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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2019 in all areas

  1. First of all... thank you @adrian for the introduction and the great work with this module. In the last couple of days I created a DEV branch with some minor changes and fixes I found while testing the latest version (0.4.11). If you are interested in playing around with that version, grab a copy over at Github - the DEV branch is linked below. As always: backup your site and previous module first. All changes so far: FIXED: Vanilla JS version notice toggle didn't work when MANAGE disabled FIXED: Version change didn't trigger reset INFO: Added usage examples (assets/html) CHANGED: Removed CLOSE option ADDED: Datalayer details to README Issue tracking on Github was also enabled. This could make things easier in the future. Feel free to open an issue there whenever you find a bug. Don't forget to add the obvious details (ProcessWire version, PHP version, expected behaviour, your module settings and custom code). DEV-Branch https://github.com/webmanufaktur/CookieManagementBanner/tree/dev Issues https://github.com/webmanufaktur/CookieManagementBanner/issues
    3 points
  2. @adrian Just a thought, could you go into GH and update your readme to point to the new code under @wbmnfktr's account and also your GH repo to "Archived"? Many thanks for the work you've put into this BTW.
    2 points
  3. Marc Hinse aka @MadeMyDay really made my day: Many years ago when I (as an amateur, up to now) was just trying to get familiar with Joomla, he saved me through his (now legendary) rant against it, and soon he became "the" promoter of the (then promising) CMS Modx (Evo) in Germany. And just when I started to get uncomfortable with the "awsomeness" of MODX (Revo), he again saved me by his essay Why I chose ProcessWire over MODX wherein he hit the head of the nail with each of his arguments. And I liked his individual (graphic) design of his own website which was outstanding a bit from the "fashionable" way to do it. And it's the same now with the relaunch of his site: In a time when again most of the "modern" sites are looking quite similar to each other (as did most of the sites in former times), his design has a pinch of originality and stands out in it's freshness, comparing to the boring equality of so many other sites today. Kudos to Marc, and thank you! ottogal
    2 points
  4. Hi! I've created a small Inputfield module called InputfieldFloatRange which allows you to use an HTML5 <input type="range" ../> slider as an InputField. I needed something like this for a project where the client needs to be able to tweak this value more based on 'a feeling' than just entering a boring old number. Maybe more people can use this so I'm hereby releasing it into the wild. EDIT: You can now install it directly from the Modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-float-range/ What is it? The missing range slider Inputfield for Processwire. What does it do? This module extends InputfieldFloat and allows you to use HTML5 range sliders for number fields in your templates. It includes a visible and editable value field, to override/tweak the value if required. Features Min/max values Precision (number of decimals) Optional step value (Read more) Optional manual override of the selected value (will still adhere to the rules above) Configurable rounding of manually entered values (floor, round, ceil, disable) Usage Clone / zip repo Install FieldtypeFloatRange, this automatically installs the Inputfield Create new field of type `Float (range)` or convert an existing `Float`, `Integer` or `Text` field. To render the field's value simply echo `$page->field` Demo A field with Min=0, Max=1, Step=0.2, Precision=2 Field with settings Min=0, Max=200, Step=0.25, Precision=2 Todo Make the display-field's size configurable (will use the Input Size field setting) Hopefully become redundant Changelog 008 (current version) - Add composer.json and submit to Packagist, making the module installable via composer 007 - Add defaultValue field (as requested by @charger) - Fix a silly mistake where a negative rounding (-1) resulted in removing all decimals instead 006 - Fix bug where InputfieldFloat negative precision prevented the displayed value to be updated properly - Revert installs & requires, so direct installs from Modules Directory (should) work 005 - Fix bug where the Inputfield would not work properly within repeaters / repeater matrices 004 - Make rounding of manually entered values configurable (floor, round, ceil or disable) - Fix small JS bug where the value-display field was not displayed - Update README 003 - Code cleanup, add some ModuleInfo data & LICENSE - Submit to PW Modules directory (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/inputfield-float-range/) 002 - Fix issue where setting the step value to an empty value created problem with validation - Make the display-field optional 001 - Initial release Thanks!
    1 point
  5. I never submitted the newest iteration of my own business site which already is 3 years online, promoting my webdesign/UI/UX/Frontend stuff. "Just" a Onepager, content managed by PW, usage of D3 for the circles and a completely handwritten gallery at the top. But as always, way more hours went into this as expected ? https://siebennull.com
    1 point
  6. Hi, here is Rating module what I developed for project but at the end didn't use it (p.s.). and if you want you can use/test it. It use Ajax POST on front-end and cookie to prevent multiple votes . Inside module global settings you have option to set desired max number of stars for votes (up to 10). For usage and instructions please read README.md file (and do not skip step 5.). Here are some screenshots Field in admin backend: Front-end (echo $page->my_rating_field) Clean cookie (for testing) This is not polished module version, and only what is "complex" is how to include javascript files, but there are instructions how to do that, and if that is a problem I will do some changes or feel free to contact me for free support/assistance. Regards. P.S. I developed this module for project (2018.) where one task was and comments component, and that's was ok but my problem was that I first developed this module, and after that installed Ryan Comments module. I didn't know that Comments module has rating part ? !@#$%...". FieldtypeRating.zip
    1 point
  7. To be honest I didn't check out that module in a long time, and had even forgotten it existed.. ? But the major differences would be FieldtypeRangeSlider is a full-fledged module with its own API, depends on jQueryUI, and.. has not been updated in 5 years. The one I created is much simpler and light-weight: it's really just a basic HTML5 <input type='range'> with some styling, feedback and validation. As such, it is just another way to use the regular Float/Integer inputfields.
    1 point
  8. Hi everyone, Sorry for the silence on this thread. This module is now generously being managed and updated by @wbmnfktr - I have updated the modules directory entry to point to his fork. I am sure he will be able to better support and improve this module than I can.
    1 point
  9. @CarloC try { echo $modules->get('LoginRegister')->execute(); } catch (WireException $e) { echo "Too many failed login attempts.<br>" . $e->getMessage(); }
    1 point
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