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While working on the comments form of my blog, I thought to add an honeypot field in comments form to reduce spam. ? Honeypot is simply an hidden field added to a form. Honeypot field can have any name and is made invisible normally with a css directive {display: none}. Web users, being unable to see the field, will not fill it, while spam bots majority will not detect its invisibility and will populate the field. Once the form is submitted with a not-empty honeypot field it is very likely we are dealing with spam. ? In this post you can find more details about honeypot technique. While studying FieldtypeComments module and in particular CommentForm.php, to my great surprise ? I realized that PW already supports honeypot for Comments Form. ?? This feature has been introduced with PW 3.0.40. Normally this honeypot field is disabled, so it was enough to understand how to enable it! And as often is the case with PW ... it is super easy. ? If in your profile you are directly working with CommentArray, you will just have to enable honeypot passing it as an option to the renderForm() function of CommentArray class, example below: $comments->renderForm(['requireHoneypotField' => 'email2']); And .. we are done! ?? If you will look at the html of your Comment Form you will see an additional line CommentFormHP, that's the hidden honeypot field. In case you are using the Uikit 3 Site/Blog Profile, the renderForm() function is called in _uikit.php, ukCommentForm() function. If you wish that honeypot field is applied to every comment form of your site, just add the requireHoneypotField option to the list at the function start: ... 'errorMessage' => __('Your comment was not saved due to one or more errors.') . ' ' . __('Please check that you have completed all fields before submitting again.'), requireHoneypotField' => 'email2', // >>>>> ADD THIS LINE ); ... Otherwise if you wish to add honeypot in comment form on selected templates only, do not modify ukCommentForm(), but pass the option requireHoneypotField when calling the function in your template: ukCommentForm($comments, ['requireHoneypotField' => 'email2']); Now that we enabled it, let test if honeypot works. ? In the browser development section let's select the honeypot field and disable css {display:none} to show it. A new field will appear: If the spam bot is going to fill the field with a value and submit the form, an error is returned and comment will not be submitted ? That approach is great as spam comments will not be even saved inside the table field_comments. ? I hope this can be of help if somebody needs to enable this PW comments feature.3 points
re: Composer It's like npm for PHP, and super-easy to use. Some scripts out there require lots of dependencies, and they also check if your system meets all requirements. Downloading all dependent libraries yourself manually can be time-consuming. You can install Composer locally, install your spreadsheet stuff, and then copy / FTP the generated vendor folder to site/wherever/. From there on, just make sure your include_once() points to the proper path, and follow the docs. tl;dr: Composer is certainly not overkill ?2 points
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/take-your-linux-development-experience-in-windows-to-the-next-level-with-wsl-and-visual-studio-code-remote/2 points
@Markus (Blue Tomato) the showIf only works with fields and there values. AFAIK, the published / unpublished value cannot be used as condition for showIf directly in the template editor. But you may define a hook and set the visibility of that field within the hook. Here is example code as a starting point. You can use this in site/ready.php $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildForm', function (HookEvent $event) { // make sure we're editing a page and not a user if($event->process != 'ProcessPageEdit') return; // get page and form $page = $event->object->getPage(); $form = $event->return; // optionally check for matching template(s) with a condition if('mydesiredtemplatename' != $page->template->name) return; // get the field and conditionally set the visibility $form->get('yourfieldname')->collapsed = $page->isUnpublished() ? Inputfield::collapsedHidden : Inputfield::collapsedNo; $event->return = $form; return; }2 points
@Edison Technically I do not need to show the comments of both languages but am just saying that someone might read the comments in one language but post to another if he is capable of etc. In such scenario you might end up having someone read your page in English but then writing the comment in French since he is more used to it or vice versa. Well in eather way I can live with it if a few comments listed are not with the same language. In theory my goal is not to complicate too much the things but simplify and I think I will be good with your suggested modification ?1 point
Why is composer an overkill? You are one command away from the library! The docs don't seem to offer the library as a package.1 point
That doesn't seem to work. I've tried: $files->rmdir($config->urls->templates . "styles", true); @teppo, I tried to keep as few installation steps as possible, but yeah. Why not? I'll just add one extra step and use site profile instead. I see deleting those folders is problematic. Thanks a lot ?1 point
