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  1. Inertia Adapter ProcessWire Module Hello! Long time no see. I created this module so you can use Inertia.js (https://inertiajs.com/) with ProcessWire. Description Inertia allows you to create fully client-side rendered, single-page apps, without much of the complexity that comes with modern SPAs. It does this by leveraging existing server-side frameworks. Inertia isn’t a framework, nor is it a replacement to your existing server-side or client-side frameworks. Rather, it’s designed to work with them. Think of Inertia as glue that connects the two. Inertia comes with three official client-side adapters (React, Vue, and Svelte). This is an adapter for ProcessWire. Inertia replaces PHP views altogether by returning JavaScript components from controller actions. Those components can be built with your frontend framework of choice. Links - https://github.com/joyofpw/inertia - https://github.com/joyofpw/inertia-svelte-mix-pw - https://inertiajs.com/ Screenshots
    6 points
  2. Update - 24.12.2021 After long days of reconsideration and experimenting I will deprecate the current state of Symprowire. I decided to get rid of my trys to integrate the whole Symfony experience as it grew pretty large pretty fast. Whats left you may ask? Well, the project is not dead. I am currently refactoring the whole setup to just use SymfonyHttpFoundation and Twig. I have a working proof right now, but have to polish some things first. The whole setup will come as a simple composer package to get called via a controller.php template file. Much like WireFrame. As you can see in the picture we will use the normal ProcessWire Workflow and just use the normal PageRender process. You as a Developer will get in control if to use the Setup for a particular Template or not. Looking forward to publish the proof. Cheers, Luis Debug Dump WIP 25.12.2021 Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony using ProcessWire 3.x as DBAL and Service-Provider It acts as a Drop-In Replacement Module to handle the Request/Response outside the ProcessWire Admin. Even tough Symfony or any other mature MVC Framework could be intimidating at first, Symprowire tries to abstract Configuration and Symfony Internals away as much as possible to give you a quick start and lift the heavy work for you. The main Goal is to give an easy path to follow an MVC Approach during development with ProcessWire and open up the available eco-system. You can find the GitHub Repo and more Information here: https://github.com/Luis85/symprowire
    2 points
  3. Hi Robin, many thanks for your time and for your "academic" exposition. ? You have clarified me a lot. Surely I have misunderstood your exposition for the sorting by index, into the the linked thread. foreach($r_items as $index => $r) { // Update the sort value of the repeater page // See: https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/sort/ $pages->sort($r, $index); } I had assumed that in this foreach $pages->sort() stands for $page->repeater_item->sort() I beg your pardon... ? And for the record, now with your help (?) my whole mess (?) is working perfectly ...
    2 points
  4. @Cybermano, I don't understand what you are doing with this line inside the foreach: $boat->barca_results->sort('id', $race); This doesn't seem to correspond to the correct use of either $wirearray->sort() or $pages->sort() so maybe you are getting mixed up with the methods? To go back to brass tacks (you may already know a lot of this but it might be useful for others)... The first meaning of "sort" as it relates to pages is the sort value. This is a column in the "pages" database table. Every page (including Repeater pages) has a sort value and this determines its sort position relative to its sibling pages (assuming no automatic sort has been set on the parent page or template). The sort value starts at zero, and the lower the number is the closer to the top of the sort order the page will be relative to its siblings. So in this page structure... The sort value of "Red" will be 0, the sort value of "Green" will be 1, and so on. In some circumstances you can end up with gaps in the sort values as pages are deleted or moved and that is where the $pages->sort() method can be used to "rebuild" those sort values under a parent. But in 99% of cases you don't need to worry about sort values because PW just takes care of it and you don't have to use $pages->sort() to sort your Repeater items so we can ignore that. You can set the sort value of a page the same as you would an integer field in the page's template: $page->of(false); $page->sort = 123; $page->save(); The second meaning of "sort" is the WireArray::sort() method. When it comes to pages, a