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How to configure CKEditor(textarea field) to enable Color toolbar?


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I download 'Color Button' plugin and its dependencies 'Floating Panel', 'Panel Button', ''Panel, 'Button' plugins.

unzip and upload them to the /site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/plugins directory.

go to Setup -> Fields -> myfield -> Input, scroll down to the 'Plugins' section and check the box for these 5 plugins. Save.

but the Color Buttons are not automatically added to the toolbar.

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Did you add "TextColor, BGColor" to the CKEditor Toolbar? My first line looks like this:

Format, -, Bold, Italic, Underline, -, TextColor, BGColor, -, RemoveFormat

You can further customize what colors will be allowed, under Custom Config Options:

colorButton_enableMore: false 
colorButton_colors: F00,FFC609,FFF 
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Did you add "TextColor, BGColor" to the CKEditor Toolbar? My first line looks like this:

Format, -, Bold, Italic, Underline, -, TextColor, BGColor, -, RemoveFormat

You can further customize what colors will be allowed, under Custom Config Options:

colorButton_enableMore: false 
colorButton_colors: F00,FFC609,FFF

Thank you, matjazp.It works!

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