the user pages. I know we can use different programmatic techniques to reference these feature/structural pages, but I'm curious; is it possible to force users (any page using the user template - or any alternative user template) to use a separate auto-incrementing id in PW? I don't think so, but if it could be done, how would you approach this? Being able to have fixed ids for landmark pages, despite differing sign up rates across regions, would be handy.
    2 points
  3. @regesh Have a look at https://processwire.com/modules/custom-inputfield-dependencies/ You'll have multiple options to configure the visibility of fields and even the possibility to mark them as required if your selector is matching. It adds following options to the fields:
    2 points
  4. If you plan to export and import pages at some point, ex. development to production. I recommend that you never use page IDs in selectors, or in other places where they acts as hard data. Because (during the import) the ID value of the source can change depending on the availability of the number in the destination, and that can destroy your code logic.
    2 points
  5. Hey @jploch, oh yes, getFile() only creates temporary files, they are deleted automatically when ProcessWire is done with the request. That may sounds weird, but my use case was to send ICS via E-Mail. To permanently store the file somewhere, I could imagine something like this: // write ICS to a custom file // https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-file-tools/file-put-contents/ $str = $icsgen->getString(); $files->filePutContents('/my/server/path/event.ics', $str); or // add the temporary file to a file field (field named "ics_files") // https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15928-adding-a-file-to-pagefiles-and-saving-to-database/ $path = $icsgen->getFile(); $page->of(false); $page->ics_files->add($path); $page->save('ics_files'); Both untested, let me know if this works.
    2 points
  6. examples <a href="<?php echo $pages->get('/products/')->url; ?>">Products</a> <a href="<?php echo $pages->get('/about/')->url; ?>">About</a> <a href="<?php echo $pages->get('/contact/')->url; ?>">Contact</a> api https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/get/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/functions/pages/ info https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4909-site-url/ module https://processwire.com/modules/process-menu-builder/
    2 points
  7. This module -- actually pair of modules -- keeps track of login attempts to your site, both successful and unsuccessful. The point of this is to give you better understanding about users' activity and environments they use and favor; browsers, browser features such as Flash and Javascript, devices, screen and window sizes. Based on my experience it could also prove out to be rather helpful when debugging error reports by users. Since most of this module was written during one weekend (short time for someone like me who way too often gets stuck trying to make meaningless little details "perfect") I'm very much aware that there are still quirks and even missing features I'd consider "very important." If anyone finds this module interesting enough to give it a try, any and all ideas, comments and problem reports would be very much appreciated! http://modules.proce...-login-history/ https://github.com/t...essLoginHistory How does it work? Process Login History itself is pretty simple and focuses on showing logged data. Probably only thing worth mentioning is that user agent strings are saved to database in their original format and converted here run-time into human readable values. Currently this is done with a private function that tries to identify most common platforms, device types and browsers, but I've planned to add support to either phpbrowscap and/or PHP's native get_browser(). Login tracking is achieved by hooking after Session::login and ProcessLogin::buildLoginForm, though latter is only used to add some extra fields to login form in order to collect slightly more information about user agent. Hooks are added by separate autoload module Process Login History Hooks to avoid loading unnecessary stuff all the time. I'm not sure if this naming convention is correct though.. it's not a process module but still very much related to one -- ideas, anyone? How do you use it? When installed this module adds new database table (process_login_history) for storing data and new page called Login History under Admin > Setup. What this page should look after couple of logins / login attempts is visible in the screenshot below. For more information and some ideas I've planned for later revisions, see README.md.
    1 point
  8. The module can generate basic ICS calendar strings and files. Usage Example: $icsgen = wire()->modules->IcsGenerator; // set properties $icsgen->setArray(array( 'date' => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 12:00'), 'dateEnd' => new \DateTime('2033-12-24 13:00'), 'summary' => 'Event title', 'description' => 'Event description', )); // get path to a temporary .ics file // (using wire()->files->tempDir) $icspath = $icsgen->getFile(); // send email with ics file $mail = wireMail(); $mail->attachment($icspath, 'calendar.ics'); $mail->to($user->email); $mail->subject('ICS Demo'); $mail->body('This is a ICS demo.'); $numSent = $mail->send(); For more infos see GitHub Readme or Modules Page. If you experience reproducable issues please open a GitHub issue.
