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  1. Single Site, Developer and Agency Licenses are available via our LemonSqueezy Store >>> Please get in contact after purchasing, citing your license key & forum username, so we can add you to our support area. <<< This is a module pack by Nifty Solutions for Processwire CMF/CMS version 3.0.149 or later (running on PHP 7.2+) that extends the core features for password recovery making them more flexible and easy to use. Features Can send just the verification code in emails (removing the clickable link), and immediately show the reset verification page. This forces the reset to be completed in the same session it was started from. Allow the password reset to be initiated in one session and completed in another. You no longer have to complete the reset from the same browser and tab. There are options to allow you to still require reset completion from the same IP address. Prevention of incorrect data entry in the reset initiation step, users are warned if they enter an email in a username field. Optional customisation of the verification code. Can make manual and/or mouse-based copy-and-paste from the email easier. Optional auto-completion of the verification code field in the password reset step. This makes things easier for users as they don't have to copy-and-paste from their email client. Be warned, however, that this can facilitate automated reset attempts. Control how long reset links are valid for (sometimes an hour is much too long) and update the text of outgoing emails and reset screens to report the new value. Optionally allowing automatic user login following a successful password reset. This is not recommended but is supported. This option is never available to Superusers or users with 2-factor authentication requirements on their accounts. You can additionally limit this to users with specific roles. Allows the reset process to require input of the user's Time-based one-time (TOTP) value - if they have TOTP setup on their account. You can also mandate the entry of a valid TOTP in order to complete a password reset. The TOTP field extends ProcessForgotPassword and operates with or without NiftyPasswordsPlus. Works by extending the core ProcessForgotPassword module so it works on the Admin login page and your custom LoginRegisterPro pages. You'll also get access to NiftyHashedTokens in your template and module files - a HMAC-Hashed key-to-value store, providing tamper-detection of the key and controlling how many times it may be accessed in a given period along with IP address checking. Pre-Requisites This requires PHP7.2 or better and a recent copy of Processwire with the ProcessForgotPassword and InputfieldSelect modules installed. Installation After purchase you will have access to the latest version of the pack as a single zip file.If this is your first Nifty installation: simply unzip the file in a temporary location and transfer the resulting Nifty folder into the site/modules directory of your site. Then refresh the modules in Processwire and install the NiftyPasswordsPlus module.If you already have other Nifty products installed: unzip the file in a temporary location and look in the Nifty folder you unpacked. Copy any new subdirectories from there into your existing site/modules/Nifty directory. Log in to Processwire, refresh your modules and install NiftyPasswordsPlus. You will need to acknowledge the disclaimer, enabling the module in order to proceed. Refunds We offer a no-questions-asked refund policy in the first 14 days from the date and time of your purchase. Settings Step 1: Step 2: Gives options changing how the reset link works. Verification code customisation options: This can lead to much simpler codes in the reset emails... Step 3: If you install FieldtypeUserTOTPValue as well, you also have additional options to require TOTP 2FA for reset. Step 4: Additional settings: FieldtypeUserTOTPValue allows you to add TOTP as a confirm field in ProcessForgotPassword: Which then requires the user doing the reset to enter their TOTP 2FA code (if set on their account) in order to reset their password: If the user does not have TOTP set up on their account, they just leave this blank. If they do have TOTP set up, they need to enter the current value. If you are using this along with NiftyPasswordsPlus, then you can additionally enforce role-based requirements for entry of a correct TOTP value in order for password reset to work. It does this by hooking FieldtypeUserTOTPValue's RequireTfa() method. You can do the same from your site/ready.php file to add any additional checks you'd like for your particular site. We currently only support TOTP 2FA as it is simple, avoids sending another email (in case email is compromised) and the bar to user adoption is quite low. Finally, we have NiftyHashedTokens: Single Site, Developer and Agency Licenses are available via our LemonSqueezy Store >>> Please get in contact after purchasing, citing your license key & forum username, so we can add you to our support area. <<<
    2 points
  2. That's right - you cann add a button (or link, whatever you prefer) with this css class and the data-consent-category attribute. PrivacyWire will handle it ? I definetely have to update the documentation with all the added features - will do that in the next weeks.
