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the author of that article, Daniel Berger, once in 2015 or 2016 has written a good article about PW in c't. It was over 4 or 5 pages and was very detailed. https://www.heise.de/ct/entdecken/?jahr=2016;ausgabe=25;sort=seite_auf;seite=6 https://www.heise.de/ct/ausgabe/2015-7-Websites-betreiben-mit-dem-Open-Source-CMS-ProcessWire-2562549.html2 points
The article is not very interesting, except for absolute beginners ? It only describes how to install PW and then create a "web business card" with 2-3 fields. The comments are the typical WordPress comments ? And yes, I have already left my thoughts as a comment ?2 points
WordPress-Alternative: Websites flexibel gestalten und verwalten mit ProcessWire: https://www.heise.de/amp/ratgeber/WordPress-Alternative-Websites-flexibel-gestalten-und-verwalten-mit-ProcessWire-6663030.html heise+2 points
So @horst is correct about ProCache. ProCache renders HTML files to disk and uses some pretty clever directives in .htaccess file to detect a URL that has a corresponding page on-disk. If one exists then that HTML file is returned and the PHP interpreter never boots. We're currently running 7G and ProCache on the current site at our company. Unless you are configuring specific caching directives for HTML files in your .htaccess then you shouldn't see any problems. If you plan to use 7G or any bot blocking, it should be at the very top of your .htaccess so that it's directives are parsed before the rest that are there to serve legitimate traffic. The sooner the bots/malicious requests are deflected, the less impact on your server. While I've used 7G on many websites in production with no problems, it's important to test as noted by @nbcommunication in the comment above. He mentioned URLs with "null", while I've never seen any issues pop up with that since "null" isn't too common in English, I still keep the directive unchanged because that is there to detect malicious GET strings and similar undesirable things. 7G blocks a good deal of WP related requests however I wrote some additional directives that addressed requests that weren't caught. I'll share some of the additional customizations I've made that further filtered out traffic based on our 404s and web crawlers that we don't care for. If you're willing to get your hands dirty and write some custom htaccess directives you can dial it in even more.2 points
This is a module that is similar in purpose to the Runtime Markup module. I made it primarily for my own use but am posting it here because I had a request to add it to the modules directory. Fieldtype Runtime Only Not a proper fieldtype because it doesn't save data to the database. The fieldtype only exists to provide a convenient way to add an inputfield to templates that will render some markup at runtime. For a field named "my_field"... Inputfield markup will be rendered from a file at /site/templates/RuntimeOnly/my_field.php. In addition to the standard ProcessWire variables this file receives: $page - the page being edited. $field - the Field object. $inputfield - the Inputfield object. JS file /site/templates/RuntimeOnly/my_field.js will be added to admin if that file exists. CSS file /site/templates/RuntimeOnly/my_field.css will be added to admin if that file exists. Tips Output formatting Output formatting for $page will be off in the context of Edit Page so if you want to use the formatted value of a field in your RuntimeOnly code you should use $page->getFormatted(). E.g. $value = $page->getFormatted('some_field_name'); Repeaters If the RuntimeOnly field is used inside a Repeater field then you can get the Repeater page it is on via $inputfield->hasPage. E.g. $repeater_page = $inputfield->hasPage; // Use $repeater_page as needed echo "The name of the repeater page is $repeater_page->name"; https://github.com/Toutouwai/FieldtypeRuntimeOnly https://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-runtime-only/1 point
The problem: how to refresh a page's frontend content in real time without a page refresh when the page has been edited in the backend. This is an alternative approach to the one discussed in the topic below. The above topic attempts to solve the problem using SSE. The solution in this topic instead relies on Local Storage and htmx. There is no ajax polling. Please note that auto-refresh here refers to a page refresh during the same session and in the same domain. It is not cross-site. The solution can be summarised as follows: Use a hook in ready.php to inject custom JavaScript to the ProcessWire backend admin, specifically in ProcessPageEdit. This can be a JavaScript file or inline script. The purpose of this file is to update a given Local Storage key after a page has been edited. Instead of listening to the Save Button click, the script just checks on load if a certain hidden input whose value matches the page currently being edited is present. This hidden input is placed inside ProcessPageEdit form using a hook as detailed below. The hook in this step #1 can be: $this->addHookAfter('AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup', null, 