    1 point
  9. I've been working with ProcessWire for a while now, and I've noticed that using Composer to manage dependencies and autoload external libraries isn't as prevalent in ProcessWire development as in other areas of PHP programming. I started out by using the default setup recommend in this blogpost. However, one major problem I have with this approach is that all external dependencies live in the webroot (the directory the server points to), which is unfavourable from a security standpoint and, in my opinion, just feels a bit messy. In this tutorial, I want to go through a quick setup of Composer and ProcessWire that keeps the dependencies, all custom-written code and other source material outside of the webroot, and makes full usage of the Composer autoloader. This setup is pretty basic, so this tutorial is probably more useful to beginners (this is why I'll also include some general information on Composer), but hopefully everyone can take something away from this for their personal workflow. Site structure after setup This is what the directory structure can look like after the setup: . ├── composer.json ├── composer.lock ├── node_modules │ └── ... ├── public │ ├── index.php │ ├── site │ ├── wire │ └── ... ├── packacke-lock.json ├── package.json ├── sass │ ├── main.scss │ ├── _variables.scss │ └── ... ├── src │ ├── ContentBag.php │ └── ... └── vendor ├── autoload.php ├── composer ├── league ├── symfony └── ... As mentioned, the main point of this setup is to keep all external libraries, all other custom source code and resources out of the webroot. That includes Composer's vendor folder, your node_modules and JavaScript source folder if you are compiling JavaScript with webpack or something similar and including external scripts via NPM, or your CSS preprocessor files if you are using SASS or LESS. In this setup, the public directory acts as the webroot (the directory that is used as the entry point by the server, DocumentRoot in the Apache configuration). So all other files and directories in the mysite folder aren't accessible over the web, even if something goes wrong. One caveat of this setup is that it's not possible to install ProcessWire modules through Composer using the PW Module Installer (see Blogpost above), but that's just a minor inconvenience in my experience. Installation You'll need to have composer installed on your system for this. Installation guides can be found on getcomposer.org. First, open up your shell and navigate to the mysite folder. $ cd /path/to/mysite/ Now, we'll initialize a new Composer project: $ composer init The CLI will ask some questions about your projects. Some hints if you are unsure how to answer the prompts: Package names are in the format <vendor>/<project>, where vendor is your developer handle. I use my Github account, so I'll put moritzlost/mysite (all lowercase). Project type is project if you are creating a website. Author should be in the format Name <email>. Minimum Stability: I prefer stable, this way you only get stable versions of dependencies. License will be proprietary unless you plan on sharing your code under a FOSS license. Answer no to the interactive dependencies prompts. This creates the composer.json file, which will be used to keep track of your dependencies. For now, you only need to run the composer install command to initialize the vendor directory and the autoloader: $ composer install Now it's time to download and install ProcessWire into the public directory: $ git clone https://github.com/processwire/processwire public If you don't use git, you can also download ProcessWire manually. I like to clean up the directory after that: $ cd public $ rm -r .git .gitattributes .gitignore CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE.TXT README.md Now, setup your development server to point to the /path/to/mysite/public/ directory (mind the public/ at the end!) and install ProcessWire normally. Including & using the autoloader With ProcessWire installed, we need to include the composer autoloader. If you check ProcessWire's index.php file, you'll see that it tries to include the autoloader if present. However, this assumes the vendor folder is inside the webroot, so it won't work in our case. One good place to include the autoloader is using a site hook file. We need the autoloader as early as possible, so we'll use init.php: EDIT: As @horst pointed out, it's much better to put this code inside the config.php file instead, as the autoloader will be included much earlier: // public/site/config.php <?php namespace Processwire; require '../../vendor/autoload.php'; The following also doesn't apply when including the autoloader in the config-file. This has one caveat: Since this file is executed by ProcessWire after all modules had their init methods called, the autoloader will not be available in those. I haven't come across