    2 points
  3. Something I'm missing in the new Modules page are the requirements for installing, such as PW version and other required modules.
    2 points
  4. Hi @ngrmm, I just wanted to reply the exact same thing - the data-category and data-ask-consent should be at the iFrame tag directly, as you figured out ? Best, Joshua
    2 points
  5. Hello community! I want to share a new module I've been working on that I think could be a big boost for multi-language ProcessWire sites. Fluency is available in the ProcessWire Modules Directory, via Composer, and on Github Some background: I was looking for a way for our company website to be efficiently translated as working with human translators was pretty laborious and a lack of updating content created a divergence between languages. I, and several other devs here, have talked about translation integrations and the high quality services now available. Inspired by what is possible with ProcessWire, I built Fluency, a third-party translation service integration for ProcessWire. With Fluency you can: Translate any plain textarea or text input Translate any TinyMCE or CKEditor (inline, or regular) Translate page names/URLs Translate in-template translation function wrapped strings Translate modules, both core and add-ons Installation and usage is completely plug and play. Whether you're building a new multi-language site, need to update a site to multi-language, or simply want to stop manually translating a site and make any language a one-click deal, it could not be easier to do it. Fluency works by having you match the languages configured in ProcessWire to those offered by the third party translation service you choose. Currently Fluency works with DeepL and Google Cloud Translation. Module Features Translate any multilanguage field while editing any page. Translate fields in Repeater, Repeater Matrix, Table, Fieldset Page, Image descriptions, etc. Translate any file that added in the ProcessWire language pages. It's possible to translate the entire ProcessWire core in ~20 minutes Provide intuitive translation features that your clients and end-users can actually use. Fluency is designed for real-world use by individuals of all skill levels with little to no training. Its ease-of-use helps encourage users to adopt a multilanguage workflow. Start for free, use for free. Translation services supported by Fluency offer generous free tiers that can support regular usage levels. Fluency is, and will always be, free and open source. Use more than one Translation Engine. You may configure Fluency to use either DeepL, Google Cloud Translation, or both by switching between them as desired. AI powered translations that rival humans. DeepL provides the highest levels of accuracy in translation of any service available. Fluency has been used in many production sites around the world and in commercial applications where accuracy matters. Deliver impressive battle-tested translation features your clients can count on. Disable translation for individual fields. Disable translation for multilanguage fields where values aren't candidates for translation such as phone numbers or email addresses Configure translation caching. Caching can be enabled globally so that the same content translated more than once anywhere in ProcessWire doesn't count against your API usage and provides lightning fast responses. Set globally ignored words and text. Configure Fluency to add exclusionary indicators during translation so that specific words or phrases remain untranslated. This works either for specific strings alone, or present in other content while remaining grammatically correct in translation. Choose how translation is handled for fields. Configure Fluency to have buttons for either "Translate from {default language}" on each tab, or "Translate To All Languages" to populate every language for a field from any language to any language you have configured. No language limits. Configure as few or as many languages as you need. 2, 5, 10, 20 language website? Absolutely possible. If the translation service you choose offers a language, you can use it in ProcessWire. When new languages are introduced by third parties, they're ready to use in Fluency. Visually see what fields and language tabs have modified content. Fluency adds an visual indication to each field language tab to indicate which has different content than when opening the edit page. This helps ensure that content updated in one language should be updated in other languages to prevent content divergence between languages. Render language meta tags and ISO codes. Output alt language meta tags, add the current language's ISO code to your <html lang=""> attribute to your templates that are automatically generated from accurate data from the third party translation service. Build a standards-compliant multi-language SEO ready page in seconds with no additional configuration. Render language select elements. - Fluency can generate