'hookAddCustomScriptsToAdmin'); In ready.php, add a hook to listen to saveReady(), e.g. $this->addHookAfter('Pages::saveReady', null, 'hookNotifyFrontendOfBackendPageSave');. When the page is saved, the handler method hookNotifyFrontendOfBackendPageSave will check if there are changed fields. It will then write to a temporary session variable for the current page with the names of the fields that have changed. On page load/reload, there is a hook in ready.php that monitors ProcessPageEdit, i.e. $this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::execute', null, 'hookAddMarkupToNotifyFrontendOfBackendPageSave'); The handler hookAddMarkupToNotifyFrontendOfBackendPageSave will check if there is a session variable set in #2 indicating that the page has had recent changes in the fields names set to that session variable. If this is true (that there have been changes), this hook will simply append the hidden input in #1 to the ProcessPageEdit form. The JavaScript in #1 will detect the presence of the hidden input. It will then amend the Local Storage value in #1. It cannot simply set the value to the ID of the page being edited as that will not be construed as a change. It will instead append a timestamp to the id of the page as well and set that as the value. This will enable a listener in the frontend, described in the following steps, to detect that change. In the frontend, we have a simple JavaScript file that listens to changes to the Local Storage storage Event. The frontend also has a simple hidden input in the template file whose pages we want to refresh. This hidden input has htmx attributes. Its trigger is a custom event 'autorefreshpage'. It will listen for this event before firing a message to the server. This hidden input also has hx-swap=none as nothing will be swapped to it. Instead, the server will send back results of changed fields in various markup with hx-swap-oob=true. That will enable swapping markup in any parts of the frontend html in one go. When the Script at #4 detects that a given Local Storage value has changed, it first checks if the page ID for that Local Storage value matches the page ID of the page currently being viewed in the frontend. If the answer is yes, it will fire the custom event autorefreshpage. This will make htmx fire a message to the server whose only value is the page ID it has been passed. On the server, in home.php, we have code that is listening to ajax requests. If it detects an ajax request, it checks if the page ID that htmx sent matches an available session that was recently updated. This would be the temporary session detailed in #2 above. If a match is found, it calls a function in _func.php that will set variables for fields for that page. These use partial templates (optional). These partial templates are for different outputs of the page, e.g. images, headline, etc and all their markup have hx-swap-oob='true' in appropriate places. All these content is sent back as one output back to htmx. It will read the hx-swap-oob and find the markup to replace in the DOM using the html IDs of the markup with the hx-swap-oob. This approach allows the developer to have maximum control over what to send back to htmx and over the markup. In this step, we also delete the temporary session, ready for the next updates. The result is as demonstrated below. A simple and effective DOM swap that places very little strain on the server. I'll clean up the code for this and upload to GitHub. This approach will not work with Save + Exit and similar :-).1 point
Hi @toni. Process modules is intended to be used in admin and they are not autoloaded, so for such hook you can create an satelite autoload module or put this code to init.php file. class URLHooker extends WireData implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'URLHooker', 'version' => '0.1', 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => true, 'requires' => [ 'YourProcessModule>=0.1' ], ); } public function init() { $this->wire()->addHook('/hello/world', function($event) { return 'Hello World'; }); } }1 point
The error message shows that you are trying to create a new Instance of CAPTCHA but in the ProcessWire namespace. This is because you have something like this at the top of your file: <?php namespace ProcessWire; Simply adding a \ should fix this error: $cap = new \CAPTCHA();1 point
Actually didn't even think about those until know. Some parts in it could work out pretty well, like request URLs. That's a good tip! Someone told me about it a while back and it doesn't work that well (if at all) with ProCache as PHP is involved if I remember correctly. Still... will look into it again.1 point