a case where I needed it this early so far; however, if you really need to include the autoloader earlier than that, you could just edit the lines in the index.php file linked above to include the correct autoloader path. In this case, make sure not to overwrite this when you update the core! Now we can finally include external libraries and use them in our code without hassle! I'll give you an example. For one project, I needed to parse URLs and check some properties of the path, host et c. I could use parse_url, however that has a couple of downsides (specifically, it doesn't throw exceptions, but just fails silently). Since I didn't want to write a huge error-prone regex myself, I looked for a package that would help me out. I decided to use this URI parser, since it's included in the PHP League directory, which generally stands for high quality. First, install the dependency (from the project root, the folder your composer.json file lives in): $ composer require league/uri-parser This will download the package into your vendor directory and refresh the autoloader. Now you can just use the package in your own code, and composer will autoload the required class files: // public/site/templates/basic-page.php <?php namespace Processwire; use \League\Uri\Parser; // ... if ($url = $page->get('url')) { $parser = new Parser(); $parsed_url = $parser->parse($url); // do stuff with $parsed_url ... } Wiring up custom classes and code Another topic that I find really useful but often gets overlooked in Composer tutorials is the ability to wire up your own namespace to a folder. So if you want to write some object-oriented code outside of your template files, this gives you an easy way to autoload those using Composer as well. If you look at the tree above, you'll see there's a src/ directory inside the project root, and a ContentBag.php file inside. I want to connect classes in this directory with a custom namespace to be able to have them autoloaded when I use them in my templates. To do this, you need to edit your composer.json file: { "name": "moritzlost/mysite", "type": "project", "license": "proprietary", "authors": [ { "name": "Moritz L'Hoest", "email": "info@herebedragons.world" } ], "minimum-stability": "stable", "require": {}, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "MoritzLost\\MySite\\": "src/" } } } Most of this stuff was added during initialization, for now take note of the autoload information. The syntax is a bit tricky, since you have to escape the namespace seperator (backslash) with another backslash (see the documentation for more information). Also note the PSR-4 key, since that's the standard I use to namespace my classes. The line "MoritzLost\\MySite\\": "src/" tells Composer to look for classes under the namespace \MoritzLost\MySite\ in the src/ directory in my project root. After adding the autoload information, you have to tell composer to refresh the autoloader information: $ composer dump-autoload Now I'm ready to use my classes in my templates. So, if I have this file: // src/ContentBag.php <?php namespace MoritzLost\MySite; class ContentBag { // class stuff } I can now use the ContentBag class freely in my templates without having to include those files manually: // public/site/templates/home.php <?php namespace Processwire; use MoritzLost\MySite\ContentBag; $contentbag = new ContentBag(); // do stuff with contentbag ... Awesome! By the way, in PSR-4, sub-namespaces correspond to folders, so I can put the class MoritzLost\MySite\Stuff\SomeStuff in src/Stuff/SomeStuff.php and it will get autoloaded as well. If you have a lot of classes, you can group them this way. Conclusion With this setup, you are following secure practices and have much flexibility over what you want to include in your project. For example, you can just as well initialize a JavaScript project by typing npm init in the project root. You can also start tracking the source code of your project inside your src/ directory independently of the ProcessWire installation. All in all, you have good seperation of concerns between ProcessWire, external dependencies, your templates and your OOP-code, as well as another level of security should your Server or CGI-handler ever go AWOL. You can also build upon this approach. For example, it's good practice to keep credentials for your database outside the webroot. So you could modify the public/site/config.php file to include a config or .env file in your project root and read the database credentials from there. Anyway, that's the setup I came up with. I'm sure it's not perfect yet; also this tutorial is probably missing some information or isn't detailed enough in some areas depending on your level of experience. Feel free to ask for clarification, and to point out the things I got wrong. I like to learn as well ? Thanks for making it all the way to the bottom. Cheers!