PageArray is a kind of WireArray, and a RepeaterPageArray is a kind of PageArray, so this means we can use WireArray::sort() to sort a RepeaterPageArray. The method works by sorting the WireArray by one or more properties of its items. In the case of a RepeaterPageArray this could be something like the "modified" timestamp of the items or it could be a field such as "title". So you could do something like this to sort a field named "test_repeater" alphabetically by title (assuming that the Title field was used in the Repeater): $page->test_repeater->sort('title'); And you can get more advanced by adding a temporary custom property to the items in a WireArray/PageArray/RepeaterPageArray and then using WireArray::sort() on that temporary property. I'll show an example of that in a moment. If you have a page $p that contains a Repeater field "test_repeater" then you can sort the RepeaterPageArray as shown above in your template file and when you output the items in $p->test_repeater they'll be in the sort order you want. But if you wanted to save $p after you sorted test_repeater then it's not enough to just have the items in test_repeater in the right order and then save $p. And that's because PW uses the sort value of each Repeater page to determine the sorting of the Repeater field when it loads it from the database. So to make the sort order stick we need to save the sort value of each Repeater page in the RepeaterPageArray, and to do that we can use an incrementing counter that starts at zero. A couple of code examples... Sort test_repeater by title and save: // Get the page containing the Repeater items $p = $pages(1066); // Turn off output formatting for the page because we are going to save it later $p->of(false); // Sort the Repeater items alphabetically by title $p->test_repeater->sort('title'); // $i is a counter we will use to set the sort value of each Repeater item/page $i = 0; foreach($p->test_repeater as $repeater_item) { $repeater_item->of(false); $repeater_item->sort = $i; $repeater_item->save(); $i++; // Increment the counter } // Save the test_repeater field for $p $p->save('test_repeater'); More advanced sorting using a temporary property: // Get the page containing the Repeater items $p = $pages(1066); // Turn off output formatting for the page because we are going to save it later $p->of(false); // More advanced sorting: sorting by title length // We add a temporary "custom_sort" property to each Repeater item // And then sort the RepeaterPageArray by that custom_sort property foreach($p->test_repeater as $repeater_item) { $repeater_item->custom_sort = strlen($repeater_item->title); } $p->test_repeater->sort('custom_sort'); // $i is a counter we will use to set the sort value of each Repeater item/page $i = 0; foreach($p->test_repeater as $repeater_item) { $repeater_item->of(false); $repeater_item->sort = $i; $repeater_item->save(); $i++; // Increment the counter } // Save the test_repeater field for $p $p->save('test_repeater'); Hope this helps.
    2 points
  5. While the version remains at 3.0.181 this week, there have been several core updates committed to the dev branch containing a mixture of issue fixes, new features, core optimizations and upgrades. This is likely to continue for another minor version or two while we prepare for our next master branch release. The most visible improvements this week can be found in ProcessField and ProcessTemplate (aka Setup > Fields, Setup > Templates). The main list of fields (Setup > Fields) has been improved with some new supported icon indicators that now identify fields that have template overrides/context settings, among others. All of the existing icon indicators have also been updated with contextual links so that clicking them takes you to the relevant part in the template editor. My favorite update here though is that the "Type" column in the fields list now indicates the Inputfield type in cases where it matters. For instance, rather than saying "Textarea" for the "body" field, it now says "Textarea/CKEditor". Likewise, Page and Options fields indicate what kind of input is used (i.e. "Page/AsmSelect" or "Options/Checkboxes"), as do some other types. Clicking on the "Templates" quantity now takes you to the "Add/remove from templates" field, rather than just showing you a list of templates. Similar updates were made to the ProcessTemplate main list of templates (Setup > Templates) though there wasn't as much to do there. Once you are actually editing a template, the instructions on the "Basics" tab have been improved to clarify what you can do on this screen. For instance, many don't know that you can click a field name/label to edit it in context, or that you can click and drag the percent indicator to adjust the