Hi Peter, and welcome to the forums! If you want to get the database name, you can use: $databaseName = $config->dbName; Or you could look for $config->dbName in the site's config.php file. To see the database structure, you could use a tool such as phpMyAdmin or Adminer, or install the Tracy Debugger for ProcessWire module (https://adrianbj.github.io/TracyDebugger/#/) which is highly recommended and, among many other things, adds an Adminer page to the Setup menu. However, I note that in a typical ProcessWire installation, you don't need to use SQL queries at all, and they're probably not the best way of going about things. Generally, using PW selectors will do everything you need, and will be much more straightforward: https://processwire.com/docs/selectors/. They're one of the really nice features of PW! Let us know if you need more pointers or suggestions.1 point
Also take a look at ProcessHello module https://processwire.com/modules/process-hello/ https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.181-hello/ https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessHello1 point
There's been a lot of talk recently about managing ProcessWire sites in version control systems (git in particular). Currently, this is quite difficult. The most important reason is that most of the site configuration is stored in the database, which you can't track in version control save for a database dump. But beyond that, there are many features and functions that don't work well with version control. To keep it short, I'll try to list everything I would like to see in terms of version control support in a potential ProcessWire version 4. For comparison, a similar system that does fully support version control is Craft CMS, which is also the inspiration for many of the approaches and changes listed below. Goals and paradigms Version control isn't self-serving, but enables several important development practices and workflows. This includes the following: Having a complete version history for a site, and being able to revert to a specific version or restore earlier versions of specific files and features. Being able to work asynchronously on a project with multiple people, without the need for excessive coordination or a lot of work to merge parallel development work. Having a single source of truth for the entire site (excluding content) in version control. This allows you to: Set up automated deployment pipelines (dev -> staging -> production) with no manual steps required for a deployment. Set up new instances of the site (additional staging environments, new live site if the server burns down, etc) with little to no manual effort. Being able to switch between development branches and instantly sync up to the site state in that branch (especially useful for pull request reviews). Everything on following wishlist will be in service to those goals. The wishlist Declarative config. This is the most important thing. ProcessWire needs a config schema that includes all the fields, templates and site settings of the site, alongside tools to import/export this config. This allows you to modify the site configuration in a development environment and instantly apply those changes to other environments. There's been some discussion about declarative config vs migrations recently, so I'll just quote my points on this debate: More on that in this thread. For reference, Craft provides this in the form of the project config. Split ProcessWire into a starter project and a Composer dependency. ProcessWire is installed the old-fashioned way, by downloading a zip file and unzipping it in the web root. This leaves you with a problem – either include all the core files in your version control, which muddies your version history, or set up custom hooks or scripts to repeat this step during deployments. In addition, a default ProcessWire installation will include lots of directories and files where it's not clear if they belong to the core or are intended to be modified and included in your site repository. This can be solved by splitting ProcessWire into two repositories. One is the actual ProcessWire core, which can be installed as a dependency using Composer. The other is a starter project that only contains a site skeleton and is intended as a starter point for your site's directory. Other site profiles can become alternative starter projects that you can choose from. Craft comes as a starter project (craftcms/cms) which only includes the skeleton for the most important directories and files and installs the actual CMS as a dependency (craftcms/craft). Better directory structures. The current directory structure doesn't separate core files and site files well, and for many directories it's not clear whether you want them included in version control. For example, the site/assets/files folder contains uploads for assets, so you want to exclude them from version control, right? The problem is that for some file go into that folder that you do want to track, so you have to manage that manually. Translation files, for example, go into the assets folder, but you probably want those in version control. Another example are modules – custom site-specific modules go into the same directory as contributed community modules. You want the former in version control, but not the latter. Make modules installable with Composer. Pretty self-explanatory – currently you can only install modules by, again, unzipping folders manually or through the module interface. You can't install