an unordered list of language links to switch between languages when viewing your pages. You can also embed a <select> element with JS baked in to switch between languages when viewing your pages. Render it without JS to use your own. Manage feature access for users. Fluency provides a permission that can be assigned to user roles for managing who can translate content. Track your translation account usage. View your current API usage, API account limit, and remaining allotment to keep an eye on and manage usage. (Currently only offered by DeepL) Use the global translation tool. Fluency provides translation on each field according to the languages you configure in ProcessWire. Use the global translation tool to translate any content to any language. Use Fluency from your templates and code. All translation features, usage statistics, cache control, and language data are accessible globally from the $fluency object. Perform any operation and get data for any language programmatically wherever you need it. Build custom AJAX powered admin translation features for yourself. Fluency provides a full RESTful API within the ProcessWire admin to allow developers to add new features for ProcessWire applications powered by the same API that Fluency uses. Robust plain-language documentation that helps you get up to speed fast. Fluency is extremely easy to use but also includes extensive documentation for all features both within the admin and for the Fluency programming API via the README.md document. The module code itself is also fully annotated for use with the ProDevTools API explorer. Is and will always be data safe. Adding, upgrading, or removing Fluency does not modify or remove your content. ProcessWire handles your data, Fluency sticks to translating. Full module localization. Translate Fluency itself to any language. All buttons, messages, and UI elements for Fluency will be presented in any language you choose for the ProcessWire admin. Built for expansion. Fluency provides translation services as modular "Translation Engines" with a full framework codebase to make adding new translation services easier and more reliable. Contributions for new translation services are welcome. Fluency is designed and built to provide everything you need to handle incredibly accurate translations and robust tools that make creating and managing multi-language sites a breeze. Built through research on translation plugins from around the web, it's the easiest and most friendly translation implementation for both end users and developers on any CMS/CMF anywhere. Fluency complements the built-in first class language features of ProcessWire. Fluency continues to be improved with great suggestions from the community and real-world use in production applications. Big thanks to everyone who has helped make Fluency better. Contributions, suggestions, and bug reports welcome! Please note that the browser plugin for Grammarly conflicts with Fluency (as it does with many web applications). To address this issue it is recommended that you disable Grammarly when using Fluency, or open the admin to edit pages in a private window where Grammarly may not be loaded. This is a long-standing issue in the larger web development community and creating a workaround may not be possible. If you have insight as to how this may be solved please visit the Github page and file a bugfix ticket. Enhancements Translate All Fields On A Page Compatibility with newest rewrite of module is in progress... An exciting companion module has been written by @robert which extends the functionality of Fluency to translate all fields on a page at once. The module has several useful features that can make Fluency even more useful and can come in handy for translating existing content more quickly. I recommend reading his comments for details on how it works and input on best practices later in this thread. Get the module at the Github repo: https://github.com/robertweiss/ProcessTranslatePage Requirements: ProcessWire 3.0+ UIKit Admin Theme That's Fluency in a nutshell. The Module Is Free This is my first real module and I want to give it back to the community as thanks. This is the best CMS I've worked with (thank you Ryan & contributors) and a great community (thank you dear reader). DeepL Developer Accounts In addition to paid Pro Developer accounts, DeepL now offers no-cost free accounts. All ProcessWire developers and users can use Fluency at no cost. Learn more about free and paid accounts by visiting the DeepL website. Sign up for a Developer account, get an API key, and start using Fluency. Download You can install Fluency by adding the module to your ProcessWire project using any of the following methods. Method 1: Within ProcessWire using 'Add Module From Directory' and the class name Fluency Method 2: Via Composer with composer require firewire/fluency Method 3: Download from the Github repository and unzip the contents into /site/modules/ Feedback File issues and feature requests here (your feedback and testing is greatly appreciated): https://github.com/SkyLundy/Fluency/issues Thank you! ¡Gracias! Ich danke Ihnen! Merci! Obrigado! Grazie! Dank u wel! Dziękuję! Спасибо! ありがとうございます! 谢谢你
