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This week we look at ProcessWire’s strategy of continuous improvement and refactoring on top of our solid foundation, and in ProcessWire 3.0.111 that brought refactoring to a few core classes and some other useful additions… https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.111/15 points
$home = $pages->get('/'); foreach($home->children as $child) { $content .= "<a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a><br>"; if($child->id !== 1035) { if($child->hasChildren) { foreach($child->children as $child2) { $content .= "- <a href='{$child2->url}'>{$child2->title}</a><br>"; } } } } page id 1035 would be archive parent2 points
Update: Menu Builder 0.2.4 Changelog Fixed a bug where default_class was not getting applied to menu items in getMenuItems() context. Fixed bugs where last_class was not getting applied correctly/at all to some menu items. In modules directory.2 points
MarkInPageTree New module which does what it says in the title. It adds an icon to a page on the page tree if -> a specific field is true and / or is a specified template. For example I'm using it to add an icon to any page that has a checked (checkbox) exclusive field. This helps with admin clarity as you can see instantly which pages of the same template have differing content (i.e. are exclusive or not). https://github.com/benbyford/MarkInPageTree1 point
Maybe you are just missing an echo? <div><?php echo $page->rockgrid; ?></div>1 point
I tried it out now like this: <div id="rockgriddemo"> <?php $grid = $page->rockgriddemo; ob_start(); echo $grid; ob_end_flush(); ?> </div> And everything still works normally. But I haven't used output buffering in a long long time. Not even sure I am using it correctly...1 point
hi @yrglx just copy&paste the code from the quickstart to your _main.php file (if you are using the default profile) or your template file (like home.php): <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/openlayers/openlayers.github.io/master/en/v5.1.3/css/ol.css" type="text/css"> <style> .map { height: 400px; width: 100%; } </style> <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/openlayers/openlayers.github.io/master/en/v5.1.3/build/ol.js"></script> <title>OpenLayers example</title> </head> <body> <h2>My Map</h2> <div id="map" class="map"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var map = new ol.Map({ target: 'map', layers: [ new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.OSM() }) ], view: new ol.View({ center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([37.41, 8.82]), zoom: 4 }) }); </script> </body> </html> You'll see that this will work. Then you can continue replacing part after part and see where it starts to break.1 point
PW just got an update that is closely related to this module: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.111/1 point
What PW version? There have been some updates to PageFrontEdit a few months ago. It also looks like jQuery is not loaded before other scripts. PageFrontEdit doesn't play well with Jquery 3 used on the frontend. See https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/609 and https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/5741 point
Why did you install it in /opt? I put it on a separate partition so when/if i reinstall i don't have to back up and restore them.1 point
Just had a small world experience. I have been emailing with Ueli at https://www.whatwedo.ch/ who are the folks who operate the https://ip.nf/ IP to country API service. He just mentioned that they are partners with https://novu.ch/ (built with PW) and that they use ProcessWire a lot. So anyway, he is keen to support this module and to make sure their service will be able to keep up with any requests made by it to their service ?1 point
Actually it would be pretty easy, just add .tracy-collapsed { display: block; }. You can even do it without Js by adding a hidden checkbox somewhere above all containers and use something like this: input:checked ~ [selector for an element in the same level] .tracy-collapsed { display: block; } Plus you can wrap the input in a label and format that it as an icon. Update: wrapping the input in a label won't work (the CSS sibling combinator "~" cannot target the desired element), but adding a "for" and an "id" to the label and the input is OK. However, in this case the CSS solution is not applicable because once all nodes are expanded you can't manually collapse individual nodes.1 point
Hi @adrian, What do you think about adding a "Expand/Collapse All" button for dumps? This button would expand/collapse all nested elements within a dump would be useful in situations where you are dumping a massive nested object and you want to use the browser's find tool to look for a specific string of text.1 point
Hi @bernhard. I try to get the path to the result pages but also want a fast query, so I am using $found_in_product_title = new \ProcessWire\RockFinder("title|subheadline%=$qs, limit=25, has_parent!=2", ['title', 'name', 'path' => function ($page) {return $page->path;}]); $found_in_product_title = $found_in_product_title->getArrays(); but the path is empty. If I use $found_in_product_title = $found_in_product_title->getObjects(); instead, the path is returned. How can I get an array returned which includes the path to the page? Thanks in advance.1 point
Oh and I also made the dump in the additional tabs open (not collapsed) by default. My thinking on this is that if you dump lots of items, you don't want the default tab to be open by default because it could make for too much scrolling, but for the additional tabs, if you click on them then it's obvious you want to see the content so you shouldn't need to click again to expand the dump. Let me know if you guys don't like this behavior and if you have a preferred approach. See how below I can quickly scroll through to the dump I am looking for (because the default Debug Info tab content is collapsed), but when I switch to the Iterator or Full Object tabs, these are not collapsed.1 point
It's not completely redundant - it still determines how dumps in the RequestInfo panel's Field List & Values sections are output. It also defines the default dump for the dump/barDump output for cases where the separate tabs may not kick in - not sure if there actually are any situations where this will happen. It now also controls the output of field values in the Iterator tab. Also with the new option (described below) to choose what tabs you want, if you choose none, then this setting will be relevant to how the one version of the dump is handled. Good idea - done: Thanks for reporting this undefined variable error - it's fixed now and hopefully there shouldn't be any other cases like this, but please let me know if you come across anything else.1 point
THANKS! The module references the font awesome icons that are used internally by PW. So simply add the name of the icon you want. e.g. https://fontawesome.com/icons1 point