field's width in the editor, all from this tab in the template editor. Now the description outlines these features. When you select a new field to add to your template, it now reveals a note that clarifies you must save before the field becomes editable in the context of that template. These are minor updates, but combined I think they add significant clarity, especially for new users. Stepping outside of the core, I've been working quite a bit this week on the PagesSnapshots module I told you about a couple of weeks ago. It lets you save or restore snapshot versions of pages, and it doesn't have any notable limitations in terms of fields. At this stage it is working fully with repeaters, matrix repeaters, nested repeaters, Page Tables and even paginated Table fields with thousands of rows. It can restore to the original page, to a new page, or to another page of your choice. And it is very fast. Eventually ProDrafts will use its API to handle saving and publishing of draft versions. Initially I plan to release it in one or more of the existing module sets (like ProDevTools or ProDrafts or both), and longer term it may be added to the core. I've got another week or two of work to cover with it, but at this stage the API is fully functional and working well, so I'm now beginning to focus more on the Process module (user interface) side of it. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    2 points
  6. Pete and I have been using Postmark in some PW based projects at reasonable scale (>13k emails a month) and have found it to be an exceptionally good API-based transactional email provider with fast delivery times and great availability. It seems strange that there is no WireMail offering (as far as we know of anyway) that supports Postmark, so we thought we'd throw one together in case anyone else in the community wants to give Postmark a try. NB: This is not the code we use in our production systems, just a rainy-day project to fill a gap in the WireMail ecosystem. However, it should be sufficient to get you going with Postmark. We hope you find it useful and please let us know if you find any issues. WireMailPostmark module on Netcarver's github account. Screenshot from my test account:
    1 point
  7. @LuisM Thank you for taking the time to look at this, try it out and post about it. Nice to see a techno-fusion. Reminds me a little of @hettiger's Larawire project too.
    1 point
  8. Kerim Pamuk https://www.kerimpamuk.de/ Client details Kerim Pamuk a turkish/german author and cabaret artist with such a kind of detailed humor for details you have to listen very closely and think twice to really appreciate his Wortspiele (en: puns) and anecdotes. Some more details about Kerim Pamuk (one of our first clients with a personal Wikipedia page): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerim_Pamuk Design details As you can see... Bright colors, big typo, and subtle animations to emphasize the already bold visual statement. No miss but a lot of hits wherever you watch, like the stage program performed by Kerim Pamuk himself. The original design and the entire frontend were built in Webflow by the designer but was migrated over to ProcessWire later on. Some tweaks were made during the migration process to keep things a bit more flexible and easier to maintain on the long run. Technical details There is not that much in the backend to show or tell. Only a few tweaks and hooks in order to maintain all events automatically. Adding additional press statements, books or any other kind of content is simple and straightforward as always in ProcessWire. Modules used: Cookie Management Banner: for the obvious reason FieldtypeColor: for custom colors on sub-pages if needed PageHitCounter: as alternative to Google Analytics and Matomo ImportPagesfromCSV: importing new events to the site with ease (maintained by the client) Markup Sitemap XML: you know why Jumplinks: in case things change or someone needs a nice pretty link ProCache (Pro): ProcessWire is fast - with ProCache even faster VerifiedURL (Pro): to keep track of all linked event locations The team behind this: Muskaat for the technical part (yes, I'm part of Muskaat) https://www.muskaat.de/ Polimorf for the design part https://www.polimorf.de/ I hope you'll enjoy this site as much as I do!
    1 point
  9. Really nicely designed website. I like it!
    1 point
  10. Can you try: $block->getLanguageValue($user->language, 'textarea');
    1 point
  11. Sorry to hear that @Cybermano. I’m away from my desk (and IDE) for a week, so can’t look into it just now. Give me a prod next week if it’s still not working.
    1 point
  12. @PWaddict 0.8.0 has been released with the selected change. Please let me know if you encounter any issues.