    1 point
  10. Not sure if that makes a lot of sense or even if it is possible. I happen to find myself iterating the page IDs and other IDs a lot during testing, only to delete the pages and whatnot afterwards. So I'm basically iterating the IDs for no good reason. Wouldn't it be nice to have a module that can reset that ID in the database, either manually or automatically, say upon deletion?
    1 point
  11. Pages::___save() method has a forceID parameter: * - `forceID` (integer): Use this ID instead of an auto-assigned one (new page) or current ID (existing page). I've never tried to do anything like this, but it seems like this would be a good place to start, e.g. hooking before this method and forcing the ID in case of a new page using the user template. You would still have to figure out some way to share auto-increment ID values between instances ?
    1 point
  12. Hi @jsilmarovi You could bootstrap PW instance to your Laravel app https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/include/ and that use PW api to create or edit pages https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/create-page-via-api/ https://gist.github.com/lokomotivan/e0a20f96b6df02970bccd700a119930e
    1 point
  13. https://processwire.com/modules/app-api/ ?
    1 point
  14. Probably not an optimal solution, but maybe you could create a 'dummy' user on the 'other' server at the time a genuine new user is created? Then there's a chance both servers will match, although race conditions etc...
    1 point
  15. A few new additions to this old module, available as of version 1.8.0 (session.txt import) and 1.9.0 (new API methods): There's an option in ProcessLoginHistoryHooks module config to import login history from session.txt. This can be useful when adding this module to a site with existing history, since ProcessWire (by default) collects data about successful/unsuccessful login attempts to said log file. This option is intentionally hidden under collapsed "advanced" fieldset. It's not super well tested yet, could result in a very slow request in case there's a lot of data to import, and in case disk timezone is different than the one in database duplicate records may be created on first run. $this->modules->get('ProcessLoginHistoryHooks')->getUserLoginHistory($user, $start, $limit, $login_was_successful) returns login history data for provided ProcessWire User object. Default values are 0 for "start", 2 for "limit", and 1 for "login_was_successful", which means that by default this method will return latest successful login and the one before that. Return value is always an array; in case there are no results, an empty array is returned. $user->getLoginHistory($start, $limit, $login_was_successful) does the same as previous command for a specific User object. All arguments are optional. This method returns a single timestamp (when limit is 1, or an integer value is provided for the "start" argument and "limit" argument is omitted), an array of login history, or null in case there are no results. By default timestamps for last two successful logins are returned.
    1 point
  16. Maybe something like this, but I'm not entirely sure it will work, place it on ready.php: $wire->addHookBefore('Inputfield::render', function($event){ // the field where the field to hide exists $page = $inputfield->hasPage; $inputfield = $event->object; if($inputfield->name != "field_to_hide_if_parent") return; if($page->id){ // maybe check for children of specific type? if($page->parent->template == "specific_type_of_page"){ // the condition on the parent page? if($page->parent->multiselect_field->name == "some-name"){ $inputfield->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedHidden; } } } });
    1 point
  17. Regarding the DB backup - I need to switch that from using PW's backup methods to system backups, like Duplicator does: https://github.com/flydev-fr/Duplicator/blob/69d78a13bb77cc5b541e959e864480ad41a90a82/Classes/BackupDatabase.php#L159 Right now, I am not sure about the Repeater question - no time to investigate, but it might be an easy enough fix to support selecting repeater templates.
    1 point
  18. Thanks, that page doesn't quite answer my question, although it leads to pages that might, so I have a lot of reading to do. My main concern is that it must be really easy for my client -- they are definitely not tech savvy, so if a process is remotely tricky (e.g., just setting up an account in the first place), it's just not going to work. They have used PayPal in the past and did not like it!
