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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2016 in all areas

  1. Thanks! When the number of the settings go high it's better to apply some UI tweaks to make it more readable. Most of them are CSS only, others have a bit of Js but they would be usable without Js too. I'll remove the greyed out check boxes, lets see how it goes.
    3 points
  2. Ok, I think I got it, with a little help of JavaScript. Now I just need to allocate some time to add this to all submodules and beat this through the whole module
    3 points
  3. Cheers Adrian I'll try that. Oddly enough, an update to last Fridays 3.0.33 got the module working again on this problem server.
    2 points
  4. I gotta say, I am super-impressed with the effort you have put into the settings for this module - so user friendly and beautiful! I have actually been thinking about adding user-roles for some panel permissions in Tracy and having a nice, compact, and functional settings interface like this would be exactly what is needed. After that glowing compliment can I say one negative thing I do wonder about the greyed-out checkboxes - they look to me like they can't be checked (disabled), rather than just not checked. It even affects the module uninstall checkbox which actually uses this visual cue to let you know that it can't be uninstalled.
    2 points
  5. Hi @Karl_T and @mel47 - I am very sorry for the lack of response here. I have been low on time lately and spending most of it on TracyDebugger. @mel47 - I'll look into the html tags being lost on import - any chance you could PM me the file you are trying to import? @Karl_T - I know what the issues will be - just need to set myself up with a PHP7 testing environment and track them all down. I'll see what I can do about getting both of these taken care of this week. Thanks for your patience.
    1 point
  6. Great idea. It would also be good for the OP to open a github issue for this problem for that particular module. Then the fix will be permanent and useful for all.
    1 point
  7. Hey @Peter Knight - I haven't used this module, and I know you said it is working on identical servers, but I would still start by updating the module (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/LoginNotifier/blob/master/LoginNotifier.module#L102) to use wireMail (https://processwire.com/api/ref/mail/send/) so you can make use of SMTP, rather than php's mail() which can problematic for a variety of reasons.
    1 point
  8. State toggling is done in v2 - already shared in this issue.
    1 point
  9. A few more updates to the Module Disabler. The "restoremodules.php" script now works without bootstrapping PW, so it will work even if a disabled module has resulted in a fatal error. Also added restore instructions to the panel.
    1 point
  10. Hi @Mats Thank you for attention to this thread. Is it your project? I found some bugs.
    1 point
  11. [...] <td class="item"><a href=""><img class="article-image<?php echo ($article->article_reserved == 1) ? ' reserved' : ''; // 1 = checked, 0 = unchecked ?>" src="<?php echo $article->article_image->url; ?>"></a></td> [...]
    1 point
  12. @Zeka www.doic.se uses Padloper for logged in customers.
    1 point
  13. Feature request: Would it be possible to define an aspect ration (16:9, 4:3, …) instead of using px values? I have a case where I want to output different resolutions for retina/desktop/mobile/… and want to avoid a loss of resolution due to cropping (putting high px doesn't make sense either because not always the client has high resolution images at hand…)
    1 point
  14. What say the doc : also $this is not callable in this context as you're not in an object. In order to get the hook working, you should write the hook in _init.php : function example1(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; wire('session')->message("Hello World 2 ! You saved {$page->path}"); } $pages->addHookAfter('Pages::save', null, 'example1'); And in admin.php, add : include("./_init.php"); Now go to in backend, and save a page, the message 'Hello World 2 ! You saved /your/page/' should appear.
    1 point
  15. Thanks for the input, guys. So here's what I ended up doing in case anyone stumbles across this in the future: I found a post by Ryan via search which explains how to set up 301 redirects via .htaccess in PW (I ran into the error which is mentioned there as well). You can shorten Ryan's rule there by using “[R=301,L]”, but other than that, that's how it works. I now have about 50 “plain” rewrite rules (redirecting foo.html to /bar/) and about 10 using a regexp. I don't notice a performance hit (I have no way of measuring properly, though; it's shared hosting), also 2 people working at hosting companies have assured me that RewriteRule should not affect performance (on a properly configured Apache).
    1 point
  16. thanks for the quick reply. your confirmation led me to a discovery... it turns out that if you create a PageTable field and assign only one (1) template you get a 'add new' button (as shown in the attached pic above). it does NOT use the label from that template. but when you assign two (2) or more templates the system will use the template labels to lable the buttons. i feel it should use the template label for the button even if one template is assigned. i posted this on the wish list here.
    1 point
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