    1 point
  13. @Robin S Thanks for this - really useful and puts my fears to rest. @gornycreative Thanks also for sharing info. I can't see I'll need anything like 50 of templates (famous last words ?) and TBH what I'm building is should have pretty low demands in terms of resources anyway - for the end user its more of a set-and-forget scenario. So demands should only increase with a significant number of users... but hey that's a good problem to have eh!
    1 point
  14. I moved a couple of production servers to 8 about 2 weeks ago. Everything looks good so far. The only bug I found was in my own code related to 0 vs ''
    1 point
  15. I think PHP 7.4 is fine for now. I tested PHP 8 and PHPMyAdmin have issues running there. So I think is better to stick with the 7.x version until PHP8 is well tested. Maybe that would be a major version of ProcessWire since @Sephiroth pointed out module compatibility issues.
    1 point
  16. 10 templates is definitely not going to be a problem. There's no particular number of templates that you should never go above, but I've asked Ryan about this topic in a Pro module forum and he said: ...and in reply to my proposal of a strategy to reduce the number of templates needed in a project... On that particular project I currently have 51 templates and there are no noticeable performance issues.
    1 point
  17. Reputation count is now back next to post count ?
    1 point
  18. ProcessWire 3.0.181 has fixes and improvements as usual, but the biggest addition is a nice pull request from @LostKobrakai, plus major updates to our Helloworld and ProcessHello demonstration modules. This post covers it all— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.181-hello/
    1 point
  19. Process Images A basic, proof-of-concept Textformatter module for ProcessWire. When the Textformatter is applied to a rich text field it uses Simple HTML DOM to find <img> tags in the field value and passes each img node through a hookable TextformatterProcessImages::processImg() method. This is a very simple module that doesn't have any configurable settings and doesn't do anything to the field value unless you hook the TextformatterProcessImages::processImg() method. Hook example When added to /site/ready.php the hook below will replace any Pageimages in a rich text field with a 250px square variation and wrap the <img> tag in a link to the original full-size image. For help with Simple HTML DOM refer to its documentation. $wire->addHookAfter('TextformatterProcessImages::processImg', function(HookEvent $event) { // The Simple HTML DOM node for the <img> tag /** @var \simple_html_dom_node $img */ $img = $event->arguments(0); // The Pageimage in the <img> src, if any (will be null for external images) /** @var Pageimage $pageimage */ $pageimage = $event->arguments(1); // The Page object in case you need it /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->arguments(2); // The Field object in case you need it /** @var Field $field */ $field = $event->arguments(3); // Only for images that have a src corresponding to a PW Pageimage if($pageimage) { // Set the src to a 250x250 variation $img->src = $pageimage->size(250,250)->url; // Wrap the img in a lightbox link to the original $img->outertext = "<a class='lightboxclass' href='{$pageimage->url}'>{$img->outertext}</a>"; } }); GitHub: https://github.com/Toutouwai/TextformatterProcessImages Modules directory: https://processwire.com/modules/textformatter-process-images/
    1 point
  20. @benbyf - I am not running any sites on it yet and I actually don't think I will until I know that Ryan has 8 installed on his dev machine. He still seems to be in "new feature mode" rather than "bug fix mode" at the moment so I can see some of these PHP 8 bugs lingering for a while. I am still running 8 on my local dev machine but these days this is mostly for module development and not much else, so I am not coming across these other bugs yet.
    1 point
  21. PHP 7.4 here as well. So far I can't remember having any major issues going from 7.1 to 7.2 and then 7.4. Most sites I run are relatively up to date, though, and generally speaking I don't use that many third party modules either. To be honest if there's any reason to worry I'd recommend 7.4, or perhaps even 7.3 (it's still supported for a while and would give some extra time to prepare for a bigger jump.) Probably going to set up a new server on weekend and move some sites there. Might as well go with PHP 8 and see how that goes ?
    1 point
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