modules automatically during deployment (at least not without some custom scripting and workarounds). Making those installable with Composer would solve that issue. This goes for Pro modules as well. Better distinction between content and configuration. To support deployments that update a site configuration to a particular state while leaving content untouched, you need a clear distinction between config and content. This is important if you are developing in your local dev environment while the live site is constantly updated with content. If the site has user-generated content, you can't just import the development database from three weeks ago and call it a day. But for many settings and features it's not clear whether they are content or config. For example, what about multi-language sites – are the available sites content or config? Languages are just pages under the hood, so it looks like they're content – but there are some good arguments to be made for tracking the available languages in version control. Another example are page reference fields. Those allow you to select default pages and limit selectable pages to a specific parent page – but now you have content (specific pages) in your configuration. Those pages might not exist on the target system, so this feature might break unexpectedly in a different environment. For comparison, Craft's project config explicitly defines everything that goes into the config – everything else is content and won't be included in version control or deployments. Provide CLI tools for deployments. Many of the operations you need for a deployment can only be performed through the interface, so it doesn't work with fully automated deployments. To address this, ProcessWire needs to provide a CLI tool to automate those operations. For example, installing modules, synching up the project config (see the first point) and clearing caches need to be automatable. Craft provides a CLI with those and many other commands. Better integration with standard development tools. ProcessWire uses a lot of custom solutions instead of standard tools and practices. For example, it provides a custom interface and installation method for modules, which could be simplified a lot by just using Composer for module installations. By the way, it is possible to provide a user interface for Composer operations, Craft does exactly that. But I don't think this level of polish is necessary. Simply using standard tools and practices that are compatible with version control by default will reduce development time for those features and at the same time be easier to work with for developers. Support for environment variables. You don't want passwords and other credentials tracked in version control, and you want to be able to distinguish between environments (dev, staging, production) to toggle some features or change some settings. The standard way to solve this are environment variables. This way, you keep database configuration, SMTP servers, passwords to external services and so on out of version control and provide custom values for those depending on the environment. Craft, for example, allows you to change all configuration values based on the environment, and disables any configuration changes in production environments by default. Webroot in a subdirectory. This is a minor point and admittedly only tangentially related, but it's a no-brainer once all the other changes are made. The project root should not be the webroot because that makes all project files publicly accessible by default. To fix this, ProcessWire uses a lot of .htaccess rules and .htaccess files in subdirectories, but that only works if you're using Apache. A lot of modern server management tools use other servers, like nginx or Caddy, so those require additional work to secure a ProcessWire installation. The fix here is to point the webroot to a subdirectory (like web/ or public/) and only put files that you want to be publicly accessible in there. ------- All those changes constitute a major shift in mindset and approach, which is why I think they would need to go into a future ProcessWire v4. To be honest, at this point I don't think it's likely to happen, since Ryan has repeatedly signaled that he doesn't see the value in those changes. While there are promising attempts to solve this from the community, true support for the goals outlined above can only come from the core. As long as that doesn't happen, ProcessWire won't be an option for any projects that require more than one or two people working on it or that need continuous development and deployments – at least for me. Not as long as there are other alternatives, like Craft CMS, where I get all those benefits out of the box.1 point