Might also make sense to create your own site profile, set things up there beforehand, and then install that instead of one of the built-in site profiles. If your structure generator has a lot of flags and options you tweak on a case by case basis then that might not be feasible – but if not, what you're trying to solve here is exactly what site profiles are for ? See https://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-export-profile/ for more details.1 point
Hi @DooM Have you tried to use $files->rmdir ? https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-file-tools/rmdir/1 point
@MilenKo Thanks! That helped me out. $favorite_books = $pages->find("template=books-inner, sort=-random, start=0, limit=3");1 point
This is just a rough idea, not sure if it's going to go anywhere but I'm actually wondering if I should extend the $partials object a bit? Currently it's actually a bit silly – basically an "object oriented" way to replace <?php include 'partials/menu/top.php' ?> with <?php include $partials->menu->top ?>. If each property could be used as a function, this would allow us to pass the partial arguments: <?= $partials->menu->meta([ 'description' => 'some text' ]) ?>, etc. Or we could pass in a string, in which case a Controller method would be used to pass the data to the partial. Again, just thinking out loud here. Not sure if this makes any sense, but I'm kind of liking the idea ? Another idea I've been toying with would be subcontrollers (or child controllers, or partial controllers, or whatever terminology makes most sense). These could solve situations where you end up needing the same stuff from template to template. You can always create custom base controllers and extend them, but this might allow for easier composition.1 point
Thanks, Ivan! ? I haven't figured out the details yet, but at some point I'm going to look into adding templating language support. For the time being all options are open, so don't really have anything else to share at this point than "I will look into it eventually". 1. Currently partials are intended as simple drop-in (include) files with very little logic. I do have some ideas in my backlog that come pretty close to this topic, but I'll have to give them a bit more thought before implementing. Wouldn't want to put something in now, and then regret it right away... ? I've often preferred render functions, i.e. functions that generate markup, in case I need to bake some logic into smaller bits and pieces of the site. A "RenderUtils" class with multiple render methods would be one solution, and of course you can already use ProcessWire's own features to render a partial: $page->renderValue(), $files->render(), TemplateFile::render(), etc. In the long term perhaps we could add some kind of a helper class to the framework for handling these situations – just not quite sure yet how to approach this. If you could give me an example or two of what sort of situations you tend to run into, I'd be grateful – would be good to know that I'm actually solving the right problem ? 2. Not Wireframe specifically, but I did build a few rather large sites with pw-mvc and RepeaterMatrix. In those cases I ended up using field templates (/site/templates/fields/) for the bulk of the RepeaterMatrix stuff. Worked quite nicely, really. I'll add a note to write a bit about this to the "Patterns and practices" page.1 point
@MoritzLost, I use the lastmodified timestamp of the css or js file as cachebusting value. This way the files gets reloaded when needed, but can be cached in dev and live sites.1 point
There's no special setting for the number of page links between the ellipses, but how many appear there is determined by the numPageLinks setting, which as I understand it should control how many extra page numbers appear in addition to the first and last page numbers. So you'd expect that a numPageLinks setting of 3 would achieve what you want, but it seems buggy: Why is the current page the last number and not the middle number? Why are there only two numbers here instead of three? Likewise here - why aren't there three numbers in addition to the first and last numbers? Why does the second page look like this... ...but the second to last page look like this... ? If you want to have a go at fixing it the relevant code is in PagerNav::getPager().1 point
@OLSA Hey man, I just found your amazing module while looking for an easy way to add a bunch of settings to a Profile Configuration page and I am trully impressed. I've seen some other great modules which I initially planned to use but to have a drag&drop functionality would make the development much easier for me (maybe I am too lazy). I am testing it now and will see how will it work. At least I can combine the file upload/image uplad default PW fields with the "custom field" of your module and avoid the need of adding image paths etc. Thank you for this masterpiece!1 point