    1 point
  19. Technically, not a lot, since the generic QuickStart works well. The main reason would be for visibility. Someone installing ddev might be prompted to think about ProcessWire as a solution.
    1 point
  20. Also, <?php echo $pages->get(1210)->url; ?> 1210 being the page ID. <a href="<?php echo $pages->get(1210)->url; ?>">Products</a>
    1 point
  21. Hey @Pete - I've added an option to remove the frontend login form. Hope that works for you. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
    1 point
  22. Spot on @bernhard. Million thanks! But I'm still puzzled, because in the phpStorm data source definition, I have localhost and it works - if I change it to db, it doesn't work.
    1 point
  23. @kongondo No problem at all. Only asking. I'll take a look and see if it works out of the box. I definitely recall seeing some docs outlining that being (in basic steps) the process.
    1 point
  24. @OllieMackJames I've experimented with most of the popular page builders in WordPress, including Oxygen. The direction I'm taking is vastly different from all of them. Simply put, the page builder being based on RepeaterMatrix is what I'm trying to accomplish and for it to be usable with the developers CSS framework of choice (Uikit, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Codyframe, no framework, etc.). Anything beyond that is outside my skillset and the scope of what I'm truing to do. I have no interest in using React, Vue, etc. and going to the extreme like the WP page builders do. The page builder will simply be "good enough" to make marketing pages based on the capabilities of whatever CSS framework is installed.
    1 point
  25. I've seen a couple of questions regarding namespaces and autoloading floating around the forum recently, so I decided to write a little tutorial. In general, I often see people getting confused when they try to wrap their head around namespaces, autoloading, Composer and the mapping of namespaces to directory structures all at once. In fact, those are very much independent, distinct concepts, and it is much easier to explain and understand them separately. So this guide is structured as follows: How namespaces work in PHP. How autoloading works in PHP. Conventions for mapping namespaces to directory structures: PSR-4. How autoloading works in Composer and ProcessWire's class loader. How to use the class loader in a ProcessWire module. Feel free to skip the sections you're already familiar with. Namespaces in PHP The purpose of namespaces in PHP is to avoid naming conflicts between classes, functions and constants, especially when you're using external libraries and frameworks. Nothing more. It's important to understand that this has nothing at all to do with autoloading, directory structures or file names. You can put namespaced stuff everywhere you want. You can even have multiple namespaces inside a single file (don't try this at home). Namespaces only exist to be able to use a generic name – for example, ProcessWire's Config class – multiple times in different contexts without getting a naming conflict. Without namespaces, I couldn't use any library that includes a Config class of it's own, because that name is already taken. With namespaces, you can have a distinction between the classes ProcessWire\Config and MoritzLost\Config. You can also use sub-namespaces to further segregate your code into logical groups. For example, I can have two classes MoritzLost\Frontend\Config and MoritzLost\Backend\Config– a class name only needs to be unique within it's namespace. You can declare the namespace for a PHP file using the namespace statement at the top: // file-one.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; // file-two.php <?php namespace MoritzLost\Frontend; This way, all classes, methods and constants defined inside this file are placed in that namespace. All ProcessWire classes live in the ProcessWire namespace. Now to use one of those classes – for example, to instantiate it – you have a couple of options. You can either use it's fully qualified class name or import it into the current namespace. Also, if you are inside a namespaced file, any reference to a class is relative to that namespace. Unless it starts with a backward slash, in this case it's relative to the global namespace. So all of those examples are equivalent: // example-one.