    1 point
  6. --- Module Directory: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/privacy-wire/ Github: https://github.com/blaueQuelle/privacywire/ Packagist:https://packagist.org/packages/blauequelle/privacywire Module Class Name: PrivacyWire Changelog: https://github.com/blaueQuelle/privacywire/blob/master/Changelog.md --- This module is (yet another) way for implementing a cookie management solution. Of course there are several other possibilities: - https://processwire.com/talk/topic/22920-klaro-cookie-consent-manager/ - https://github.com/webmanufaktur/CookieManagementBanner - https://github.com/johannesdachsel/cookiemonster - https://www.oiljs.org/ - ... and so on ... In this module you can configure which kind of cookie categories you want to manage: You can also enable the support for respecting the Do-Not-Track (DNT) header to don't annoy users, who already decided for all their browsing experience. Currently there are four possible cookie groups: - Necessary (always enabled) - Functional - Statistics - Marketing - External Media All groups can be renamed, so feel free to use other cookie group names. I just haven't found a way to implement a "repeater like" field as configurable module field ... When you want to load specific scripts ( like Google Analytics, Google Maps, ...) only after the user's content to this specific category of cookies, just use the following script syntax: <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="statistics" data-src="/path/to/your/statistic/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="marketing" data-src="/path/to/your/mareketing/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="external_media" data-src="/path/to/your/external-media/script.js"></script> <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="marketing">console.log("Inline scripts are also working!");</script> The data-attributes (data-type and data-category) are required to get recognized by PrivacyWire. the data-attributes are giving hints, how the script shall be loaded, if the data-category is within the cookie consents of the user. These scripts are loaded asynchronously after the user made the decision. If you want to give the users the possibility to change their consent, you can use the following Textformatter: [[privacywire-choose-cookies]] It's planned to add also other Textformatters to opt-out of specific cookie groups or delete the whole consent cookie. You can also add a custom link to output the banner again with a link / button with following class: <a href="#" class="privacywire-show-options">Show Cookie Options</a> <button class="privacywire-show-options">Show Cookie Options</button> I would love to hear your feedback ? CHANGELOG You can find the always up-to-date changelog file here.
    1 point
  7. Hi everyone, I'm happy to present my latest project, which is a collection of guides and tutorials for web development with ProcessWire written by me. https://processwire.dev/ What is this? I have written several tutorials in this forum, and I wanted a central place to collect all my tutorials and put them in a logical order. processwire.dev is exactly that, a curated list of tutorials for different topics related to ProcessWire development. I have revised, updated and expanded most of my existing tutorials. There are also some completely new tutorials. Notable topics How to integrate Composer in your ProcessWire sites, and a general explainer for namespaces and autoloading. A two-part guide to using Twig with ProcessWire and adding custom functionality. How to create flexible content modules with Repeater Matrix fields and Twig. A general guide to performance optimization for ProcessWire. A starter guide for the "ProcessWire mindset" - how to structure your content. ... and much more! What's next? I hope this will be a useful resource to all of you fine people. Please note that these tutorials are very much opinionated, and they reflect my personal experience and development practices. So if you disagree with some of my conclusions, that's perfectly fine! I'm happy to discuss all my recommendations and approaches with you, so let me know if you have any feedback, suggestions or error corrections! I plan to expand this resource over time and already have some new topics planned. If you have suggestions for new topics, go ahead and post them here as well! Start reading now: processwire.dev
    1 point
  8. By 'convert that tweet as postable' you mean format it to post it to the Twitter API? In this case, what you want to use urlencode instead of the sanitizer. Depending on what you want to do rawurlencode might be a better option. It encodes spaces as %20 instead of plus signs, which is technically correct according to the relevant RFC.
