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  1. Past hour
  2. I really like the idea with a tweaks pluggable collection. But I would prefer its usage was separated from the RockMigration module, so one could use tweaks without the more developer-centric migration tool. I thought that @bernhardstarted a dedicated module for that, but not sure if it is still alive.
  3. Today
  4. Hi, I know frontend development and have previously created static sites, which are hosted for free on Cloudflare Pages. I've been learning PHP because I want to do a little more than just static sites, but I do not have experience in the backend - e.g. hosting and databases. I'm trying to work out my next steps now that I know some php - what is the time needed to learn to use Processwire to a decent standard (i.e. more than just templating out a blog)? What would be the advantage be in learning Processwire over something like Laravel? Many thanks for any help or advice you're able to give.
  5. Thanks, That actually works, but I think it might be for the wrong reason. There can't actually be any slowdowns because of permissions, I suppose? It has to be something else. Not sure what exactly yet, but I'll see if i can find out.
  6. @ColtNikolaus No need to ask for permission, doing so adds noise to the forum, creates work for other people, and delays possible answers. What is your actual question?
  7. Hello @Neue Rituale, I’m exploring your module possibilities. It seems very useful. I can’t figure out something though. I’m sure it’s very simple. Let say I have a ptn field in my homepage. I defined a template (named "section") to be used with this ptn field as an element. In the php template file of this section, how can I display the section title ? If I write $page->title, I get "Home" (so the title of the page where the ptn field lives), instead of the section title itself. Said in another way, the $page variable is not scoped to the element template. It’s always scoped to the page template. So how can I catch the field value of the element templates? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks PS: for custom CSS, it seems that, because of the shadow DOM, the CSS custom properties like --bg-color scooped in the root of the page are not defined when used in the shadow DOM.
  8. Yesterday
  9. All we need now is a community library of tweaks and macros. Perhaps it could be called "The Rock Pool" :)
  10. @Jonathan Lahijani I'm not surprised, but still shocked. I have heard of people not adopting Gutenberg but couldn't tell if it was just a preference to not adopt. This is some critical stuff. The amount of CSS that WP stores in the database has always been problematic. I was asked to make some adjustments on a site, so logically I went to the theme CSS, nope. Then went to the page builder plugin because you can bump around a lot of values for CSS properties in different units- struck out again. Then went to the in-admin theme editor where I found a bunch of styles in a text box, most of them had '!important' to overcome the styles in the other two places. The fact that this got even worse, is feature incomplete, breaking, and seemingly underengineered is just wow. Everyone get in the time machine... <!--include /text/header.html--> <!--getenv HTTP_USER_AGENT--> <!--ifsubstr $exec_result Mozilla--> Hey, you are using Netscape!<p> <!--endif--> <!--sql database select * from table where user='$username'--> <!--ifless $numentries 1--> Sorry, that record does not exist<p> <!--endif exit--> Welcome <!--$user-->!<p> You have <!--$index:0--> credits left in your account.<p> <!--include /text/footer.html--> That's PHP 1.0 WordPress has adopted the syntax of PHP 1.0 I, for one, am truly inspired.
  11. Yes, that's right. I use maybe 5 or so features from AoS and figured porting those over would be a good way to learn both how AoS does it, and how your tweaks work. I'll add as PRs, with attribution to tpr, as I go. Updated to add: First four tweaks from AoS done and in as a pull request. Show extra actions by default. Show template name as a link to the template edit page. "Bypass trash" adds the Delete button to the page action list and also allows permanent deletion from the delete tab when editing pages. Prev/Next page edit links.
  12. Hi @bernhard I just tried adding the following tweak to the tweaks/ directory, and am getting an error from RockMigrations when the admin reloads. If I remove my attempted tweak, everything works again. I think this is in RM, rather than the tweak file. Thanks for the module, BTW. PageListShowExtras.php
  13. @FireWire Pssh. All these issues you speak of are the "old" WordPress from the late 2000s and early 2010s. You are not using the fantastically re-envisioned NEW WordPress which totally solves all these problems by bringing in React to build Gutenberg out of the carcass of classic WP. It is NOT a s***-show. Here, just read this new glowing review: https://dbushell.com/2024/05/07/modern-wordpress-themes-yikes/ HN Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40296534
  14. Totally untested but how does this perform in your setup? $image->size(400,0)->url
  15. Hey there, I've got a site with a weird performance issue. Requesting ~20 pages and displaying them with $image->width(400)->url can take up to 2-3 seconds. The resized images are already generated. If I replace that line with $image->url the request is almost instantaneous, as it should be. So it seems like the width() function is struggling for whatever reason. Could it be something with permissions on the files under /assets/files that is causing this? An example of the file with ls -lah looks like this: -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 510K May 8 10:32 20_10_xxx_web.800x0.png The original (is fast) looks like this -rwxrwx--- 1 joe www-data 1.3M Mar 16 16:36 20_10_xxx_web.png* I should probably restrict the permission a bit, but first I'm looking to understand this slow down.
  16. I'm using git revert + rockshell db:restore for that πŸ™‚ But on large dbs a snapshot might be faster, so I keep that in mind, thx!
  17. What @dotneticsaid. And when trying out things. Snapshot - add fields/templates/dummy pages etc. Like it -> keep it. Don't like it -> rollback to last snapshot.
  18. Last week
  19. Why don't you look into the code of those modules or ask the module authors how they did it?
  20. The endpoints don't have a $page, because they are not a page πŸ™‚ It's just an url hook behind the scenes. You can add the page url in a hidden field of the form.
  21. That was likely a conscious decision with their htaccess rules to prevent numerically traversing an entire forum (and instead requires parsing HTML to identify internal hyperlinks, so more processing power on the part of bad bots). Good find though! I much prefer shorter links. πŸ™‚
  22. @bernhard I have a question about the AJAX/HTMX Endpoints feature: Is it possible to get access to the $page API variable inside my endpoint file to "see" from which page the request was sent? When submitting a form I want to include the title of the page form where the form was submitted into the E-Mail subject line. The only way I see right now is to add the page ID as a parameter to the endpoint URL.
  23. * Oh, yeah... I'm using these for things like moving a photo from the left side of a block to a right side, adding padding of various amounts, etc.
  24. Might also be worth mentioning, it looks like you are trying to set the crop point of an image. Do you know about focus points on images with newer versions of ProcessWire? There would be no need for a dropdown then.
  25. Okay, never underestimate the power of anxiety... this seems to work: {$page->fieldName->value}
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