I figure this is an off topic board among friends here (like our pub, or a real one) and it’s okay to write with honesty and engage in spirited or sometimes heated conversation. So just want to be clear that I like and respect @MoritzLost and value his opinions, even if I don’t agree with all of them. We will all have a diversity of views and everyone should feel free to share them, and likewise others should feel free to question those or state their own, which is what I’m trying to do. But I’m glad MoritzLost shares his opinions here. Plus, a little controversy also helps to engage the community, and drags me out of the code for a bit, so I can’t fault anyone for that. Once I can state my thoughts, I carry no concerns, but thought I should defend the things that deserved defending, as I always should. As a caretaker of this project, part of my responsibility to add my honest point of view to a conversation like this, especially when something is posted where I don’t fully agree. I think many in our community know the subjectivity of statements here (whether OP’s, mine, or another’s), but an equal number may not, as this is a public board. So some counterpoint or back-and-forth is not only clarifying to the larger audience, but also useful, as we explore different facets of it all, and lead to the most important takeaways. I appreciate that MoritzLost continues to defend his point of view on parts, despite my own defense or heated questioning of those parts. It helps me to better understand and know which are the parts that he thinks are most important and deserve the attention. We obviously don’t have the resources to pursue everything Craft does, so narrowing in on the most important parts—the meat of it—is helpful here. I’m traveling right now so can’t participate as much as I’d like to at the moment but just didn’t want MoritzLost or anyone else to think I was angry or something. Likewise I didn’t want anyone else to think they had to moderate themselves either. When I’m among friends I feel comfortable to express and be honest, and so should you. If you get a heated reply from me it’s because I care about it and value your opinion. I’ll spend more time reading everything when I get back, but I can see already it’s a good and helpful discussion.1 point
It works for me. Template file: <?php namespace ProcessWire; header('Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="my-file.ics"'); ?> BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//ZContent.net//Zap Calendar 1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abraham Lincoln UID:c7614cff-3549-4a00-9152-d25cc1fe077d SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED TRANSP:TRANSPARENT RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=2;BYMONTHDAY=12 DTSTART:20080212 DTEND:20080213 DTSTAMP:20150421T141403 CATEGORIES:U.S. Presidents,Civil War People LOCATION:Hodgenville\, Kentucky GEO:37.5739497;-85.7399606 DESCRIPTION:Born February 12\, 1809\nSixteenth President (1861-1865)\n\n\n \nhttp://AmericanHistoryCalendar.com URL:http://americanhistorycalendar.com/peoplecalendar/1,328-abraham-lincol n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR Result: Make sure you're not prepending or appending any other file to the template that could be messing things up (including automatic prepend/append in $config).1 point
Double posting is not allowed. You could have edited the title of your first thread ?. I'll delete the other thread.1 point
1 point
? Yet another runtime field. I can also provide one: slim and full PW-API provided. In addition, you can change everything in another field (Database) via hook into ProcessInput. https://github.com/kixe/FieldtypeMarkup1 point
I wonder if you should rather, delete() every page also, not use removeAll() because I think it's just removing it from the object, not from the db. foreach($pages->get("template=home")->submissions as $s){ $s->delete(); }1 point
Well, had to do this now for including a privacy policy link in a formbuilder label ? $wire->addHookAfter("InputfieldCheckbox::render",function($event){ $field = $event->object; $output = $event->return; $policyUrl = $this->pages->get("name=privacy-policy")->url; if($field->name == "privacy_policy"){ $output = str_replace("privacy policy","<a href='{$policyUrl}'>privacy policy</a>", $output); } $event->return = $output; });1 point
Hey rob. What diogo said. You can create a admin page using the "admin" template. It would be placed under the locked "admin" page tree. The admin template has a field "Process". After creating the page you'll see it under tab "content". Now you have to create a process module to serve functionality for the newly created admin page. Once installed it can be selected from the field "Process". I did a quick example that shows such a module, and even how to use the ProcessPageList module of processwire to create a tree. The id set will be the parent page (your Architects) for example. ProcessPageListCustom.module create the module under /site/modules/ and install it. <?php class ProcessPageListCustom extends Process{ public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Custom Page List', 'summary' => 'List pages in a hierarchal tree structure', 'version' => 100, 'permission' => 'page-edit' ); } public function execute(){ $pl = $this->modules->get("ProcessPageList"); $pl->set('id',1001); // or any other parent page return $pl->execute(); } } You can, of course, use any code to generate a list of pages.1 point