    1 point
  9. TailwindCSS 2.0 was just released: https://tailwindcss.com/
    1 point
  10. haha i see, you have already thought of that <button class='privacywire-consent-button' data-consent-category='external_media'>allow cookies</button>
    1 point
  11. Just a little follow-up to this topic, my new ProcessWire tutorial site processwire.dev (see the discussion thread) is built as a static site, using 11ty. It was super fun to build, and easy to get that coveted 100/100 lighthouse score with ? I see the following advantages of using a static site generator for this project: The big one (at least for me): All the content is under version control! (see the source code here). Having the content stored as markdown files also means I could use my regular code editor (VS Code) to seamlessly switch between templating / developent and writing (though of course that only applies to developers). Being able to search all files (i.e. the entire site) was also super useful for correcting common typos and stuff like that. The site fits comfortably in the free tier on Netlify, so hosting is completely free for me (except the .dev domain, of course). But since it's a static site there's zero vender lock-in, I could switch to Vercel or any regular webhosting package in a few minutes. Having a build step on a linux environment with NodeJS enables all sorts of fun stuff that wouldn't be feasible to do on the fly, especially on shared webhosting packages with a limited environment. For instance, I wrote a fun little script that generates preview images using a special template and a headless browser that takes screenshots programmatically using Puppeteer. See the generated example image below. Not super necessary, but fun ? I published the script on NPM (generate-preview-images) if you want to give it a try, though it's a super alpha version and not really documented yet. So yeah, I think static site generators are going places. 11ty in particular is pretty cool, though it's kind of barebones at the moment and still missing some features that you already have in ProcessWire.
    1 point
  12. Glad it works! There's more info here about double versus single quotes and use of backslash. I don't think there is, but then again I am not 100% up to date. Not necessarily the same thing but selectorValue() has this: You can also use this: Someone more knowledgeable could chime in here ?.
    1 point
  13. With the much improved docs, these days, this should not be your first point of call ?. Yes, this should be the first place you check. By default, yes. However, there are options to refine how the sanitizer should work. Did you have a look at the white/blacklist options? This works fine with a Textfield called bid with a value of $100. <?php namespace ProcessWire; $allow = ["$"]; $selector = $sanitizer->selectorValue("$100", ['whitelist' => $allow]); $bids = $pages->find("bid=$selector");
    1 point
  14. This is due to a backward incompatible change introduced in PHP 7.2. Line #341 of ProcessBatcher has this code: <?php namespace ProcessWire; if (!count($this->input->post->title)) { // code } That needs to be changed to ensure that the variable being counted ($input->post->title) is an array or a countable object. Best to send @Wanze a pull request.
    1 point
  15. Hey @Ivan Gretsky — thanks ? With latest version (just released, 0.27.0) you can make the module store page ID as an indexable field. This will allow the page to be found by its ID (since that is now included in the index) OR you can use syntax such as page.id:1234 to specifically search for a page with this ID (though this would likely also match page.id:12345 etc.) Of course id:1234 will also work, but may result even more false positives. If you update to the latest version of the module, note that you also need to add id as an indexable field and rebuild your index before this will work.
    1 point
  16. To be honest... I don't know as well. This kind of behaviour is totally new to me but on the other side... I almost never have to deal with almost any textformatter plugins/modules/extensions. I guess it was a huge hickup or some kind of this as it was the first time ever I had to deal with this kind of problem in any of my setups. Nontheless your module does a pretty good job - as soon as it runs in a setup.
    1 point
  17. You might also be able to use ESRCH's PagesSum module to do this - but I never tried it on checkbox fields before. https://github.com/netcarver/PW-PagesSum
    1 point
  18. It doesn't look as if Corbel Light is available as a legitimate webfont so honestly you should just explain that to your client. Since it does come with Windows 10 though then a lot of your website visitors will have it installed natively; So you could just use a font-stack with that at the top and then fall back to something similar for users who won't have it - Helvetica isn't a million miles away on a Mac. It'll involve a bit more testing and tweaking but then you could avoid having to load a web font at all (hooray). Just looking at Google Fonts then as @fliwire says Nunito isn't bad or Catamaran looks fairly close too. And just in case you aren't aware of it, the Google Webfonts Helper https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/fonts is very handy for grabbing Google Fonts for local hosting.
    1 point
  19. I've pages using the custom-page-template and I would like to display a simple message at the top of the page form when editing those pages in the Admin. I thought about hooking ProcessPageEdit::buildForm() but I do not well how to use that hook in order to display the message just for the custom-page-template pages. Any help? UPDATE: Solution found wire()->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildForm', function(HookEvent $event) { $ProcessPageEdit = $event->object; $form = $event->arguments('form'); switch ($ProcessPageEdit->getPage()->template->name) { case 'custom-page-template': $form->prependMarkup("<div style='margin-bottom: 3.6em; margin-top: 1em; background: #ffd;'>MY MESSAGE</div>"); break; default: // do nothing } }); Any improvement is welcome!