Ah, the or groups selector post ? We really needed this a few years ago. Unfortunately Ryan did not manage to implement this. No hard feelings though since this is not an easy task. But I do believe it should be developed since this is a big USP over other rule builders. ProcessWire can really shine with these kind of data structures. I eventually created a Process module which created pages has a sort of multiplier field of InputfieldSelector. The client could scope the main selector and add groups by adding more selectors. - Main Selector template=foo (InputfieldSelector) |-- Selector 1 (OR) somevalue=bar (repeatable field with InputfieldSelector) |-- Selector 2 (OR) someothervalue=foobar (etc) This fields eventually resolved in: "template=foo, (somevalue=bar), (someothervalue=foobar)". I created another Process Module we rendered these selectors in a list and created urls (using the great ProcessPageListerUrls). This might feel like overkill, but the client wanted to query complex selectors.1 point
Hey @Wanze! These aren't really issues, more general feedback, so I thought I'd post them here. I've been evaluating this module as a solution for handling metadata, and as such have finally had some time to actually dig into it's numerous features – and while I see a lot of interesting stuff here, there are a few things that could perhaps use some polishing, in my opinion ? So one thing that confused me initially was the use of word "inherit". I managed to miss the point about default values being set template level in README (which obviously was a major reason for my confusion... but to my defence: when evaluating a new module I like to do it without reading too much first, since that's how most regular users – as in clients – are going to be using it anyway), so I imagined that the values would be inherited from parent pages. (Seemed a bit weird obviously, but whatever.) Now that I've double-checked the docs and understand that those values are inherited from the template, I'm actually wondering if you might consider calling this something else – perhaps "default"? It would also be good to explain somehow (in context) what "inherit" means, and where the value is inherited from? Note: I get that anyone installing the module and having access to template settings should probably realise what this is all about, but I for one don't give clients access to template settings (I see that as the developers' territory). Thus "inherit" doesn't make much sense to them – and since it's not explained in the admin (and they're unlikely to figure out that the site is using SeoMaestro and dig out the modules README or this thread), it can indeed be quite confusing. -- Another source of confusion for me was the Sitemap feature, mainly because it didn't seem to do anything. Now, looking into the source code, I see that you're using file_put_contents() – so apparently the module expects write access to the site root? It might be a good idea to add a check to see if this really is the case. At least I assume that this was the problem – didn't see any errors, but in my case Apache or PHP never have write access to directories with executable code, so if the module did try to write in those directories, it must've failed. (Personally I like the "hook 404 page and serve fake files" approach more when it comes to things like this – it doesn't require write access, and tends to work better overall in different environments.) -- Just some initial observations – hope you don't mind poking around. You're doing great job with this module! ?1 point
The line in question is: $isTranslatable = $info['translatable'] ?? false; The "Null coalescing" operator was introduced with PHP 7 - are you sure you're using PHP 7.2? ?1 point
Hi, I need to check the VAT number before the user make a registration. I start from here https://github.com/herdani/vat-validation, and this work well. But now I have to integrate this with the LoginRegister module, I'm not sure who do it, at moment I try to make the hook in this way: wire()->addHookAfter('LoginRegister::processRegisterForm', function ($event) { $form = $event->arguments[0]; $company = wire('input')->post->register_Iam; // check if you are a person or a company if ($company == '2') { // Get country code $options = wire('fieldtypes')->get('FieldtypeOptions')->getOptions(wire('fields')->get('shipping_countrycode')); foreach ($options as $value) { if(wire('input')->post->register_shipping_countrycode == $value->id) { $country_title = $value->title; $countryCode = substr($country_title, 0, 2); } } // Get VAT number $vatNumber = wire('input')->post->register_invoice_VAT; $check = new WireFileTools(); $check->include('vatValidation.class.php'); $vatValidation = new vatValidation( array('debug' => false)); $vatValidation->check($countryCode, $vatNumber); if ($vatValidation->isValid()) { return true; } else { $vatError = 'this VAT N° does not exist'; $vatNumber->error($vatError); } } }); I'm not sure but I think that everything works well until validation. How I can add the verification system? I feel like one of the problem is adding the vatValidation.class.php file in the hook. But I can't debug well this. I try to follow this post. Also I read the problem could be a namespace in the vatValidation.class file. But also, I'm not sure. vatValidation.class.php UPDATE I try also to use this $company = wire('input')->post->register_Iam; if ($company == '2'){ // Get country code $options = wire('fieldtypes')->get('FieldtypeOptions')->getOptions(wire('fields')->get('shipping_countrycode')); foreach ($options as $value) { if(wire('input')->post->register_shipping_countrycode == $value->id) { $country_title = $value->title; $countryCode = substr($country_title, 0, 2); } } // Get VAT number $vatNumber = wire('input')->post->register_invoice_VAT; function viesCheckVAT($countryCode, $vatNumber, $timeout = 30) { $response = array (); $pattern = '/<(%s).