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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi guys. We just launched our most recent work https://www.the-weekender.com/ This is a really nice and carefully crafted magazine! Worth buying, especially for German speakers -- The site is responsive as always, and prepared for two languages, although only German is available at the launching. And most importantly, this is our first Padloper powered web shop. Thanks Antii! Besides Padloper, we used Soma's color picker for the coloured backgrounds and the Multiplier Profield for all the listings. If you notice anything wrong in any browser, please tell. Suggestions are welcomed, as usual
    13 points
  2. what I love these days is photoswipe 4! But it's not a single image viewer, it's a slideshow player. But the best I know of. It comes standalone (for performance!), has inbuilt support for mobiles, including sending smaller images to those devices, full support for mouse, keyboard and touchscreens, etc. As I said, I love it. I use it on my site.
    4 points
  3. This site has been up for almost two years, but better late than never: http://www.vrtxmag.com/ This is the companion website for a music magazine in Portland, Oregon. On the front end: Flexslider On the back end: ProCache ProcessCropImage SchedulePages Most importantly, a customized version of @Soma's Images Manager (https://github.com/somatonic/ImagesManager), expanded to allow categorizing images by Artist, Venue, Date, Photographer, etc. This was crucial for organizing an image library and preventing redundant uploads. Thanks, Soma! Original design by Natalie McGuire. I still can't believe how easy it is to do so many things in ProcessWire. Thanks to all involved!
    2 points
  4. Great module. Feature suggestion: Would be great if the option to load the dialog could be done via a button on the CKEditor toolbar rather than having to right click to present the context menu. I feel it's too hidden that way.
    2 points
  5. This tiny module is intended as a helper for Ryan's Hanna Code module by providing a way to select existing Hanna Code tags within the editor. This is something I felt our clients needed in order to start properly using Hanna Code tags. See attached screenshot for details -- there's really not that much to it at the moment. Each editor requires it's own plugin and currently I've only cooked one up for CKEditor, where the plugin presents itself as a context menu item (visible on right click). I'm planning to expand the feature set of that one slightly and then probably convert the CKEditor plugin to TinyMCE, but that's just about it. Ideas are welcome, though. Some of the code is pretty much duplicated from Ryan's original module. I hope he doesn't mind -- though for the record I've also tried to make it very clear in the source what part that is and where it's from.. GitHub: https://github.com/teppokoivula/HannaCodeHelper Modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/hanna-code-helper/
    1 point
  6. AvbImage - Image Manipulator Module for ProcessWire This module using Intervention Image PHP image handling and manipulation library. Update Status Module and InterventionImage Library update - 10-12-2015 More performance imporements - 18-11-2015 Module Update and Performance Improvements - 17-11-2015 First Commit - 28-10-2015 RequirementsProcessWire >= 2.5.11 PHP >=5.4 Fileinfo Extension Supported Image LibrariesGD Library (>=2.0) Imagick PHP extension (>=6.5.7) For usage and methods please look githup repo : README.md > For issues and fix and corrections please use Githup Repo
    1 point
  7. I had already bookmarked PhotoSwipe. I've just done the same with OpenSeadragon. The "Tools" section at the bottom of https://openseadragon.github.io/examples/in-the-wild/ could also interest some of you.
    1 point
  8. I was just overriding values in the dev tools (inspector). Unfortunately I have no PW install where there are nested lightboxes but just repeat the second half of the gif 2-3 times and you got the idea how it would look The easiest way I guess is to add a custom stylesheet with the overriden values using this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-custom-files/
    1 point
  9. Playing with the dev tools it's easy to force the fullscreen modal by tweaking some css: But would you know on which page you are if 3-4 lightbox layers are on top of each other?
    1 point
  10. Now that's a nice one I almost did write a analysis about the magazine for one of my courses as university.
    1 point
  11. You may need to try one of the different setup combinations that one.com has on their website: http://www.one.com/en/support/guides-faq#emailapps You may need to use Port 587 instead of 465.
    1 point
  12. No need to say that you would certainly have contributions that would improve it, that would "help making it scale a bit better" ...
    1 point
  13. I'm not sure if that is a really good solution... someone could also add panoramic images with weird dimensions like 100x10.000 why don't you just set the minimum to 400x400 ? then it would fit 600x400 and also 400x600. maybe an additional option for the area could make sense, like minimum 400x400 and area of 240.000, so 500x500 would work but 400x500 would NOT. but don't you think that could get a little complicated for the clients? what error message would you display? "please upload a picture with at least 400x400 pixels and an area of at least 240.000 square pixels"?
    1 point
  14. Both (with your module and with my module) used default quality option "90" and GD library used. Didn't test "Imagick" Library yet but it must work, if extension is installed. I checked difference between "Imagick" and "GD" there not much difference about file sizes. Comments about "Imagick" quality is much better for compression than "GD".
    1 point
  15. While your idea is great I'd suggest another systematic. It would be better to restrict images by it's area and not by edge sizes, e.g. 400x600, as well as 600x400, results in an area of 240k px and it would also allow for images sized 490x490 meaning it's not dependent on any format.
    1 point
  16. Just updated the code above to fix a tree doubling bug when "open" is set and the page matches the branch parent. Also removed a PHP warning.
    1 point
  17. I wrote my own module. Because, I have a project need to finish it quickly. On my side file sizes are important. With your module. if you apply watermark file sizes going up (this is normal but x2 size up, not normal) On the screenshots you can see the results. If you want have a look to my module here is a link : https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11318-avbimage/ And on attachment you can see my module result :
    1 point
  18. If you want to translate those fields try to put this: /wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageList/ProcessPageListRender.php in the </> Enter file to translate
    1 point
  19. I suppose if anybody's interested, I could release it on github. As it is, it's set up for my very specific needs, but I could abstract it a bit more. I'd also love some help making it scale a bit better; we have almost 10,000 images, and 5 fields for filtering them, so it's slowing down a bit.
    1 point
  20. Hey Guys, sorry for not responding or being active in any PW related topic for some time now. First of all, yes I closed the shop and shut down my servers. I had some major trouble in the past related to my personal situation which made it impossible to work on my projects or to maintain them. Active development of the office suite would not continue, sorry for that. During the last 12 months I changed my work live completly, I am now hired as Product Manager in a company and dont do freelancing stuff anymore. I would overthink your wish to make the suite OS and share my decision on this the next few days with u if there is still interest in it, just let me know. Luis
    1 point
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