    1 point
  20. Hello @wbmnfktr I shall stop coding during late hours of the night. You were absolutely right that during my initial tests on localhost, I've slipped to close properly the body tag and that was causing the issue. Thank you very much for the spotting and sharing what was obvious. It is all showing properly now, so I only would style it to fit the frontend.
    1 point
  21. Chäs & Co is a b2b cheese trader. They love good cheese and are proud of their excellent knowledge und connections to small cheese producers. They maintain a custom made database and used to copy/paste (!) the cheese infos to the former CMS (Contao). Since substituting the database with ProcessWire was no option, they export now the database to a csv file and import it to the new website (expanded version of module ImportPagesCSV). From there, the pw magic begins. The staff works with the admin interface: They search and find products in notime using the build-in search field (using cheese names or id. Using ids only possible by adding hook, see this forum thread). They generate price lists easily based on a template, providing checkboxes and option buttons for some restrictions, choose i.e. the cheese origin and price audience (all implemented as page selectors). By saving the page a PDF list gets generated (using mpdf, a php pdf library). The visitors can sort and filter the products using a form by shuffle.js. Product details are shown in a popup (fancybox). There's also the option for generating a nice pdf data sheet. No CSS framework being used. Other modules used: ProcessJumpLinks, ProcessProMailer, ProcessWireUpgrade. Visual design: Nicole Haller
    1 point
  22. @benbyf, moderator note A near identical topic was created yesterday. I have combined your threads. @Simi I have modified the thread title slightly to better reflect the issue you are facing.
    1 point
  23. Hi all, After seing the website featured in the latest Processwire weekly (thank you @teppo !!), I thought it could be nice to post some details here. I have actually made a few websites using Processwire, but it's the first time I'm posting one in the showcase. Backstory I made a first version of this website in end-2017 when I was starting to use Processwire after a friend recommended it to me. I was in charge of the front/back-end, and helped a bit on the design. At the time there was a slideshow of featured projects as the homepage, the project page was the only template with content blocks, and the information pages (about / contact) were specific templates. About the content blocks, I didn't know about the Repeater Matrix module so I kinda implemented my own, having a simple Repeater with a Select Options field defining which fields to display. All in all the website was pretty nice when it came out and I learned a lot in the process, but this year the agency wanted an update to fit their new narrative, so it was a nice opportunity to make some due changes. Back-end Modules I used : Repeater Matrix ProCache Seo Maestro Email Obfuscation Inputfield Chosen Select Color Minimal Fieldset Page Field Edit Links Runtime Only Tracy Debugger (of course!) This new version is all about content flexibility. The information pages now all share the same template, allowing them to create as many as they want. Each visible templates ("home" / "page" / "project") contains a Repeater Matrix field for content blocks, with 15 different types to choose from and options to add variations in the layout. Front-end To answer to the PW Weekly : it is indeed all custom-made except for three external libraries : plyrjs, flickity and lottiejs. I really like sveltejs but I still have to figure out how I could mix it with PW in my process. The animation in the introduction is described by a .json file and displayed as a SVG using Lottie. The transition colors can be changed. The menu order is defined by the manual sorting in the admin... I don't really know what to say here since it's all hand-made, let me know if you have any question! Screenshots Thanks !
    1 point
  24. No problem! When I have some time here I'm planning to build a site profile using Tailwind CSS so more people can see how it can be integrated with PW. Using both the CDN version, which gzipped is around 60kb and using brotli compression goes down to less than 20kb and the webpack installation I mentioned. :)
    1 point
  25. User registration example: public static function addUser($data) { RestApiHelper::checkAndSanitizeRequiredParameters($data, [ 'username|selectorValue', 'password|string', 'email|text', ]); $item = new User(); $item->setOutputFormatting(false); $item->name = $data->username; $item->pass = $data->password; $item->email = $data->email; $item->addRole('guest'); $item->save(); }
    1 point
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