*?>([\s\S]*)<\/\1/'; $keys = array ( 'countryCode', 'vatNumber', 'requestDate', 'valid', 'name', 'address' ); $content = "<s11:Envelope xmlns:s11='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'> <s11:Body> <tns1:checkVat xmlns:tns1='urn:ec.europa.eu:taxud:vies:services:checkVat:types'> <tns1:countryCode>%s</tns1:countryCode> <tns1:vatNumber>%s</tns1:vatNumber> </tns1:checkVat> </s11:Body> </s11:Envelope>"; $opts = array ( 'http' => array ( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8; SOAPAction: checkVatService", 'content' => sprintf ( $content, $countryCode, $vatNumber ), 'timeout' => $timeout ) ); $ctx = stream_context_create ( $opts ); $result = file_get_contents ( 'http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/services/checkVatService', false, $ctx ); if (preg_match ( sprintf ( $pattern, 'checkVatResponse' ), $result, $matches )) { foreach ( $keys as $key ) preg_match ( sprintf ( $pattern, $key ), $matches [2], $value ) && $response [$key] = $value [2]; } return $response; } $arr = viesCheckVAT($countryCode, $vatNumber); if ($arr[valid] == fasle) { ... } } This probably are better, but I'm not able to integrate with the validation of the module. ONE SOLUTION In the end I failed to make the hook as I wanted. So I thought I'd check the VAT before the module registered the user. Ok maybe it's not the best solution but it works. So, with the help of one person, we started from the PHP function I posted above, changing it this way: We sent a request via Ajax, this is activated when data is entered the input, this call via curl and returns a value that, following the logic in this case with a nice callback, enables or disables the send button ? <?php if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' && !empty( $_POST['task'] ) && $_POST['task']=='check' ){ ob_clean(); $result=null; function curl( $url=NULL, $options=NULL, $headers=false ){ /* Initialise curl request object */ $curl=curl_init(); /* Define standard options */ curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL,trim( $url ) ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, false ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36' ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10 ); curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '' ); /* Assign runtime parameters as options */ if( isset( $options ) && is_array( $options ) ){ foreach( $options as $param => $value ) curl_setopt( $curl, $param, $value ); } if( $headers && is_array( $headers ) ){ curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers ); } /* Execute the request and store responses */ $res=(object)array( 'response' => curl_exec( $curl ), 'info' => (object)curl_getinfo( $curl ), 'errors' => curl_error( $curl ) ); curl_close( $curl ); return $res; } function checkvat( $code, $vatnumber, $timeout=30 ){ $url='http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/services/checkVatService'; $content = "<s11:Envelope xmlns:s11='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'> <s11:Body> <tns1:checkVat xmlns:tns1='urn:ec.europa.eu:taxud:vies:services:checkVat:types'> <tns1:countryCode>%s</tns1:countryCode> <tns1:vatNumber>%s</tns1:vatNumber> </tns1:checkVat> </s11:Body> </s11:Envelope>"; $headers=array( 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'SOAPAction' => 'checkVatService' ); $options=array( CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => sprintf ( $content, $code, $vatnumber ) ); return curl( $url, $options, $headers ); } $code=$_POST['code']; $vatnumber=$_POST['vat']; /* check the VAT number etc */ $obj=checkvat( $code, $vatnumber ); /* if we received a valid response, process it */ if( $obj->info->http_code==200 ){ $dom=new DOMDocument; $dom->loadXML( $obj->response ); $reqdate=$dom->getElementsByTagName('requestDate')->item(0)->nodeValue; $valid=$dom->getElementsByTagName('valid')->item(0)->nodeValue; $address=$dom->getElementsByTagName('address')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($valid == "true") { $result = "<p style='background-color: #fff;width: 30%;color:green;position: absolute;'>Valid Number</p>"; } else { $result = "<p style='background-color: #fff;width: 30%;color:red;position: absolute;'>Not Valid Number</p>"; } } exit( $result ); } ?