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; $page = new Page(); // example-two.php <?php use ProcessWire\Page; $page = new Page(); // example-three.php <?php $page = new ProcessWire\Page(); // example-four.php <?php namespace MoritzLost\Somewhere\Over\The\Rainbow; $page = new \ProcessWire\Page(); The use statement in the second example can be read like this: “Inside this file, all references to Page refer to the class \ProcessWire\Page” How autoloading works Every PHP program starts with one entry file – for ProcessWire, that's usually it's index.php. But you don't want to keep all your code in one file, that would get out of hand quickly. Once you start to split your code into several individual files however, you have to take care of manually including them with require or include calls. That becomes very tedious as well. The purpose of autoloading is to be able to add new code in new files without having to import them manually. This, again, has nothing to do with namespaces, not even something with file locations. Autoloading is a pretty simple concept: If you try to use a class that hasn't been loaded yet, PHP calls upon it's registered autoloaders as a last-ditch attempt to load them before throwing an exception. Let's look at a simple example: // classes.php <?php class A { /** class stuff */ } class B { /** class stuff */ } // index.php <?php spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { include_once 'classes.php'; }); new A(); new B(); This is a complete and functional autoloader. If you don't believe me, go ahead and save those two files (classes.php and index.php) and run the index.php with php -f index.php. Then comment out the include_once call and run it again, then you'll get an error that class A was not found. Now here's what happens when index.php is executed (with the autoloader active): Our anonymous function is added to the autoload queue through spl_autoload_register. PHP tries to instantiate class A, but can't because it's not loaded yet. If there was no autoloader registered, the program would die with a fatal error at this point. But since there is an autoloader ... The autoloader is called. Our autoloader includes classes.php with the class definition. That was a close one! Since the class has been loaded, execution goes back to the index.php which can now proceed to instantiate A and B. If the class was still not loaded at this point, PHP would go back to the original plan and die. One thing to note is that the autoloader will only be called once in this example. That's because both A and B are in the same file and that file is included during the first call to the autoloader. Autoloading works on files, not on classes! The important takeaway is that PHP doesn't know if the autoloader knows where to find the class it asks for or, if there are multiple autoloader, which one can load it. PHP just calls each registered autoloader in turn and checks if the class has been loaded after each one. If the class still isn't loaded after the last autoloader is done, it's error time. What the autoloader actually does is pretty much wild wild west as well. It takes the name of the class PHP is trying to load as an argument, but it doesn't have to do anything with it. Our autoloader ignores it entirely. Instead, it just includes classes.php and says to itself “My job here is done”. If class A was in another file, it wouldn't have worked. This process has two main advantages: Since autoloaders are only called on-demand to load classes just in time, we only include the files we actually need. If in the example above class A and B are not used in some scenarios, the classes.php will not be included, which will result in better performance for larger projects (though this isn't as cut and dry, since autoloading has it's own overhead, so if you load most classes anyway during a single request, it will actually be less efficient). If the autoloader is smart enough to somehow map class names to the files they're located in, we can just let the autoloader handle including the classes we need, without having to worry about jamming include statements everywhere. That brings us to ... PSR-4, namespaces and directory structures As you see, namespaces and autoloading are both pretty limited concepts. And they aren't inherently linked to each other. You can namespace your classes without ever adding an autoloader, and you can autoload classes that are all in the same namespace. But they become useful when you put them together. At the core of all that autoloading talk is a simple idea: By putting classes in files named after their class names, and putting those files in directory hierarchies based on the namespace hierarchy, the autoloader can efficiently find and load those files based on the namespace. All it needs is a list of root namespaces with their corresponding directories. The exact way class names and namespaces are mapped to directory structures and file names is purely conventional. The accepted convention for this is PSR-4. This is a super simple standard which basically just sums up the ideas above: A base namespace is mapped to a specific directory in the file system. When the autoloader is asked to load a class in that namespace (or a sub-namespace of it), it starts looking in that folder. This "base" namespace may include multiple parts – for example, I could use MoritzLost\MyAwesomeLibrary as a base and map that to my source directory. PSR-4 calls this a "namespace prefix". Each sub-namespace corresponds to a sub-directory. So by looking at the namespace, you can follow subdirectories to the location where you expect to find the class file. Finally, the class name is mapped directly to the file