> <script> const ajax=function( url, params, callback ){ let xhr=new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload=function(){ if( this.status==200 && this.readyState==4 )callback( this.response ) }; xhr.open( 'POST', url, true ); xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); xhr.send( buildparams( params ) ); }; const buildparams=function(p){/* construct payload/querystring from object */ if( p && typeof( p )==='object' ){ p=Object.keys( p ).map(function( k ){ return typeof( p[ k ] )=='object' ? buildparams( p[ k ] ) : [ encodeURIComponent( k ), encodeURIComponent( p[ k ] ) ].join('=') }).join('&'); } return p; }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ()=>{ let form = document.getElementById('LoginRegisterForm'); form.register_invoice_IVA_VAT.addEventListener('keyup', e=>{ let url=location.href; let params={ 'task':'check', 'vat': form.register_invoice_IVA_VAT.value, 'code':'IT' /*need to hook the select filed because now return the ID number*/ }; let callback=function(r){ let vatF = document.getElementById('register_invoice_IVA_VAT'); var thisreturn = r.includes("Not"); var divNew = document.createElement("div"); divNew.innerHTML = r; if (thisreturn == false) { vatF.classList.add('success'); vatF.classList.remove('error'); document.getElementById("register_submit").disabled = false; document.getElementById('wrap_register_invoice_IVA_VAT').appendChild(divNew); } else { vatF.classList.add('error'); vatF.classList.remove('success'); document.getElementById("register_submit").disabled = true; document.getElementById('wrap_register_invoice_IVA_VAT').appendChild(divNew); } } ajax.call( this, url, params, callback ); }) }); </script> So, I didn't make the hard coding part to be complete honest I ask in stackoverflow here, but anyway I want also add this post here if anyone in this form needed it, it can be a starting point. (Maybe could be a interesting features for the new Padloper or some ecosystm module @kongondo)1 point
Hi @Lance O., yes. This is how I did it; I used the LoginRegister module of Ryan on a Page with a "PageUserProfile" template: // Code on the template PageUserProfile $input->get->profile = 1; $loginRegister = $modules->get('LoginRegister'); $user->of(false); echo $loginRegister->execute(); Then I use my own module and inside the init() function, I add two hooks: <?php /** * © ICF Church – <web@icf.ch> */ namespace ProcessWire; class TemplateUser extends WireData implements Module { protected $template = 'user'; public function init() { // handle profile images $this->addHookBefore('Page(template=PageUserProfile)::render', $this, 'profileImageUpload', ['priority' => 6]); $this->addHookAfter('Page(template=PageUserProfile)::render', $this, 'profileImageRemove', ['priority' => 99]); } /** * getModuleInfo is a module required by all modules to tell ProcessWire about them. * * @return array */ public static function getModuleInfo() { return [ 'title' => 'Template User Controller', 'version' => '0.0.1', 'summary' => 'Helps with profile image', 'href' => '', 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => true, 'author' => 'Noël Bossart', 'icon' => 'unlock', ]; } /** * Hock to add profile image to user object. * * @param HookEvent $event */ public function profileImageUpload(HookEvent $event) { $user = wire('user'); $input = wire('input'); if ($input->post->profile_submit) { $upload_path = $user->filesManager->getTempPath(); // name of the inputfield from the LoginRegister Module: $f = new WireUpload('profile_image'); $f->setMaxFiles(1); //$f->setMaxFileSize(1 * 1024 * 1024); $f->setOverwrite(true); $f->setOverwriteFilename('userimage'); $f->setDestinationPath($upload_path); $f->setValidExtensions(['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif']); // remove image… if (strpos(implode(array_keys($_POST)), 'delete_profile_image_') !== false) { $user->of(false); $user->image->removeAll(); $user->save(); } $files = $f->execute(); if ($f->getErrors()) { foreach ($files as $filename) { @unlink($upload_path.$filename); } foreach ($f->getErrors() as $e) { echo $e; } } elseif (is_array($files) && count($files)) { $user->of(false); $user->image->removeAll(); // wirearray (line added by @horst: explanation is three posts beneath) foreach ($files as $file) { $user->image->add($upload_path.$file); } $user->save(); foreach ($files as $file) { @unlink($upload_path.$file); } } } } /** * Hock to remove profile image from user * * @param HookEvent $event */ public function profileImageRemove(HookEvent $event) { // remove image… if (strpos(implode(array_keys($_POST)), 'delete_profile_image_') !== false) { $this->user->of(false); $this->user->image->removeAll(); } } }1 point
I did find this topic: @Robin S provided a hook for site/ready.php $wire->addHookBefore('InputfieldFile::render', function(HookEvent $event) { $inputfield = $event->object; $inputfield->noShortName = true; });1 point
Hello @mjut, I have no experience with adding CSS for admin templates, but you could try out the module Admin Custom Files. ? If you don't want to use an extra module for that, maybe someone else will jump in. Regards, Andreas1 point
I've always found that the easiest way to store site settings is with a dedicated template/page. I'm a bit confused by your code because it looks like the module doesn't have any config fields, but generally speaking you can get your module config data after it is saved by hooking after Modules::saveConfig (or Modules::saveModuleConfigData if you need to support older versions of PW). You hook will run after the config is saved for any module, but you can use the first argument to compare against your module classname and return early if it doesn't match.1 point
I solved finally. check_access=0 must be in '[ ]' brackets. $kisiler= $pages->find("template=kisi,sort=title,repeater_ozlusoz=[ozlusoz_konusu=$page->id,check_access=0]");1 point