name. So MyCoolClass needs to be put inside MyCoolClass.php. This all sounds simple and straightforward - and it absolutely is! It's only once you mash everything together, mix up language features, accepted conventions and proprietary implementations like Composer on top that it becomes hard to grasp in one go. Composer and ProcessWire's class loader Now all that's left is to talk about how Composer and ProcessWire provide autoloading. Composer, of course, is primarily a tool for dependency management. But because most libraries use namespaces and most developers want to have the libraries they're using autoloaded, those topics become a prerequisite to understanding what Composer does in this regard. Composer can use different autoloading mechanisms; for example, you can just give it a static list of files to include for every request, or use the older PSR-0 standard. But most modern libraries use PSR-4 to autoload classes. So all Composer needs to function is a mapping of namespace prefixes to directories. Each library maintains this mapping for it's PSR-4-structured classes through the autoload information in their composer.json. You can do this for your own site to: Just include the autoload information as shown in the documentation and point it to the directory of your class files. Composer collects all that information and uses it to generate a custom file at vendor/autoload.php — that's the one you need to include somewhere whenever you set up Composer in one of your projects. Bells and whistles aside, this file just registers an autoloader function that will use all the information collected from your own and your included libraries' composer.json to locate and include class files on demand. You can read more about how to optimize Composer's autoloader for production usage here. If you want to read up on how to set up Composer for your own sites, read my ProcessWire + Composer integration guide instead. And finally, what does ProcessWire do to handle all this? Turns out, ProcessWire has it's own autoloader implementation that is more or less PSR-4 compliant. You can access it as an API variable ($classLoader or wire('classLoader'), depending on context). Instead of using a static configuration file like Composer, the namespace -> directory mapping is added during the runtime by calling $classLoader->addNamespace. As you would expect, this function accepts a namespace and a directory path. You can use this to register your own custom namespaces. Alternatively, if you have site-specific classes within the ProcessWire namespace, you can just add their location to the class loader using the same method: $classLoader->addNamespace('ProcessWire', '/path/to/your/classes/'). Utilizing custom namespaces and autoloading in ProcessWire modules Now as a final remark, I wanted to give an example of how to use custom namespaces and the class loader in your own modules. I'll use my TrelloWire module as an example: Decide what namespace you're going to use. The main module file should live in the ProcessWire namespace, but if you have other classes in your module, they can and should use a custom namespace to avoid collisions with other modules. TrelloWire uses ProcessWire\TrelloWire, but you can also use something outside the ProcessWire namespace. You need to make sure to add the namespace to the class loader as early as possible. If either you or a user of your module tries to instantiate one of your custom classes before that, it will fail. Good places to start are the constructor of your main module file, or their init or ready methods. Here's a complete example. The module uses only one custom namespaced class: ProcessWire\TrelloWire\TrelloWireApi, located in the src/ directory of the module. But with this setup, I can add more classes whenever I need without having to modify anything else. /** * The constructor registers the TrelloWire namespace used by this module. */ public function __construct() { $namespace = 'ProcessWire\\TrelloWire'; $classLoader = $this->wire('classLoader'); if (!$classLoader->hasNamespace($namespace)) { $srcPath = $this->wire('config')->paths->get($this) . 'src/'; $classLoader->addNamespace($namespace, $srcPath); } } Source Thanks for making it through to the very end! I gotta learn to keep those things short. Anyway, I hope this clears up some questions about namespaces and autoloading. Let me know if I got something wrong, and feel free to add your own tips and tricks!
    1 point
  26. Great module Teppo! Love the output and the whole idea of having this log. I will definitely keep this one installed and look forward to using it. I also like all the details you thought of, like automatic pruning of logs with LazyCron, and keeping track of non-existent users. Very nicely put together. The only thing I might like in some future version is the IP address for each login, just to help for those times when something looks suspicious. Thanks for your work in putting together this module.
    1 point
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